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Suharto. Sukarno never made the great public statement that was to assure the success <strong>of</strong> the coup, and after its defeatand the ensuing bloodbath, he was stripped <strong>of</strong> his power. After a few years <strong>of</strong> ignominious house arrest the hero <strong>of</strong> allIndonesia died in 1970. What was the story behind Nixon's harsh action against Wisner? Was that the deep-rooted reasonwhy CIA top-echelon insiders such as Dick Helms really hated and distrusted Nixon? In later years did they take out theirgrudge against him with a piece <strong>of</strong> tape on a Watergate doorway? There may never be answers to these questions, orperhaps they have been answered already. It is said that when the great volcanic mountain <strong>of</strong> Krakatoa in Indonesia blewup causing the greatest explosion the World had ever known, the dust <strong>of</strong> Indonesia was spread all over the World. Theholocausts <strong>of</strong> 1958 and 1965 may have done the same thing. (for an excerpt from an interview conducted with L. FletcherProuty on May 6, 1989, regarding his book The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control <strong>of</strong> the United States and theWorld, Prentice Hall, 1973. This segment recounts Prouty's experience when he found out that some things he had beendoing for years in support <strong>of</strong> the CIA had not been known by the senior military <strong>of</strong>ficer in the armed forces -- thechairman <strong>of</strong> the JCS -- and that they had been done, most likely, in response to other authority. A transcript <strong>of</strong> thisinterview was to be published in 1998 by rat haus reality press as the book Understanding Special Operations)Day <strong>of</strong> Infamy, August 15, 1971, Rome Steals US LandsAugust 15, 1971, is a day that will live in infamy. That was the day that Standard Oil controlled President Richard Nixonassassinated the DOLLAR. He took the dollar <strong>of</strong>f the gold standard and paved the way for the ruin <strong>of</strong> the country. Inpagan Rome, August 15 was the big day for the devotees <strong>of</strong> Venus or the Queen <strong>of</strong> Heaven otherwise known as theEgyptian Isis or Hathor the cow goddess (the 5-pointed star or pentacle is the symbol <strong>of</strong> Venus; Venus’ 4 year-cycle inreflected in the Olympics and its 5 circles on the Olympic flag). Roman pagans believed that Venus was taken up alive intoheaven and crowned Queen <strong>of</strong> heaven. Papal Rome substituted Mary (the humble mother <strong>of</strong> Yeshua-Joshua) for Venusand continued to observe their pagan holiday. Now they call it the Assumption <strong>of</strong> the Blessed Virgin Mary!! Venus or themother goddess was called Isis or Hathor in Egypt and Diana <strong>of</strong> the Ephesians in Asia Minor. August 15, 1534 was also theday that Ignatius LIEola founded the deadly Jesuit order.After this date, foreign holders <strong>of</strong> U.S. currency could not redeem their dollars in gold . . . so the vast lands <strong>of</strong> theWestern U.S. were promised as collateral instead <strong>of</strong> gold. Judas Iscariot was a perfect type <strong>of</strong> the papacy at the end <strong>of</strong> theWorld....Judas betrayed his Lord for 2 things: MONEY and LAND. Of course everybody knows that Fort Knox, Kentucky, islike the United States <strong>of</strong> America — impregnable from the outside. So if anybody wants to penetrate that fortress andsteal the gold the thief has to come from within!! By 1950, the U.S. Government owned almost half <strong>of</strong> all the World's goldsupply and the dollar was as good as gold. Now it is ALL gone . . . shipped <strong>of</strong>f to Swiss and German Banks and credited tothe account <strong>of</strong> the Vatican Bank!! During World War II, Fort Knox was modified to allow easy access to the MAINSTORAGE VAULT. Beginning in 1961, gold began to flow out and was taken to the Federal Reserve Vaults in New York CityFederal Reserve Building at 33 LIBERTY St. (the tender mercies <strong>of</strong> the wicked are cruel) in downtown New York City (2blocks from Wall St.) is the home <strong>of</strong> the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. All the stolen gold was taken here andstored in the basement. It was used to finance the Vietnam War, the Cold War, Star Wars, Iraqi War, Serbian War, illegalimmigration, drug traffic, abortion clinics etc., etc.1984 Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan Exposes All Taxes Go To BankLordsThe final report <strong>of</strong> the 1984 Grace Commission, convened under President Ronald Reagan, quietly admittedthat none <strong>of</strong> the funds they collect from federal income taxes goes to pay for any federal governmentservices. The Grace Commission found that those funds were being used to pay for interest on the federaldebt, and income transfer payments to beneficiaries <strong>of</strong> entitlement programs like federal pension plans.Ronald Reagan was promptly shot after he dared to criticize the Fed, on the same day that the Pope was shot. Afterrecovering, he changed his mind and praised the Fed. About seven US Presidents have been assassinated for notcooperating with the Transatlantic Banking Dynasties (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln,Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if FDR’s poisoning is counted). Most <strong>of</strong> us feel sick when we realize thatNot one dime <strong>of</strong> IRS money goes to the US Gov't, according to Reagan's Grace Commission: it all goes to payinterest on a bogus debt to the Private Federal Reserve (FED), just to allow paper money to circulate as "FederalReserve Notes". The Federal Reserve is a private Corporation eventually owned by the Rockefellers and RothschildsDynasties through intermediary agents, designed to suck the capital dry from the U.S., as the Rothschilds do in Europe.Read Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People More Links at DeepInfo.com on Jekyll Island ."100% <strong>of</strong> what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income taxrevenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government." -GraceCommission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan - January 15, 1984These comments were presented at the Close <strong>of</strong> the Citizens' Truth-In-Taxation Hearing.Washington D.C., February27-28, 2002: IRS is a Trust Headquartered in Puerto Rico Not a Federal Agency The IRS is technically not an "agency" <strong>of</strong>the federal government, as that term is defined in the Freedom <strong>of</strong> Information Act and in the Administrative ProceduresAct. The governments <strong>of</strong> the federal territories are expressly excluded from the definition <strong>of</strong> "agency" in those Acts <strong>of</strong>Congress. See 5 U.S.C. 551(1)(C). All evidence indicates that they are a money laundry, extortion racket, and conspiracyto engage in a pattern <strong>of</strong> racketeering activity, in violation <strong>of</strong> 18 U.S.C. 1951 and 1961 et seq. They appear to belaundering huge sums <strong>of</strong> money into foreign banks, mostly in Europe, and quite possibly into the Vatican. See the nationalpolicy on money laundering at 31 U.S.C. 5341 . Do federal income tax revenues pay for any government services and, ifThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 376

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