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easy this system is to manipulate. And the only way a problem could arise is if all nine people went to withdraw theirmoney from the bank at the same time. But the bankers have even made laws to prevent this scenario from occurring.I’m sorry to say, but this is how our banking system operates. Peter Kershaw even goes on to say that 97% <strong>of</strong> all banktransactions are nothing more than simple ledger entries where no money trades hands. Think about it. When you payyour mortgage (principle + interest), do you lay down $700 cash, or do you write a check? The same applies to yourmonthly car payment, credit cards, or the loan at Sears for your washer/dryer. All that is happening is that numbers arebeing juggled from one column to another, yet international bankers have become the richest men on earth bycapitalizing on this practice. Only 3% <strong>of</strong> our financial transactions consist <strong>of</strong> using actual coin and paper! What, you maywonder, is the result <strong>of</strong> this practice? Well, as our debts rise, so do our interest payments. To cover these increaseexpenses, taxes are raised. In the business World, higher interest payments equal higher business expenses, and thushigher prices. I realize that this analysis has been extremely simplified, but if you take a look back at the last ninetyyears, have prices, our national debt, taxes, and interest payments gone up or down? The ultimate result is that theeveryday person suffers because taxes and inflation continually keep eating into their REAL net worth, not allowing themto get further ahead. This is precisely why it is so hard for people to ascend from one particular social or financial class.It’s because the system is designed to keep them where they are! It prevents movement from one class to another. Thisframework for social enslavement will continue unabated until we abolish the Federal Reserve and default on our nationaldebt. Or, as author Peter Kershaw tells us, “What we operate on today is not the ‘intellect’ <strong>of</strong> confidence based upontangible wealth and substance, but the ‘religion’ <strong>of</strong> ‘conviction’ based upon blind faith. Without religious conviction, thesystem collapses! And what is that religion? – a pagan occultic money system.”Larry Burkett, author <strong>of</strong> “The Coming Economic Earthquake” takes it one step further by saying, “The actual deficits arealmost twice as large as those admitted by the government. So why hasn’t our economy collapsed? Because the Americanpeople still have confidence in the System.”Luckily, a few courageous Americans over the years have tried to alter the status quo. One <strong>of</strong> them was CongressmanLouis T. McFadden, who became Chairman <strong>of</strong> the House Banking & Currency Committee. On June 10, 1932 in a speechbefore the House, he described centralized banks as such. “They are not government institutions. They are private creditmonopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders that prey upon the people <strong>of</strong> the United States for thebenefit <strong>of</strong> themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve banks are the agents <strong>of</strong> the foreign central banks.The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government <strong>of</strong> the United States.” (75 Congressional Record12595-12603). Six months earlier, on January 13, 1932, Congressman McFadden actually charged the Federal Reservewith treason and tried to have them put out <strong>of</strong> business. Regrettably, our Congressmen then weren’t any braver than theyare today, and only five supported him. The House G.O.P. majority leader even mused, “Louis T. McFadden is nowpolitically dead.” Sure enough, in his next reelection bid, his opponent received mountains <strong>of</strong> donation money, while thepress slandered McFadden unmercifully and accused him <strong>of</strong> being “crazy.” (It’s comforting to know that their tacticshaven’t changed over the years.) McFadden naturally lost the election, and was the victim <strong>of</strong> three subsequentassassination attempts within the next few years. His detractors were ultimately successful when McFadden reached hisdemise in 1936 after being poisoned to death. (James Traficant, an outspoken critic <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve and IRS,better watch what he eats in prison!)Three decades later, on June 4, 1963, John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 where he requested the Treasury tostart printing “United States Notes.” This money was the same as that controlled by the Federal Reserve except that itwas created DEBT FREE! Five months later JFK was assassinated. Hmmm, do you think we’ve uncovered the key to globaldomination? Our Founding Fathers led a revolution to keep us from being controlled by the Bank <strong>of</strong> England, while one <strong>of</strong>the historically-hidden motives for our Civil War was Abraham Lincoln’s adamant refusal to let the Rothschild bankingfamily take control <strong>of</strong> our monetary system. ‘Ol Honest Abe wound-up with a bullet in his head. What do you think –another ‘coincidence’? So, there it is – centralized banking – one <strong>of</strong> the primary tenets <strong>of</strong> Karl Marx’s “CommunistManifest” also know as “Monopoly-capitalism”. To me, the realities <strong>of</strong> this situation are clear. We cannot move forwarduntil we eliminate the Controller’s iron grip on our financial purse strings. This may be a bitter pill for many people toswallow, but as Samuel Adams said, “It is natural for man to deal in the illusions <strong>of</strong> hope; but as for me, I want to knowthe worst; the truth, and prepare for it.” Folks, the Federal Reserve is the most corrupt, debilitating, anti-Americaninstitution in this country, and that’s the truth. The only question that remains is: are we willing to face it, and then dosomething about it? "A great industrial nation is controlled by its system <strong>of</strong> credit. Our system <strong>of</strong> credit is concentrated inthe hands <strong>of</strong> a few men. We have come to be one <strong>of</strong> the worst ruled, one <strong>of</strong> the most completely controlled anddominated governments in the World--no longer a government <strong>of</strong> free opinion, no longer a government by conviction andvote <strong>of</strong> the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress <strong>of</strong> small groups <strong>of</strong> dominant men." --PresidentWoodrow Wilson"...the increase in the assets <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve banks from 143 million dollars in 1913 to 45 BILLION dollars in 1949went directly to the private stockholders <strong>of</strong> the [federal reserve] banks." -- Eustace MullinsAsk yourselves now, how much have the private stockholders <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve made through 2004? And be mindfulthat presently Americans pay them about 300 BILLION in interests alone-out <strong>of</strong> money the Federal Reserve created fromnothing! The Architects <strong>of</strong> Death have been building an invisible pyramid, the pyramid <strong>of</strong> absolute power over the earthand humanity. This pyramid is invisible only to the degree that one cannot “see” the "divine" geometric principle <strong>of</strong> rulership. But it's there! Ladies and gentlemen, and the pyramid is what this is about! Now, think <strong>of</strong> this pyramid as the NewWorld Order, the age-old dream <strong>of</strong> the dynastic banking elite. There is one person in the entire World who is directing theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 471

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