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The same cycle applies if the Government borrows using bonds as collateral. In this case, the Fed just issues a cheque forthe bonds on deposit. The most glaring question at this point is: who do you think gets the raw end <strong>of</strong> the deal? Theinternational bankers? Nah – the last time I checked, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Rothschilds were still prominentmembers <strong>of</strong> the leisure class. Well, they rake in over a trillion dollars in income a year. Plus they’re exempt from payingtaxes on this income, and they’ve never been audited once since their inception in 1913. They don’t seem to be hurtingany. What about the President, Congressmen, and high-level administrators at the Treasury and IRS? Do they feel thepinch? Hardly – they’re all pulling six-figure salaries (or more), enjoy lavish expense accounts, and have chauffeurs drivethem to work every morning. So, who does that leave as the scapegoat – the one who bears the brunt <strong>of</strong> funding thissystem? You guessed it – the American taxpayers! Do you think we should look into changing this system?So, to continue on, the next time it is determined that we need more money in circulation, the Fed essentially creates itout <strong>of</strong> thin air, and we become the indentured servants that have to pay <strong>of</strong>f these debts. What occurs is that a culture <strong>of</strong>total fiscal irresponsibility results, which, <strong>of</strong> course, is in the Controllers best interest because it means we need to borroweven more money from them. How so? Well, let’s look at our elected leaders in terms <strong>of</strong> simple psychology. When theyborrow and spend somebody else’s money and don’t have to pay it back from their own pockets, what motivation do theyhave to be frugal? Even worse, they get paid very well to spend this money regardless <strong>of</strong> whether they successfullybalance their budgets or not. If this were the business World, every one <strong>of</strong> them would be fired on the spot. And finally, toadd insult to injury, these shysters even get to determine their own salaries, and how much their next pay raise will be!While all this nonsense is taking place, what do we do? We work forty or fifty hours a week, then get a paycheck that hasbeen pillaged by the very same people that dine on filet mignon and charge it <strong>of</strong>f on their expense accounts. And as youstare at disbelief at your pay stub, can you hear the mocking laughter from Washington D.C., New York City, and otherfinancial centers in Europe?If you can’t see it already, the System that THEY created is parasitical to its core. Why? Because the money that theFederal Reserve creates and puts into circulation (plus the money that is needed to pay the interest on this “loan” to us)comes from the same source – them. Now, the money we earn which is taxed by the government and in turn pays theinterest on our “debt” ends up lowering the money supply, thus removing currency from circulation. Realizing that themoney supply would slowly dwindle away to nothing if this process persisted, the international bankers came up with asolution. They implore our government (and others) to borrow more money! That way they receive more interestpayments, and the cycle keeps repeating itself. The major difference between them and us, though, is how our income isderived. We actually have to go out and work for our pay, while they simply skim money <strong>of</strong>f the top before we ever havea chance to get our hands on it. (That’s a polite way <strong>of</strong> saying that they don’t have to actually WORK for their money;instead, a system has been created where they became fabulously wealthy without ever PRODUCING something thatbenefits society. If you haven’t figured it out, the practice <strong>of</strong> usury does not benefit everyday people.) In the end, webecome so wrapped up in this vicious circle that it creates a troublesome quandary. At this specific date in time, it is nowimpossible to pay <strong>of</strong>f our national debt because it is higher than all <strong>of</strong> the money that is currently in circulation! Do youhear what I’m saying? We CAN’T pay it back. The entire debacle is an exercise in futility. So when you hear anotherpolitician on TV telling us how we need to raise taxes to pay <strong>of</strong>f the debt, it’s an out-and-out lie. These men are nothingmore than illusion-spinners for the New World Order. The system has already been irrevocably destroyed, and all they’redoing now is using smoke and mirrors to keep us hooked like fish on a line. As it stands now, this problem cannot be fixedwithin the current parameters that we have erected. And guess what. That’s exactly the way the Controllers want it. Why?Well, how would you like someone to be eternally indebted to you paying interest forevermore with no hope <strong>of</strong> everpaying <strong>of</strong>f the principle? Sounds like easy money to me!The question we have to ask ourselves now is – why do we even need the Federal Reserve? If we – the United States –can print our own money via the Bureau <strong>of</strong> Engraving & Printing (BEP), why should we BORROW it from the internationalbankers? It is the most cockamamie system ever invented, yet we allow it to continue. When our country was founded,the Constitution gave only Congress the right to create money. And except for the years following the Civil War, ournation existed without a federal deficit. Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and guess what we’re stuckwith now - a debt that will NEVER be paid <strong>of</strong>f; and interest payments that increase every year. And even scarier is the factthat our personal debt as a people is five-times greater than the national debt. Think for a moment how much money isbeing squandered through interest payments. If you buy a house, the first seven years are spent doing little more thanpaying interest without even touching the principle. And that doesn’t include your car payments, credit cards, andwhatever other debts you’ve racked up.The point I’m trying to hammer home is as such: can you see how unproductive these interest payments are to practicallyeveryone except those collecting the interest. It’s wasted money that doesn’t create anything other than more debt. Or,as Richard Walbaum wrote in 1992’s “The Poverty Trap”: “Our monetary system guarantees that debt mustincrease regardless <strong>of</strong> what people, business or government do or do not do, whether or not they balance their budgets.”To further show you how manipulative the banking system is, author Peter Kershaw uses the analogy <strong>of</strong> a man who wantsto sell his motorcycle. His friend agrees to buy the bike, but doesn’t want his wife to know about it. So he tells the ownerto keep it in his garage, and he’ll come by every Saturday to ride it. The owner concurs; then figures, “Hey, I have thisbike for six other days <strong>of</strong> the week when it isn’t being used. Why don’t I “sell” it to someone else under the sameagreement? In no time he “sells” the bike to seven more people under the same shady arrangement even though there isonly ONE valid owner <strong>of</strong> the bike. This, I’m afraid to say, is the basis <strong>of</strong> fractional banking. It’s a very enlightening insightinto the psychology <strong>of</strong> these World financiers, for what prevents them from creating even more “loans” out <strong>of</strong> thin air?Nothing does, because U.S. Fractional Banking Law allows them to loan out $9 for every $1 on reserve! Think about howThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 470

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