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New England Telephone Co.|Fisher Scientific Company|Mellon National Corporation|Equitable Life Assurance Society|Twentieth Century Fox Corporation|J. Henry Schroder Banking CorporationChart 5: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study <strong>of</strong> Corporate and Banking InfluenceThis chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> New York, Brown Brothers Harriman, Sun Life AssuranceCo. (N.M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.Maurice F. GranvilleChairman <strong>of</strong> The BoardTexaco Incorporated----------------------|Texaco Officer & Director Interlocks ---------------- Liggett & Myers, Inc.------------------------------------ || |L Arabian American Oil Company St John d'el Ray Mining Co. Ltd.O | |N Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. National Steel CorporationD | |O Brown Harriman & Intl' Banks Ltd. Massey-Ferguson Ltd.N | |American Express Mutual Life Insurance Co.| |N. American Express Intl' Banking Corp. Mass Mutual Income Investors Inc.M. | |AnacondaUnited Services Life Ins. Co.R | |O Rockefeller Foundation Fairchild IndustriesT | |H Owens-Corning Fiberglas Blount, Inc.S | |C National City Bank (Cleveland) William Wrigley Jr. CoH | |I Sun Life Assurance Co. National Blvd. Bank <strong>of</strong> ChicagoL | |D General Reinsurance Lykes Youngstown Corporation| |General Electric (NBC) Inmount Corporation** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study <strong>of</strong> Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report, Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House <strong>of</strong> Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976. http://www.save-apatriot.org/bbs/bbs.htmlThe Federal Reserve was the 3rd attempt at creating a Private Central Bank by the BankLordsThomas Jefferson opposed the creation <strong>of</strong> the bank as unconstitutional. He said: "A private central bank issuing thepublic currency is a greater menace to the liberties <strong>of</strong> the people than a standing army"The U.S. Bank was chartered by Congress in the year 1791, its charter was to last for 20 years, and expire in 1811.George Washington signed the bill establishing the bank after listening to the advice <strong>of</strong> his secretary <strong>of</strong> the treasury,Alexander Hamilton. The U.S. Bank was modeled after the Bank <strong>of</strong> England. The Bank <strong>of</strong> England was established by theJesuits in 1694 to control that country and make slaves <strong>of</strong> the people. The Bank was given the right to create fiat moneyby use <strong>of</strong> the printing press. The printing press was God's gift to Martin Luther. The printing <strong>of</strong> the Bible in the languages<strong>of</strong> the people was the weapon that Luther used to break the chains <strong>of</strong> millions and free them from the BabylonianCaptivity. Rome's answer to the printing <strong>of</strong> the Holy Scriptures was the printing <strong>of</strong> MONEY. The Bank <strong>of</strong> England wasallowed to print money and loan to the government at 8% interest. When the Bank <strong>of</strong> England controlled BritishGovernment found out that the U.S. Bank would not be re-chartered, they declared war on the United States. WashingtonD.C., was invaded and the White House was burned to the ground. General Andrew Jackson (another great Scot whoseThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 451

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