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Supposedly there are laws against insider trading on stocks. Contrary to that public myth, there are specialists thatspecifically trade and are given knowledge in specific stocks such as Ford, GM, GE, etc prior to the public. Supposedly theyare to smooth out the market, sell when there is a demand and buy when prices drop. Does that remind you <strong>of</strong> a fairy taleyou were told when small? Richard Ney thought he was a pretty good stock broker until 1 person came in and told himwhen to buy and when to sell certain stocks. What was amazing was that he seemed to be right most <strong>of</strong> the time and toget the peaks and lows. He further found and publicized information on the specialists. He also was tracking big blocktransactions from insiders. When they were buying, that was an indicator that they believed that stock, commodities oroptions would be worth more. When they are selling large block transactions, that was the opposite indicator. Withcomputerized tracking <strong>of</strong> trades, the Bankers & their inside corps have such an advantage over the public, that it is nowonder it is hard to find the average person that has made money in the stock market. Ask someone knowledgeable ifthey could make money knowing what the interest rates were going to be and what stories were going to be publicized inthe mass media the next day or the next week?Another myth is to listen to your stock broker. There are times, he is a sales man for whatever issue or stock his firm istrying to push. It is difficult to find the really good analysts and newsletters that have the expertise and s<strong>of</strong>tware andcontacts to out maneuver the bankers and their sudden switches. An example <strong>of</strong> that is the 1987 crash that caught somany by surprise. Supposedly it was computerized trading that fell through resistance points and kept falling. Actuallywhat happened was that there was too many people and smaller independent companies making too much money thatneeded to be weeded out & taken down. The blue chip companies came back within 3 to 6 months but many <strong>of</strong> thesmaller companies did not regain their highs for several years if ever. A number <strong>of</strong> the better smaller firms were boughtout and merged into insider blue chip NWO firms.By 1890, John Rockefeller, had through the predatory and rapacious practices <strong>of</strong> Standard Oil gained control <strong>of</strong>approximately 90% <strong>of</strong> the oil market in the US. He needed more markets & income if he was going to grow and the healthindustry had not been monopolized yet by anyone. Through grants, government influence, crooked reports like the FixnerReports, alternative health colleges were shut down and new colleges promoting drugs, surgery and new technologiesback then like radiation were set up. Government regulations and accreditation boards were set up to make sure collegesand doctors were taught minimally about diet, nutrition, natural low cost therapies and never about alternatives such asradionics, Rife microscopes, ozone therapy, chelation therapy. etc. In fact, it was necessary to have regulating boards totake any doctor or even any other practitioner to court for practicing as a doctor. How anyone could be charged forpracticing as a doctor when they don't prescribe drugs, do surgery or radiation is beyond me? If a natural substance suchas laetrile could not be synthesized effectively, it would be promoted as quackery. Kirlian photography, live bloodanalyses, radionics, muscle testing will show more <strong>of</strong> the damage <strong>of</strong> drugs and common allergens such as foods, poorquality <strong>of</strong> water.Grey Court Britain swear oath to queen in Canada subsidiary and there is no public accountability, try getting a crookedlawyer disbarred with connections to Masonry or another secret society but a number <strong>of</strong> lawyers that have fought thesystem are very quickly disbarred or worse killed. Examples Like guy debt. 2 Indian Lawyershttp://www.thememoryhole.org/edu/school-mission.htm Bankers have realized that education is very important for thecontrol <strong>of</strong> people. http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/pages/articles/article_page.html If there is real knowledge &information taught, people might actually figure out what is going and make changes. So simple changes were madestarting in the 1890's that on the surface didn't seem like much yet decades later, children read less, have lesscomprehension, hate school more and are less likely to actually do something to make real positive changes in the world.Instead <strong>of</strong> time primarily spent really learning reading, arithmetic and writing, more time is spent on trivia and fluffsubjects. Reading has been changed from phonetics to sight reading. The McGuffey readers that were straight forwardand fit each grade level have changed to readers that have words up to 2 or 3 grades levels higher causing frustration andincomprehension amongst the children. Math is in a spiral approach so less time is spent on each area but moving fasterthrough more problems with less explanation so kids end up punching numbers in a calculator without understanding whyexcept the teacher did it this way. Writing on stories <strong>of</strong> interest to children has been changed to drudgery projects withvarious do it this way by different teachers and again, not learning the real basics <strong>of</strong> sentence structures and formingthem.From older children being responsible, encouraging and helping younger children in a multigrade school, it has changedalong with removing the strap to an attitude <strong>of</strong> both teachers & students <strong>of</strong> just putting in time and trying to suffer aslittle as possible or cause as much trouble as possible as the teachers can't do anything. Those that don't break downfrom the 2 or 3 hours <strong>of</strong> extra school work assigned every day, will fit into the robotized job life that they will enter afterschool. Those that break down and can't keep up feel like failures and can end up juvenile delinquents, drinking, drugs&/or sex believing they are failures rather than realizing the system was designed to break them down and spit them outlike boot camp in the army. Schools that provided nourishing meals along with removing soda pop & junk food have foundthat the children's attitudes, grades and interest have risen quite dramatically. Yet when parents try to talk and ask forchanges such as these, they are made to feel like outdated fools compared to the experts that put the system together.Home schoolers <strong>of</strong>ten spend only 2 or 3 hours per day and if in districts where they can choose what subjects, interestsand time to spend on each are even more motivated and excited about learning in general. Pushing children ahead <strong>of</strong>their development causes more frustration for both them and parents and <strong>of</strong>ten in just waiting a year or two, the childrenwill pick up something that much easier when their brain has developed sufficiently for processing that information. Theycan be learning practical things like cooking, cleaning, helping parents or having part time jobs. With more balance inThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 42

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