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BankLords Dynasties Create Wars & Terror and head the N.W.O. ConspiracyUS General Smedley Butler wrote in his 1935 classic, “War Is a Racket”: "I helped make Mexico safe for Americanoil interests in 1914," "I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in.I helped in the raping <strong>of</strong> half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit <strong>of</strong> Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaraguafor the International Banking House <strong>of</strong> Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for theAmerican sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 Ihelped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested." Butler acknowledged that he'd spent most <strong>of</strong> his thirty-threeyears in the Marines as "a high class muscle man for Big Business, Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was aracketeer, a gangster for capitalism[ts]."America’s Moloch: The Federal ReserveDo the Bankers and the politicians need $87 billion for the war, or do they need the war to get $87 billion? Exclusive toAmerican Free Press By W. A. Carto: **Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition, defines “Moloch”as “a Semitic god to whom *children were sacrificed.” Few in authority will admit that the American economyrequires a constantly expanding injection <strong>of</strong> Federal Reserve* heroin to survive. When the Federal Reserve wasestablished by Congress in 1913 it was the successful culmination <strong>of</strong> a Bankers’ conspiracy that began shortly after—evenbefore—the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the Revolutionary War. It has been fueled by careful long-term planning and unlimited financialreserves by unbelievably wealthy men. Names such as Nelson Aldrich, J. P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, BernardBaruch, Samuel Untermyer and Rothschild—the most powerful political manipulators in the World then—and theirsuccessors now—were the players and politicians. Woodrow Wilson, indebted to them for his election, carried out the plan.Both parties were involved. The conspirators knew that the public did not want a central bank—something that wasanathema to Americans ever since the country’s founding. From Washington through Jackson and to Wilson the idea <strong>of</strong> acentral bank, which would inevitably come to shape public policy and invite corruption, was opposed. The plotters knewthat any plan originated by Republicans would automatically be suspect so in the election <strong>of</strong> 1912, it took very littlecajoling to convince Teddy Roosevelt to run as a third party candidate. This split the Republicans, assuring the defeat <strong>of</strong>William Howard Taft and the shoo-in <strong>of</strong> Wilson, the Democrat, little more than their puppet. Wilson was programmed topreside over the creation <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve—the creature <strong>of</strong> the most corrupt and criminal class in the World—theinternational Bankers. Since then, the Fed has directed the transfer <strong>of</strong> uncounted trillions in assets, such as real property,natural resources and businesses into the greedy hands <strong>of</strong> the Bankers, leaving their victims—including the United States<strong>of</strong> America and all <strong>of</strong> its people bankrupt and in hopeless debt to them. And this has been the purpose <strong>of</strong> this enterprisefrom its conspiratorial beginning.WAR, WAR, WARThe fundamental dynamic <strong>of</strong> the American economy is war. It requires a constant expenditure <strong>of</strong> Federal Re serveinterest-bearing credit to survive, and the best way to accomplish this requirement is war. The taxpayers can always beinspired to support war. It may be said that the public loves war almost as much as the Bankers and their <strong>of</strong>fice-holdingpuppets. And if a sizable segment <strong>of</strong> the public is opposed to a given war, the news media can work them up to a blessedblood lust within hours. Yes, hours. Forty years ago, populist analyst/ philosopher Lawrence Dennis de scribed it thusly:“There’s not a peace cloud in the war boom sky.”American politicians have always responded to this by effortlessly finding “public enemies” to fit the hallowed image <strong>of</strong>foreign devil. And today, with the terror <strong>of</strong> 9-11 engraved on the consciousness <strong>of</strong> the public, exhorting them to follow ourleaders in the search for terrorists is so simple that even an intellectually deprived president can easily follow the script.Thus, flinging interest-bearing Federal Reserve credit at our presumed enemies is a simple ritual with precedents withoutnumber. Critics <strong>of</strong> President Bush’s Iraq aggression are right in that it obviously serves no American interest except thepolitical need to placate the implacable demands <strong>of</strong> Israel but the even more insistent requirement <strong>of</strong> feeding the FederalReserve Moloch** with the bodies <strong>of</strong> young Americans makes war spending a sacred duty. *For more information on thebudget fraud and the Federal Reserve scam, see the ad on page 15. The classic book, Secrets <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve, byEustace Mullins, is the seminal work on this subject. One copy, $25 including S&H. Order from TBR Book Club, P.O. Box15877, Washington D.C. 20003.THE CONSPIRACY AND ITS CURE - by Donald CassidyIt takes a vast and very rich Conspiracy and a century to overthrow the sovereignty <strong>of</strong> the Americangovernment, take control <strong>of</strong> the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, and such agencies IMF, CIA,World Bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks, etc. and embark US on a global war against the ArabWorld. The Conspiracy was described exactly more than a century ago in Europe and by President Wilson,long before this evil little state <strong>of</strong> Israel and its partisans were born. The World is under siege by a Europeanhierarchy <strong>of</strong> banking families, at the top, the money changers and money lenders <strong>of</strong> history, as warned by Yeshua-Joshuawhen he confronted the Temple's money chargers and urged all to beware <strong>of</strong> the Pharisees. They are already the richestpeople on earth but it is not enough. They have a Faustian Grand Plan. They mean to own or control everything <strong>of</strong> valueon earth. Their weapons: MONEY and DEBT—and Washington and Israel.The rise <strong>of</strong> the Conspiracy over the last two centuries parallels the rise <strong>of</strong> Zionism. This is not a coincidence. Early on,The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 458

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