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More on How <strong>Money</strong> is Created by The Private Banks"Modern Banking" was actually created over 4,000 years ago in Babylon. [Of course, without the electronicinformation.]Henry Ford (founder <strong>of</strong> the Ford Motor Company in 1903) stated: “It is well that the people <strong>of</strong> the nation do notunderstand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrowmorning.”The "lending" techniques that are used are beyond brilliant. It took some very, very smart people to figure out how toappear to be lending money, but in actuality have the value supplied by the person who is borrowing (wanting a loan).When you discover the truth, you will be seething mad…. The whole truth is NOT revealed to the borrower by the bank.The bank or other lending institution does NOT disclose to you that your promissory note to repay the loan is actually anasset to the bank - that they deposit. The bank does not let you know that a promissory note is actually a "negotiableinstrument" under the Uniform Commercial Code, and that it will be deposited to fund your loan. Nor do you learn that thebank has a liability to you <strong>of</strong> approximately the amount <strong>of</strong> the loan. (The bank owes you by their own bookkeepingentries!). The bank does NOT tell you that you factually provided the actual cash value for your own loan! Thus, the bankonly appears to be lending you anything. That's right: banks and lending institutions only appear to lend money. Let's gothrough how money is created at the "government" level, then we'll see how this applies to you and your alleged debt.How <strong>Money</strong> Is Created In the U.S.:1. Congress says, "We need $10 Billion."2. So they go over to the treasury and say, "We need $10 Billion."3. The U.S. Treasury prints up $10 Billion in government bonds.4. They take those bonds over to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), you know, just down theroad from the Treasury.5. They walk into the Fed with these $10 Billion in bonds and say, "We need to borrow $10 Billion."6. The Fed takes that $10 Billion in Bonds and agrees to then loan the U.S. Government $10 Billion.7. The Fed writes into their little ledger with a stubby pencil, "Owes us $10 Billion." (Actually, it's done bycomputer nowadays.)8. The Fed then creates money out <strong>of</strong> thin air by authorizing some currency to be printed. Note that the legaltender in the US is the private Federal Reserve Note (not a United States Government Note).9. Now the U.S. Government owes another $10 Billion.Government <strong>of</strong>ficials agree that this is how the banking system works today:Representative Wright Patman, former Chairman <strong>of</strong> a House Banking Committee said: "The Federal Reserve Banks createmoney out <strong>of</strong> thin air to buy Government bonds... The Federal Reserve Bank is a total money making machine."[Monopoly on counterfeiting money]Former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Eccles was asked by Patman, "Mr. Eccles, how did you get the money tobuy these two billion dollars <strong>of</strong> government bonds." Mr. Eccles replied, "We create it." "Out <strong>of</strong> what?" Patman asked. "Out<strong>of</strong> the right to issue credit money", i.e. out <strong>of</strong> nothing. This right to create money out <strong>of</strong> nothing was given to the PrivateFederal Reserve Bank by a fraudulent act <strong>of</strong> Congress in 1913 known as the Federal Reserve Act, same fraud has beenhappening since the 17 th century with the Private Bank <strong>of</strong> England and other banks. The FED issues Federal Reservecheques redeemable as Federal Reserve Notes only with no liability to itself. The Fed is not subject to taxes and audits.The local banks create credit money as well but not currency notes.Former Congressman Louis McFadden, former chairman <strong>of</strong> the House Committee on Banking and Currency remarkedabout the Federal Reserve Bank: "A super-state controlled by international Bankers and international industrialists actingtogether to enslave the World for their own pleasure."When the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was about to be passed in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh said,"This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by themonetary power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately, but the day <strong>of</strong> reckoning is only a few yearsremoved...The worst legislative crime <strong>of</strong> the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill."If you're an honest, ethical person, then you believe that all lenders should be repaid. If the Federal Reserve BankingSystem repaid the loan from the U.S. Government, the "debt" would be cancelled.Let's Take a Quick Look Over ThatThe bonds printed by the treasury have an actual value <strong>of</strong> $10 Billion. They take the actual value <strong>of</strong> $10 Billion in bondsover to the privately owned Fed bank to "borrow" the $10 Billion in currency.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 439

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