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House writes: "We have wrapped this plan in the peace treaty so that the World must accept from us the League or acontinuance <strong>of</strong> the war. The League is in substance the Empire with America admitted on the same basis as our othercolonies."The report oozes contempt for Americans and reveals the deceitful methods international finance employed 85 years agoto bring about World government. These goals and methods have not changed. If ever we needed pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> an eliteconspiracy to subvert the nation and enslave us, this is it. The author is Col. Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), theRothschild agent who secretly directed U.S. affairs during the Woodrow Wilson administration. Col. House was known asWilson's friend and "alter ego." (He had not served in the military and the term "Colonel" was merely honorary.) Thereport is addressed to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, whose career was made as a lawyer for the World ZionistOrganization. Rep. Jacob Thorkelson (1876-1945) introduced The House Report to Congress in Oct.1939 and published itin the Congressional Record (Oct. 13 1939, pp.598-604). Attempts to delete it were thwarted. The complete text isavailable on line.THE "CROWN"The report details Col. House's progress in preparing "for the peaceful return <strong>of</strong> the American colonies to the dominion <strong>of</strong>the Crown." "Crown" refers to the owners <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong> England. Their identities are an <strong>of</strong>fical secret. According to E.C.Knuth, the "international financial oligarchy uses the allegoric 'Crown' as its symbol <strong>of</strong> power and has its headquarter inthe ancient city <strong>of</strong> London...the giant Bank <strong>of</strong> England, a privately owned institution... is not subject to regulation by theBritish parliament and is in effect a sovereign World power." (The Empire <strong>of</strong> the City, p. 59). Col. House continues: The"peaceful return <strong>of</strong> the American colonies" can only be brought about with "the consent <strong>of</strong> the dominant group <strong>of</strong> thecontrolling clans." Col. House relates how these classes are being taught to accept "British" leadership. He details how theuniversities and press are staffed by "British-born" or Canadians. "Through the Red Cross, the Scout movement, theYMCA, the church, and other humane, religious, and quasi religious organizations, we have created an atmosphere <strong>of</strong>international effort which strengthens the idea <strong>of</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> the English speaking World."The Overseas Clubs, service clubs, and war charities "enable us to pervade all sections and classes <strong>of</strong> the country." We"hold all American newspapers as isolated from the non-American World as if they had been in another planet instead <strong>of</strong>another hemisphere. The realization <strong>of</strong> this by the Associated Press and the other universal news gatherers, exceptHearst, was most helpful in bringing only our point <strong>of</strong> view to the papers they served." He boasts that the United States"while still maintaining an outward show <strong>of</strong> independence" is identical with other colonies in its relationship to the Crown."Has not President Wilson cancelled the big Navy program and dutifully conceded to us the command <strong>of</strong> the seas?" Heboasts that "the Anglo American alliance" has become "the unchallenged financiers <strong>of</strong> the World." He congratulates "ourfiscal agents Messrs Pierpont Morgan & Company" for "putting this country into the war." They exert "widespreadinfluence on newspaper policy" through advertising and lent $200,000,000 to Japan to build a fleet to compete withAmerica (making the U.S still more dependent on England.). Col. House boasts that the "Crown" used money lent by theU.S. government for war purposes to buy up oil fields in California, Mexico and Latin America. "The war has made uscustodians <strong>of</strong> the greater part <strong>of</strong> the World's raw materials... [We] now largely control the oil fields <strong>of</strong> the World andthereby the World's transportation and industry."THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS RUSEThe pressing issue now is to "transfer its dangerous sovereignty from this colony to the custody <strong>of</strong> the Crown. We must, inshort, now bring America within the Empire." The first step was Wilson's plan for the League <strong>of</strong> Nations "which weprepared for him." "The plain people <strong>of</strong> this country are inveterate and incurable hero worshippers," Col. House explains.They easily can be manipulated by a man with a slogan that expresses their "undefined aspirations." Afterwards, they willtrust the sloganeer no matter what he does. Wilson has gained this trust and this accounts for "his exceptional usefulnessto us." "Any abrupt change might startle the ignorant American masses and rouse them to action against it. And us. Ourbest policy therefore would be to appoint President Wilson the first president <strong>of</strong> the League... he will be able to satisfy[Americans] that far from surrendering their independence to the League, they are actually extending their sovereignty byit..."Foreshadowing The Patriot Act, Col. House says Woodrow Wilson "alone can father an anti-Bolshevik act which judiciallyinterpreted will enable appropriate punitive measures to be applied to any American who may be unwise enough to assertthat America must once again declare her independence." Col. House goes into great detail about how Wilson must bemessaged and manipulated. Many people think someone else wrote this Report but only Edward Mandell House knewWilson this well. For example he says Wilson "is easily slighted and remarkably vindictive." The new British ambassadorshould be a "Wilson worshipper" and "a gentleman-in-waiting to the President." He lists the gifts Wilson already has beengiven."OUR ENTIRE SYSTEM OF THOUGHT CONTROL" IS AT WORKCol. House suggests staging the first session <strong>of</strong> the League <strong>of</strong> Nations in Washington. "This will convince these simplepeople that they are the League and its power resides in them." He recommends a "series <strong>of</strong> spectacles by which the mobmay be diverted from any attempt to think too much <strong>of</strong> matters beyond their province." "While awaiting these diversionsfor the vulgar, we are incessantly instructing them in the wonders <strong>of</strong> the league. Its praises are thundered by our press,decreed by our college presidents, and pr<strong>of</strong>essed by our pr<strong>of</strong>essors. Our authors, writers and lecturers are analysing itsThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 461

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