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trampling and the roar <strong>of</strong> a bewildered herd,' the ignorant and meddlesome outsiders. The only function the 'herd' haswas to trample periodically in support <strong>of</strong> one or another element <strong>of</strong> the leadership class in an election. As the 'herd' in thelast century became more enlightened ever more sophisticated mechanisms for controlling information and perceptionshave developed. The manufacture <strong>of</strong> consent, a term created by Edward Bernays, the father <strong>of</strong> the Public Relationsindustry, author <strong>of</strong> Propaganda and coincidentally Sigmund Freud's nephew, has become an art form and required <strong>of</strong>journalists.Bernays says: "Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions <strong>of</strong> the masses constitute an invisible governmentwhich is the true ruling power <strong>of</strong> our country. . . . we are dominated by a relatively small number <strong>of</strong> persons. . . ascivilization has become more complex. . . . the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion maybe regimented. . . . I must lead the people. Am I not their servant? "The invisible government tends to be concentrated inthe hands <strong>of</strong> the few because <strong>of</strong> the expense <strong>of</strong> manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits<strong>of</strong> the masses. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions <strong>of</strong> our most influential public men aredictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes."Expanding on this understanding about the MSM and the Public Relations industry (the propaganda machine) we caninclude gatekeepers, or sources considered to be on the left (so-called liberals), who are charged with making sure thatdissent and alternative views do not stray too far <strong>of</strong>f the reservation <strong>of</strong> Elite acceptance. Excluded topics include the 9-11Truth Movement, the New World Order, the City Of London financial center, chemtrails, the Federal Reserve, Inc., etc. Itis safe to assume that your letters to the editor are monitored and pre-selected prior to printing. I suspect that someletters and articles in The New York Times (as elsewhere) are fictitious, manufactured and planted, like the Judith Millerarticles on WMDs (with con man Chalabi as her source) in the NYT prior to the current Iraq War that encouraged thecongressional vote to go to war. MSM always supports and benefits from war. CNN's Aaron Brown declared that now thatwe are at war we have to get behind the government and the troops disregarding CNN's obvious cheerleading efforts tobuild support before the war.We are considered the least informed population in the World. The MSM and most gatekeepers are believed to beinfiltrated with CIA personnel and work explicitly for the Elites in power, in corporations, government and banking andserve to protect their interests in the US and abroad. My ultimate purpose is to compel Americans to wake up and beginto explore what is going on and to become engaged in their lives and their children's futures. It is not my intent here togo into all the aspects that constitute the over arching plan (conspiracy, some would say) to create a One (New) World(Order) Government, a generational and incremental implementation process that, now in its final stages, presentlythreatens the World with the 21st Century Oil Wars and the destruction <strong>of</strong> what little sovereignty is left in America andelsewhere (observe this process in the EU). Neo-liberalism / Globalism (imperialism disguised as democracy and freetrade) are names used to describe the acquisition and consolidation <strong>of</strong> ever greater wealth, natural resources, totalpolitical power and control over others and are the motivational forces which drive the decisions by the international Elite.They control the transnational corporations, the 200-plus think tanks (the Council On Foreign Relations being foremost inthe US) which exist to facilitate their goals, the foundations (Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller, etc), the World Bank, IMF, WTO,the Federal Reserve (a private corporation never audited and with no congressional oversight); this influence is pervasiveand can only be truly appreciated as one researches the various issues.The recent Online Journal report on Bilderberg 2005 confirms the intent and complicity <strong>of</strong> our leaders and thetransnational corporations and banking interests they serve to create a One World Government using the UN, or similarinstitution, and to further diminish America economically and to ultimately abdicate US sovereignty and the Constitution toa Regional and subsequent World Power while enriching themselves and accumulating power in the process. TheCongress, MSM (including CPB, NPR and PBS), all academic and other Institutions, with rare and generally marginalized,individuals as exceptions, are in general alignment with this 'conspiracy.' This diverse involvement is reflected in theroster <strong>of</strong> the 4,000 or so members <strong>of</strong> the Council on Foreign Relations, a group described as, superficially an innocentforum for academics, businessman, politicians, contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many <strong>of</strong> its members, thepower elite that unilaterally determines US foreign policy. The major objective <strong>of</strong> this submerged - and obvious subversiveforeign policy is the acquisition <strong>of</strong> markets and economic power (pr<strong>of</strong>its) for a small group <strong>of</strong> giant multi-nationals underthe virtual control <strong>of</strong> a few banking investment houses and controlling families. The Royal Institute <strong>of</strong> International Affairs,in London (the center <strong>of</strong> power for the New World Order elite), founded its American wing, the CFR, funded by theRockefellers, in 1921. The RIIA's patron is the Queen <strong>of</strong> England. CNN has recently been using CFR 'spokespeople' to getAmericans to accept them as 'mainstream' and also uses other conservative think tanks like the American EnterpriseInstitute and the Brookings and CATO Institutes to disseminate their views designed to shape American perceptions andbeliefs.Think tanks provide the two supposedly oppositional political parties with intellectual material and propaganda. Issues areused as smokescreens and for public distraction and confusion while greater and more relevant issues are ignored ordownplayed. What we witness in MSM is the allowed <strong>of</strong>ficial version <strong>of</strong> reality much <strong>of</strong> it staged theatre. It is apparent asone examines (CFR, TC, Bilderberg member) Bill Clinton's record (presiding over NAFTA, media consolidation, FDAapproval <strong>of</strong> GMO going into the World's food supply via Monsanto, laid the foundations for the USA PATRIOT Act, passedwelfare 'reform' etc.) and associations that he is as much (if not more so) a Globalist / New World Order operative asGeorge Bush is. Both parties serve the same masters as one can see from the Bilderberg attendance list. John Edwardsauditioned at the annual Bilderberg meeting in 2004; apparently the elite chose to stay the course with George Bush. Onecannot become president <strong>of</strong> the US without the Elites' explicit approval. The election is a formality and exercise for thebenefit <strong>of</strong> creating the illusion <strong>of</strong> an ongoing democracy. The 'free speech zone' areas created by both parties in 2004The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 420

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