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highly pr<strong>of</strong>itable property <strong>of</strong> an elite group <strong>of</strong> criminal bankers. But first, actually study the creation <strong>of</strong> money. Visit thesite <strong>of</strong> The American Monetary Institute and begin gaining tools and weapons to defend yourselves and your posterity.http://www.prosperityuk.com/prosperity/prosperity.htmlWelcome to the website <strong>of</strong> PROSPERITY, a monthly <strong>Money</strong> Reform journal based in Glasgow, Scotland, whichis dedicated to spreading understanding about the nature <strong>of</strong> our debt-based money system, and campaigningfor publicly-created debt-free money.What is <strong>Money</strong> Reform? <strong>Money</strong> Reform (Monetary Reform) highlights the fact that our economy today is "debt-based",meaning that virtually all money is supplied into the economy as a debt owed to the private banking system. We arereliant upon this banking system for the supply <strong>of</strong> almost all our means <strong>of</strong> exchange. In Britain today, 97% <strong>of</strong> our moneystock is created by this private banking system as a debt, while only 3% is created by the government debt-free. As weexplain on this website, that is both a technical absurdity and a democratic <strong>of</strong>fence. As a consequence <strong>of</strong> virtually all ourmoney coming into existence as a debt, we see the indebtedness <strong>of</strong> people, families and countries growing daily. <strong>Money</strong>Reformers believe the present debt-based system perpetrates debt slavery, and this is destructive <strong>of</strong> society, theenvironment and the planet. <strong>Money</strong> Reformers believe this debt-based money supply is the big issue which governs allthe issues. <strong>Money</strong> Reformers advocate that the virtual Monopoly <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong> Creation must be removed from the privatebanking system and we work to establish a publicly-created supply <strong>of</strong> debt-free money, created on behalf <strong>of</strong> thepeople, by a public body. This money should be spent, not lent, into society on the basis <strong>of</strong> proven need. This willgradually reduce the overall burden <strong>of</strong> debt in society, break reliance upon the private banking system for the supply <strong>of</strong>money, open potential for change, and empower people democratically. The <strong>Money</strong> Reformers' proposal is not a left-wing,or right-wing idea. It's good sense!This website carries some <strong>of</strong> the articles, interviews, and reviews which have appeared in back-issues <strong>of</strong> our journal,and which investigate and explain the debt-based money system, and which publicise the debt-free alternative. If ourdebt-free <strong>Money</strong> Reform ideas are new to you then we recommend reading the following articles to obtain acomprehensive introduction to our case. For a short, general introduction to the problem <strong>of</strong> a debt-based money supplysee Bankrolling the World into Chaos by author Michael Rowbotham, and also see his call that debt-free money isThe Single Most Important Reform Then for a fully comprehensive explanation on how the banking system createsmoney for both private and commercial needs, including a description <strong>of</strong> how notes and coins are created, how bankscreate money for national needs, and how international debt is created, see How <strong>Money</strong> is Created.Bill Clarke explains The Case for Monetary Reform and emphasises the extent to which most people are unaware <strong>of</strong>the debt-based manner in which almost all money comes into existence. This article should be read with RichardGreaves' summary <strong>of</strong> The Negative Consequences <strong>of</strong> the Debt-Based <strong>Money</strong> System.Alistair McConnachie addresses the democratic necessity for <strong>Money</strong> Reform in his articles <strong>Money</strong> for the Peopleand by the People and in Publicly-Created <strong>Money</strong>: The Democratic Imperative where he also deals with somefrequently heard objections to the <strong>Money</strong> Reformers' debt-free money proposal.James Gibb Stuart is Making a Case for <strong>Money</strong> Reform and laying out a basic debt-free money proposal, whileRon Morrison deals with how such a proposal could be brought into operation, and advocates that we Establish aState Bank to provide society with a regular supply <strong>of</strong> debt-free money.Prosperity developed from the meetings <strong>of</strong> the Bromsgrove Group which meets annually outside Bromsgrove, nearBirmingham. Each issue carries the Group's Statement <strong>of</strong> Belief which is a succinct general summary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Money</strong>Reform case. Prosperity does not promote any particular "brand" <strong>of</strong> monetary reform, nor are we critiquing the systemfrom any particular political or religious perspective. It is edited and published by Alistair McConnachie and can becontacted at: PROSPERITY, 268 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, G2 4JR Telephone: 0141 332 2214 Fax: 0141353 6900. For some quotes compiled by Wilfrid Price (deceased), who spent virtually all his life fighting the BankLords,please visist “The Great Bank Debt Fraud” http://www.unclenicks.net/canvas/Bankers.html .For those who do not believe that the banks create money from nothing, the first 31 quotes will soon put them straight.The ‘juiciest’ ones are the letter from the Rothschilds and the extract from the United States Bankers’ Magazine <strong>of</strong> 1892.These people and their forces are the ones behind it all. Their empires <strong>of</strong> pharmaceutical companies, rapacious energyinternationals, weapons manufacturers, the gutter press, politicians, and so on and on and on, are controlled by them.Take away the power <strong>of</strong> these outfits and the Bankers will crumble and wither away. Hence their fear <strong>of</strong> legalisingcannabis - a known solver <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> our realistic problems and the taker-away <strong>of</strong> power from the banks and Bankers.Less money needs to change hands if the weed is grown everywhere for our (bio)energy requirements, healthcare,recreation, etc., etc., so who needs their perverted banknotes then? If we need money, we the people can print it, justlike the Bankers do and will not lend it at interest when there is no hope <strong>of</strong> ever paying the exponentially growing debtback. All references to mortgage herewith and in the high street banks and beyond is the same mort-gage wordderived from Latin ‘mort’ - death and the Old Norman ‘gage’ - grip. Hold on to your hats and read on:The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 414

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