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Australia. From one <strong>of</strong> these islands came Lt. Col. Alex Kawilarang, the military attache serving in Washington who was todefect to the rebel forces and lead the rebel contingent on Sumatra, the Indonesian island richest in natural resources.His Excellency President Gerald Ford, The White House, Washington, D.C., Dear Mr. President,As the widow <strong>of</strong> the late President Sukarno and being the only member <strong>of</strong> the family living overseas, I address myself toyou, being deeply alarmed and disturbed by numerous and persistent reports in the international press. For instance, theCIA is said to have spied on my husband: manufactured a fake film in order to slander the good name and honor <strong>of</strong>Sukarno: prepared an assassination attempt against him and conspired to oust him from power to estrange him from theIndonesian people by accusing him <strong>of</strong> collaborating with international communism in betrayal <strong>of</strong> Indonesianindependence, which <strong>of</strong> course was totally absurd.My husband has repeatedly informed me that he was fully aware <strong>of</strong> these immoral, illegal, subversive, anti-Indonesianactivities against his beloved Indonesia, his people, and against him personally.I would like to request from you, as well as from the responsible Congressional Committees in the United States a fullexplanation about these reports and reprehensible practices as carried out by an <strong>of</strong>ficial United States GovernmentAgency in the name <strong>of</strong> several American Presidents and Governments.Both in 1958 and in 1965, the CIA directly interfered in the internal affairs <strong>of</strong> Indonesia. In 1958, this monstrous actionled to civil war. In 1965, it led to the ultimate takeover by a pro-American military regime, while hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong>innocent peasants and loyal citizens were massacred in the name <strong>of</strong> this insane crusade against international communism.Still today, ten years later, many tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> true patriots and Sukarnoists are locked up in jails andconcentration camps being denied the simplest and most elementary human rights. American companies and aggressiveforeign interests are indiscriminately plundering the natural riches <strong>of</strong> Indonesia to the advantage <strong>of</strong> the few and thedisadvantage <strong>of</strong> the millions <strong>of</strong> unemployed and impoverished masses.I must now ask you, Mr. President, in the name <strong>of</strong> freedom and justice, in the name <strong>of</strong> decency in relations betweenstates and statesmen, between powerful nations and developing lands, in the name <strong>of</strong> the Indonesian people and theSukarno family: did the United States <strong>of</strong> America commit these hideous crimes against Indonesia and against the founder<strong>of</strong> the nation? Will your Government be prepared to accept responsibility for these evil practices? Over one hundredmillion Indonesians have been brainwashed, as was the rest <strong>of</strong> the World by the present regime's propaganda to believethat the communists carried out the insurrection. My countrymen, as well as everyone else, have the right to know thetruth <strong>of</strong> the historic facts. It will be the painful duty for America now to reveal the CIA involvement in Indonesia andrelease all information and documents relevant to who really initiated the terrifying bloodbath that led to the overthrow <strong>of</strong>the legal Government and to the inhuman treatment in house arrest lasting three years until my husband's death.In closing, I would like to strongly appeal to you, Mr. President, to use your influence with the military regime in Jakarta,to immediately free those many thousands <strong>of</strong> political prisoners, men and women, former cabinet ministers, writers andjournalists, who I know are entirely innocent <strong>of</strong> the crime <strong>of</strong> treason they have been accused <strong>of</strong>. If the United States wereto be instrumental in helping to improve the fate <strong>of</strong> so many thousands <strong>of</strong> courageous compatriots, I think the entireIndonesian nation would be grateful and Indonesians would regain their confidence in America's intentions towards theThird World.Respectfully, R. S. Dewi Sukarno, July 24, 1975What is not generally known about the complex Indonesian struggle is the role that was played by the then Vice President<strong>of</strong> the United States, Richard M. Nixon, and the bitter aftermath that involved the sudden ouster <strong>of</strong> Allen Dulles' protege,Frank Wisner, who at that time was the head <strong>of</strong> the clandestine arm <strong>of</strong> the CIA. After Watergate, when Anthony Lukaswrote in his book Nightmare, about the growing mistrust between Nixon and the Director <strong>of</strong> Central Intelligence, RichardHelms, he could have added that since the 1958 Indonesian rebellion there were many in the CIA who made a career <strong>of</strong>hating Nixon because <strong>of</strong> what he had done to Frank Wisner, among others. The Indonesian campaign began rathercasually as so many CIA ventures do. Few if any ever originate at the top. During an unguarded conversation inWashington the Indonesian military attaché mentioned earlier made it known to certain U.S. military acquaintances thatthere were many prominent and strong people in Indonesia who would be ready to rise against Sukarno if they were givena little support and encouragement from the United States. It happened that one <strong>of</strong> those U.S. military friends he talkedto was not a military man at all, but a member <strong>of</strong> the CIA. The provocative words got back to Frank Wisner, then theDeputy Director <strong>of</strong> Plans. He was in charge <strong>of</strong> the CIA's clandestine activity and he authorized agents to follow up on thatfirst conversation.The Indonesian attaché was wined and dined and encouraged to talk more. Reasons for the attache's return to Indonesiaon <strong>of</strong>ficial business were successfully arranged. He was accompanied by CIA agents traveling under the cover <strong>of</strong> "U.S.military" personnel. During this visit they spoke with rebel leaders. They learned enough about the potential strength <strong>of</strong>this opposition to encourage the CIA to set in motion its biggest operation up to that date. In the Philippines there was astrong nucleus <strong>of</strong> military men, chief among them a Colonel Valeriano, who had been President Magsaysay's militaryassistant. He had also worked on paramilitary exercises with the CIA during the Magsaysay campaign against the leftistrebel Huk movement. This military group had gained considerable power during the Magsaysay tenure. Many <strong>of</strong> thesespecial warfare experts from the Philippines had volunteered for duty in South Vietnam in 1955 when the CIA was deeplyThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 374

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