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people had access to rural living with some food, water and shelter. Now it is the opposite so any crash now causes thatmuch more misery, suffering & hard ship. By studying & making contacts now, a person can be more prepared.http://www.nesara.us has information about the legislation that has been passed under secrecy from the Farms Claimssuits that would switch the Federal Reserve debt created interest bearing money back to the US treasury dollars. It is acontinuation <strong>of</strong> what John F. Kennedy had started attempting to do until his public murder. It would cancel debts includingmortgage & credit cards and switch income taxes to a sales tax on new non-essential items. There would be a return toconstitutional law with peace declared bringing troops back from foreign wars. Dove's information stated the day afterthe World Trade Center bombing, one tower had housed the computers for transferring the s<strong>of</strong>tware updatingprogramming for the switch over, and the Pentagon section that was hit was the fraction in the military supporting theswitch and the Pennsylvania plane was a cover story for going after the backup fiber optic command center controlled bythe patriotic constitutional fraction.The bankers benefit the most from wars. In order to extract that much more wealth from people, it is necessary to passtax legislation so more pr<strong>of</strong>its can flow to them and their companies from the people in war time in cost plus contracts. Doyou know <strong>of</strong> any average person knowing ahead to set up a munitions factory or a chemical company prior to a war orhaving the funds to do so after the war starts? How many small private companies have their firms taken over under thenecessities <strong>of</strong> war? Was the seizure <strong>of</strong> land, buildings and assets <strong>of</strong> the Japanese citizens necessary or another theft bythe bankers? Originally, the income tax legislation in the US & Canada was started before their entry into World War 1. Itwas promoted as voluntary on very high income people to benefit the poorer people in order to get people to vote for it.For most people it sounded good, thus the legislation passed. In Canada there was an additional requirement in order forit to pass that the tax legislation would be nullified within 4 years <strong>of</strong> the ending <strong>of</strong> the war or when the war debt was paid,which ever came first.The lawyers for the Rockefellers set up trusts & foundations behind the scenes so they were exempt from the taxes. Evenin 1978, Nelson Rockefeller paid no income tax as reported when he was running for governor <strong>of</strong> New York. Can youimagine how much more money you would have if you were able to keep all that you spent in income tax over the last 10to 50 years? What ended up happening since then, is that the "voluntary" tax became almost compulsory for the brainwashed unquestioning masses and the tax burden shifted down from very high income down to the high to middleincome. That income gives subsidence support for the unemployed or near impoverished so they don't rebel and startasking too many questions. There are a number <strong>of</strong> people fighting the IRS & CCRA with varying degrees <strong>of</strong> successdepending primarily on their knowledge and crookedness <strong>of</strong> the judges deciding their cases. .American Tax Consultants: 3910 Northdale Blvd., Suite 210, Tampa, Florida 33624, Phone (813) 908-8422; Fax (813)908-6882 quietly revoking the contract citizens signed with the IRS when they completed their first 1040. The method isperfectly legal and once complete the IRS leaves you alone. From their literature, none <strong>of</strong> their clients were everinvestigated. They simply become "not required to file" by the IRS' own laws. Best I have found for the US. about 1300clients and haven't lost one yet as I understand it.http://www.detaxcanada.org/ Eldon Warman hasn't paid any taxes since 1978 in Canada. Free information for what hesuggests. Donations welcomed.Joe Banister was a special criminal investigator with the IRS until he discovered the truth and switched sides. He wasdoing consulting and has won several cases including his own. A number <strong>of</strong> people are fighting loans, mortgages andcredit card debt again with varying degrees <strong>of</strong> success depending on their knowledge & the crookedness <strong>of</strong> the judge.http://www.arcticbeacon.com/23-Mar-2006.html "The above Judgment was entered by the Court on December 9, 1968.The issue there was simple - Nothing in the law gave the Banks the right to create money on their books"Justice Mahoney (One <strong>of</strong> the few honest patriotic constitutional judges) denied the use <strong>of</strong> Federal Reserve Notes, sincethey represent debt instruments, not true money, from being used to pay for the appeal process itself. In order to get thisoverturned, since the bank's appeal without the payment being recognized was out <strong>of</strong> time, it would have required thatthe Bank <strong>of</strong> Montgomery, Minnesota bring a Title 42, Section 1983 action against the judicial act <strong>of</strong> Justice Mahoney for aviolation <strong>of</strong> the Constitution <strong>of</strong> the United States under color <strong>of</strong> law or authority, and if successful, have the caseremanded back to him to either retry the case or allow the appeal to go through. Justice Mahoney was murderedabout 6 months later as his payment from the bankers.It is important to study those that have proven track records against the IRS, Banks & courts before fighting the systemas even then, there are no guarantees even in a jury trial, as the judge can give recommendations that the jury perceivesas virtual orders contrary to the jury deciding what is the best decision in the circumstances on the evidence presented forthemselves for each particular case. Some people transfer any assets that they do have out <strong>of</strong> their possession beforefighting the system. Others like corporations, just fudge with the books so that the IRS finds it almost impossible touncover the real income. It is easier to go after the people in order to get a higher quota <strong>of</strong> taxes owing for each hour <strong>of</strong>time spent at the <strong>of</strong>fice.http://www.CAFR1.com Walter Burien has uncovered in the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report), that thestates are hiding so much assets and income from the people that right now, there is almost no necessity for state orincome taxes.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 40

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