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the Conspiracy realized that it needed a strong political agency, Zionism, and its own country where it would be free fromall governmental oversight and create the murderous rogue state (Israel, and note that the hexagram on the Israeli flag isthe satanic Star <strong>of</strong> Moloch) that menaces the World today through Washington. (The two were joined at the hip decadesago by the Conspiracy, "There are people who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources.They dominate the intersections <strong>of</strong> World routes. Their lands were the cradles <strong>of</strong> human civilizations and religions. Thesepeople have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these peoplefrom one another ... if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state, it would then take the fate <strong>of</strong> the Worldinto its hands and would separate Europe from the rest <strong>of</strong> the World. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign bodyshould be planted in the heart <strong>of</strong> this nation to prevent the convergence <strong>of</strong> its wings in such a way that it could exhaust itspowers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects.” - 1902 - SirCampbell Bannerman, Prime Minister <strong>of</strong> Britain [1905-08].) The Rothschild Conspiracy is invisible. It functionsthrough its network <strong>of</strong> global and central banks and their many subsidized agents, organizations and infiltrated frontsaround the World. It financed the Morgans and the Harrimans. Even the haughty kingpin <strong>of</strong> the American PetroleumCartel, David Rockefeller, is its lackey just like his ancestors.It controls the currency <strong>of</strong> all the major nations including Russia and China. It “takes” hundreds <strong>of</strong> billions from theAmerican people every year. It has no regard for human life except as a resource for labor, taxes and armies. It has nogod; money is its messiah. A century ago, the Conspiracy had bankrupt Europe with its many wars (the lifeblood <strong>of</strong> theConspiracy). A peaceful America, protected by two oceans, was on the verge <strong>of</strong> becoming the most powerful andprosperous nation on earth and the Conspiracy did not “own” it. This was “unacceptable”. A naïve President Wilson wassurrounded by these conspirators: Baruch, Untermeyer, Warburg, Schiff, Brandeis, Meyer and House (Read Mr. Griffin'sbook on the Creature <strong>of</strong> Jekyll Island which describes the fraudulent creation <strong>of</strong> the privately owned Federal ReserveBanking system modelled on the Bank <strong>of</strong> England which the Conspiracy families control, i.e. Rothschild, Rockefller, etc.).The Conspiracy wished to take control <strong>of</strong> American money, “mobilize its credit” to finance World War I and overthrow theCzar (for Russian money and creation <strong>of</strong> their private central bank). And it needed America to assure victory overGermany and control <strong>of</strong> the Bundesbank. President Woodrow Wilson was pressured into signing the FederalReserve Act and to declare war on Germany. Later he was to say, “I have involuntarily ruined mygovernment”. Ominously, he warned,“Some <strong>of</strong> the biggest men in the United States…are afraid <strong>of</strong> something.They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, sopervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation <strong>of</strong> it.” (And ithas grown enormously from a century <strong>of</strong> war.)The Conspiracy mandated that Capitalism become the “state religion” <strong>of</strong> America and the World (cheap resources andlabor and freedom from taxes and regulations). A Red Scare began the century long war on Communism. It was as phonyas the “war on terrorism” <strong>of</strong> today, all bugaboos and demagoguery. Every politician had to pledge his/her allegiance toCapitalism. Communists were purged from government, communications, education, industry; tens <strong>of</strong> millions died for itin the Conspiracy wars. Today it’s still the same: “globalization,” “deregulation” “privatization” and “tax exemptions forthe rich”. The Conspiracy financed massive donations to two <strong>of</strong> the most prestigious universities in America,turning them into centers <strong>of</strong> politics and activities geared toward their agenda.After World War II, the Conspiracy corrupted American elections with money and subverted Washington <strong>of</strong>ficials withthreats <strong>of</strong> heavily financed opponents. Anyone who resisted was threatened with ruin or eliminated (JFK and the other 3Presidents who were assassinated, Louis McFadden, etc). The Senate was purged <strong>of</strong> all but the Conspiracy's sycophants.But what about the American people? In the 70’s after the destruction <strong>of</strong> the Savings Banks and Savings & Loans wasplanned, the Conspiracy recognized that it needed an epochal event like the Reichstag Fire and/or Pearl Harbor to subduethe independent American people. Washington and it's controlled media would orchestrate a mass hysteria. They wouldbombard the American people, just as they had for decades with demagoguery, pathos, ethnic hatred, patriotism,heroism, glorification, pageantry, flag-waving and symbolism to create a false war climate and impose martial law underthe pretense <strong>of</strong> “national wartime security”. FEMA concentration camps were built and are ready (see Alex Jones'documentary The Road to Tyranny on this CD or at http://www.infowars.com). It all came together in September 2001just as planned by the Conspiracy. And it is seeking the greatest insurance windfall in history. The American people areshocked and all evidence and investigations quashed. But the pieces are coming together anyway on the Internet;Washington and media accusations are a complete fraud. The buildings were assuredly not destroyed by aircraft butrather "demolition" style with explosives at the base which left a Richter signature <strong>of</strong> 2.1 at the exact time <strong>of</strong> thecollapses.. The obvious suspects are the agents <strong>of</strong> the Conspiracy in Washington. There are reports that the Conspiracytimed this catastrophe to destroy the personnel and accumulated evidence in a major investigation and lawsuit involving agold cartel in Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, selling the Reserve gold stock at bargain prices which would haveunveiled the Conspiracy. This was “unacceptable” and the central <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> this investagation was located in WTC anddestroyed alongwith all the evidence collected.The Conspiracy seeks to corner the World’s gold supply (its Rheingold). Washington has since diverted all suchinvestigations to “terrorism”. The Conspiracy has bankrupt America just like Europe. America is on the brink <strong>of</strong> chaos:environmental disaster, global war, and economic, societal, and financial collapse. America floats on the acceleratingexpansion <strong>of</strong> debt by the Federal Reserve, currently at $15 Trillion Federal, State, Local. But credit is not inexhaustible.Annual interest on the debt is rapidly rising. The dollar is under global attack in favor <strong>of</strong> the Euro. The economic future <strong>of</strong>America is bleak yet rosy economics pours out <strong>of</strong> Washington and the media, lulling the people. For most <strong>of</strong> US, the cost<strong>of</strong> living rises and the standard <strong>of</strong> living declines; there will be giant corporate bankruptcies, millions more unemployed,The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 459

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