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sensationalist stories, such as the case <strong>of</strong> Scott Peterson, which are meant to distract people from the more importantissues <strong>of</strong> our time, such as the US foreign policy, for example. The article in the Wall Street Journal, dated September 21,2004, that rankled her into finally writing this article, which has been brewing in her mind for some time, was one byJeffrey Ball entitled "As Prices Soar, Doomsayers Provoke Debate on Oil's Future". The sub-title was: "In a 1970's echo,Dr. Campbell (no relation to me!) Warns Supply Is Drying Up, but Industry Isn't Worried". Note that the price <strong>of</strong> oil wentfrom $15 to $75 quintupling the $ purchase requirements, i.e. from over $600 million daily to over $3 billion daily.US MEDIA DETERMINES WHO WILL BE INFLUENTIAL: Is it a coincidence that Dr. Campbell is "suddenly influential"?No, it is not. Even the Wall Street Journal is playing into the game <strong>of</strong> making Dr. Campbell "suddenly influential" with thisarticle. Why is the US media pushing Dr. Campbell, a man who lives in a tiny Irish village, into the limelight? Because themedia, which is run by pro-Israel forces, want people like Dr. Campbell to be in the limelight is why. And you may ask,why is that? Well, because Dr. Campbell's views help support the pro-Israel agenda <strong>of</strong> that other "suddenly influentialband <strong>of</strong> contrarians", known as the NeoConservatives. The NeoConservatives are mostly Zionist Jews, headed by PaulWolfowitz, who qualify as Israeli-Americans, and who are now openly directing US foreign policy almost completely.Christian Zionists such as Bush and Cheney have jumped on their bandwagon. People whose voices the US media wantsyou to hear will be heard. Conversely, people whose voices and actions the US media want to hide, will go into thememory hole. It's only an illusion that we have a free and democratic press here in the US. Personally, I think it's abouttime to press for the right to vote for affirmative action laws with regards to specifically the US mass media and our USforeign policy department, both <strong>of</strong> which have a hugely disproportional percentage <strong>of</strong> Israeli-Americans in them. The overrepresentation<strong>of</strong> Israeli-Americans in US newsrooms tends to undermine journalistic integrity. When the news mediaconsistently manipulates public sensibilities with a bias favoring a foreign country such as Israel [and the associateddisintegration <strong>of</strong> Palestine], American democratic values and institutions are compromised, as well as Americans' ability toobjectively and independently access the situation. America needs more non-Zionists (ie. people ineligible for Israelicitizenship) in high news and government positions to safeguard our own national interests against foreign interests.Whoever shapes public opinion has an unfair advantage politically. It serves as the government's propaganda mouthpiece,but only when the government does as the media wants. Conversely, it has to power to bring politicians down who are notpro-Israel enough, <strong>of</strong>ten simply by ignoring them or by pulling out something unsavory from his or her dossier tosuddenly put into the limelight. It works kind <strong>of</strong> like blackmail, actually. The news establishment is termed by some to be"The Fourth Estate", meaning the fourth branch <strong>of</strong> American government, after the Executive, Legislative and Judicialbranches. This mighty, and in many ways, secretive, consolidated collection <strong>of</strong> media networks manages the Americanmind, shaping public opinion. American public opinion is the World's second most powerful super-power, but it's too badthat it is managed by the narrow interests <strong>of</strong> the elite controllers <strong>of</strong> the "free" and "democratic" media. Thank God for theinternet, although "they" are franticly trying to control this last bastion <strong>of</strong> liberty as well.LET'S DEBUNK SOME COMMON MYTHS ABOUT ISRAEL, OIL and U.S. SECURITY/INTERESTS: First <strong>of</strong> all, I'm suremany <strong>of</strong> you are aware <strong>of</strong> the notion put out there by political pundits (who are most likely pro-Israel) that the USsomehow needs Israel in the Middle East to be its stationary "aircraft carrier" to act as the "tough cop" looking out forAmerican interests in that region, specifically with regards to oil. Let me ask you these few revealing questions. When hasIsrael EVER sent any troops in to lend us a hand in ANY war the US has waged in the Middle East? Pretty amazing,especially when you consider that any wars the US has waged on the Middle East has been at the prodding <strong>of</strong> Israel andIsraeli-Americans [Zionists], particularly the NeoConservatives. Have you ever noticed that gas is actually cheaper thanbottled water? Have you noticed or read the reports that the price <strong>of</strong> gas has not risen in keeping with inflation? Adjustedfor inflation, gasoline today would have to sell for around $3.50 a gallon to the match prices Americans paid in 1981. Andthis does not factor in the additional savings in consumption we enjoy since today's cars get nearly twice the gas mileage<strong>of</strong> cars produced only 25 years ago. Do you realize that the Arab World needs to sell its oil even more than we need tobuy it from them? Did you know the US gets oil from many other countries including Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, etc.besides a few Middle Eastern countries? Actually, both Russia and Canada supply the US with quantities <strong>of</strong> oil comparableto Saudi Arabia. And what about the fact that there are more and more discoveries <strong>of</strong> new oil resources throughout theWorld? And that many geologists say that oil is actually a renewable resource? Even this Wall Street Journal article thatsparked my writing this article gave many examples <strong>of</strong> how geologists sc<strong>of</strong>f at Dr. Campbell's prediction <strong>of</strong> an "oil crisis"looming ahead.Even in Michael Moore's Arab-bashing, misleading, "daring" documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11", he made it clear that theSaudis are heavily invested in some sectors <strong>of</strong> American business, and that the Saudis are and always have been verycooperative with the US government, with the exception <strong>of</strong> the "oil crisis" <strong>of</strong> 1973, which I will discuss later in this article.It is well-known that the Saudis see the American government support <strong>of</strong> Israel's brutal persecution <strong>of</strong> the Palestinianpeople. By the way, did you notice how Michael Moore didn't even mention the word "Israel"? Or "Zionism"? Or even"NeoConservatism" in his documentary? Not surprising. His agent is top Hollywood Jewish Zionist Ari Emmanuel whosebrother is Rahm Emmanuel, who served in the Carter administration, and is currently a hyper pro-Israel senator in Illinois.Another interesting note about Moore's documentary: he even pointed out how none <strong>of</strong> the Saudis could reap anyfinancial benefits from the war on Iraq, unlike American companies such as Halliburton. So his whole Arab-bashingapproach basically backfires. It shows how cowardly Moore is in the face <strong>of</strong> Zionist Hollywood, not to mention how greedyhe obviously is to go for the big bucks, which toeing the Zionist line assures anyone in the Worlds <strong>of</strong> US media andpolitics. It's ever so convenient and "somehow" politically "acceptable" to scapegoat Arabs and Muslims in ZionistHollywood and US media. Consider this as well: does it make any sense whatsoever to spend over $200 BILLION [andmore over time] on the war on Iraq to get control <strong>of</strong> Iraqi oil for US interests? Especially when we could easily buy it, if weThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 403

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