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has a better record issuing and controlling money than the private issuers have. Inflation is avoided because realmaterial wealth has been created in the process. The following press release from the 2005 AMI Monetary ReformConference in Chicago, highlights the beneficial effects <strong>of</strong> the plan both in terms <strong>of</strong> savings on interest and in avoidingsuch disasters in the first place:<strong>Money</strong> Reform Plan Would Save Taxpayers $ Billions Per Year in Katrina Cleanup: "An alteration in the way money isintroduced into our economy would save at least $10 billion dollars per year in the cleanup and rebuilding aftermath <strong>of</strong>Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. If the clean-up loans last the normal 30 years, the savings will be over $250 billion," saysStephen Zarlenga, Director <strong>of</strong> the Institute. The plan, known as The American Monetary Act was discussed at theAmerican Monetary Institute 2005 Monetary Reform Conference....The proposed three part reform <strong>of</strong> our currency system would have the U.S. Government directly spend the money intocirculation rather than the present method <strong>of</strong> allowing the banking system to create the money and then thegovernment borrowing the money. Funding such infrastructure expenses through bonds generally doubles to triplestheir final cost. The reform avoids this expense by removing the fractional reserve provision <strong>of</strong> the present system,which in effect allows the banking system to create the much needed new money that must be continually introducedinto the economy as population and economic activity expands; or when emergencies such as Katrina, or warfare requiregreat expenditures. Under the reform only the U.S. government, not the private banking system, would be allowed tocreate money."What we're proposing is very similar to the 'Chicago Plan' which came out <strong>of</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Chicago economists in the1930s and was widely supported nationwide by the economics pr<strong>of</strong>ession back then," said Zarlenga. Under the plan thegovernment spends the new money into circulation on necessary infrastructure, including education. A presentation atthe conference by the American Society <strong>of</strong> Civil Engineers pointed out the deteriorating condition <strong>of</strong> Americaninfrastructure, which currently receives an overall grade <strong>of</strong> D, and is predicted to reach D- soon. Most <strong>of</strong> Katrina'sDamage on New Orleans Was Avoidable "This method <strong>of</strong> introducing new money through infrastructure creation andrepair would actually have stopped most <strong>of</strong> the damage and loss <strong>of</strong> life in New Orleans, because the money would havebeen available to repair the levees, and they would have probably held" said Zarlenga. "Under the present privatecontrol, money goes largely into speculative bubbles, including Wall Street games and real estate" he said, "Undersocietal control it would go much more to promoting the general welfare. Inflation is avoided because real materialwealth has been created in the process, and catastrophic loss including loss <strong>of</strong> life is prevented."Lawmakers have <strong>of</strong>ten believed they could ignore the big questions on how our money system is structured. Right fromthe Constitutional Convention delegates ignored society's monetary power and the excellent record <strong>of</strong> governmentissued money in building colonial infrastructure and giving us a nation. They left the money power up for grabs instead<strong>of</strong> properly placing it in a fourth, monetary branch <strong>of</strong> government. <strong>History</strong> shows that the money power will be a fourthbranch whether we recognize it as such or not. It's not safe to leave so much power and privilege in private hands! It'scounter to our system <strong>of</strong> checks and balances. The developing financial crisis requires us to re-evaluate and focus on itnow. Lets fulfill our responsibility to get a real understanding <strong>of</strong> this problem and the solution. As the late CongressmanWright Patman, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the House Committee on Banking and Currency for over 16 years, said, "I have never yethad anyone who could, through the use <strong>of</strong> logic and reason, justify the Federal Government borrowing the use <strong>of</strong> its ownmoney....I believe the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I believe the time will come in thiscountry when they will actually blame you and me and everyone else connected with the Congress for sitting idly byand permitting such an idiotic system to continue."What Can We Do By Tibor S. FriedmanThe Great American experiment in democracy is in crisis and immediate jeopardy. The most secretive administration everhas installed a repressive security apparatus paving the way for dictatorship and martial law awaiting an 'event' to triggerthe trap set for us. Unless we become active participants and educate ourselves about the crisis that is rapidly envelopingus the Great Experiment will end. Americans aren't stupid but rather, they are uninformed <strong>of</strong> what is really happening intheir country and the World because <strong>of</strong> the dumbed down content and propaganda they consume in the mainstreammedia (MSM) and the public educational system. Recent studies have declared that high school graduates are unable towrite a coherent sentence; schools teach information and expect students to retain and regurgitate data, not connectthem. This is by design; the elite do not want too many critical thinkers in a diminished economy. Information is thecurrency <strong>of</strong> the realm. The Internet today <strong>of</strong>fers our best hope for our education and research, at least until the Elitefigure out how to replace it with the restricted and establishment controlled Internet 2 currently being developed.Information is managed and edited in the MSM and propaganda is an acceptable tool long used in media and education.Spin is the method <strong>of</strong> the day used to confuse and deflect. The Infotainment Industry, MSM and Hollywood combined,share financial, operational and propaganda interests. A recent example is the TV docudrama Oil Storm on Fox TV on June5 that served the goals <strong>of</strong> putting fear into Americans about losing their oil lifeline and their American way <strong>of</strong> life and togather support for the 21st Century Oil Wars by calling them the War on Terror, which is phony and being used by thesepsychopaths to divide us and reduce our numbers. The Bush administration is supported by Fox (aka GOP TV) ownerRupert Murdoch. Similarly, other media events usually have some ulterior motive to influence the public in some way. Forus to fully appreciate our current crisis we have to review our media history.Walter Lippmann, the prominent journalist in the 1920s, said that the public must be put in its place. He believed, as didWoodrow Wilson and the Elite, that the responsible men (Elite) should manage the 'common interests' and 'live free <strong>of</strong> theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 419

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