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Finally “In a World <strong>of</strong> PLENTY, there is no need for POVERTY and [INTEREST] DEBT. We have the technology to feed,house and clothe all people on EARTH without destroying our environment. Whatever is physically possible and sociallydesirable can be made financially possible. This is EVERYONES CONCERN and it is URGENT.” Found in "The SocialCrediter" September/October 1993 Volume 72 No. 5 EdinburghAffidavit That The Bankers Won’t Sign (they won’t sign it!)The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he/she is an <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the below namedfinancial institution, a nationally chartered commercial bank or lending institution or organization purchasing promissorynotes, hereinafter called bank. That, as an <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the bank, he/she has the authority to execute this affidavit on behalf<strong>of</strong> the bank and to bind the bank to its provisions. It is understood that an exchange is not a loan. It is understood thatthe borrower’s promissory note is not used to fund any check. It is understood that the bank does not record thepromissory note as a bank asset <strong>of</strong>fset by a bank liability. It is understood the bank complies with and follows the FederalReserve Bank’s policies and procedures. It is understood that the bank does not use the same or a similar bookkeepingentry to record the promissory note as a loan to the bank. It is understood that when banks participate in granting loansthe economic effect is not the same or similar to stealing, counterfeiting, or a swindle. Banks who follow the FederalReserve Bank’s policies and procedures deny customers neither equal protection under the law, nor money, nor credit.The bank fully discloses to each and every borrower all material facts concerning if the borrower provided the funds toissue the bank loan check or if other depositors or investors fund the bank loan check. It is understood that the one wh<strong>of</strong>unded the loan should be repaid their money. It is understood that cash is the money and a bank liability indicates thatthe bank owes cash. I agree that if I have made a false statement regarding bank loans, then any and all loans or allegedloans issued or purchased at the bank are forgiven, without recourse, and shall immediately be considered null and void.Signed under penalty <strong>of</strong> perjury.Signature <strong>of</strong> Bank Officer __________________________________________Print Name <strong>of</strong> Bank Officer__________________________________________Name <strong>of</strong> Bank: ___________________________________________________Address <strong>of</strong> Bank: _________________________________________________City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day <strong>of</strong> ___________________, 20____Signature <strong>of</strong> Notary Public ________________________________________________PRIMARY QUESTIONS1. Does the bank raise an asset to itself, in addition to the liability?2. Was this disclosed in the contract?3. Was I compensated for the bank using my note, and my signature, to raise this asset to the bank?4. Was this account containing the asset for the bank, opened before the bank received my note?5. When I pay <strong>of</strong>f the loan, who gets the asset the bank raised to itself, with my note?QUESTIONS DERIVED FROM PRIMARY QUESTIONS6. Is, there fraud Here?7. If there is fraud here, what are the damages?QUESTIONS THAT MAY LEAD TO THE DISCOVERY OF FRAUDULENT DAMAGES8. Was there inducement?(Advertising, Solicitation)9. What does the note represent? (Your promise to pay)10. Where will you derive the funds to pay? (From your labor)11. Is your labor, your property? (Duh! )12. How many years will you be paying on this note? (5, 10, 15, 30)13. What is the interest rate? (8%, 10%, 12%)14. Is that interest rate compounded annually, monthly, weekly, or daily?15. What is the actual rate <strong>of</strong> interest? (25-50% )16. Does this violate the Usury Laws? (12% or higher annual interest rate)17. Was this disclosed in the contract as required by the Federal Usury Disclosure Act?18. Did the bank raise an asset to itself on your hand written name? (Without your knowledge and consent)19. Did the bank use the note first (before) you received your loan, to raise the funds for the loan? (Did they sell it, or useit for collateral for a loan from another institution)20. Does this make the note a negotiable instrument? (Tendering a future earnings instrument for consideration to a thirdparty and endorsing, "without recourse.")21. Did the bank properly apply the proceeds from your note to the purported debt?22. What did the bank do with those proceeds? (Look at the building)23. Who else is deriving a benefit from your note, (and hand written name) without your knowledge or consent?24. Have you been damaged?ELEMENTS OF MONETARY REFORM (Who control the creation <strong>of</strong> CREDIT MONEY control World)Please visit http://www.monetary.org/ American Monetary Institute. A policy change against allowing private bankersto create our medium <strong>of</strong> exchange by private loan (plus uncreated interest) is the best place to start, as honest moneywould cause the majority <strong>of</strong> our political and economic problems to dry up and blow away since it would no longer be theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 413

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