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German productivity directly benefits the rest <strong>of</strong> Europe in the form <strong>of</strong> a commensurate increase in Germany's foreigntrade.Incidentally, the Marshall Plan also depended to a great extent on this European economic union; with relatively fewexceptions, it gave aid only if the recipient would grant special "drawing rights" for its products to other European nations.In light <strong>of</strong> these sabotaged economic possibilities, what is the point <strong>of</strong> the hullabaloo everyone makes over the peanutsthat were shelled out under the Marshall Plan? Notes: First published in Huttenbriefe, February 1998, pp. 3-7; translatedby Arnim Johannis; illustration and boxed quotation added; with friendly permission taken fromwww.wintersonnenwende.com. [1] Deutsche Bundesbank (ed.), Deutsches Geld- und Bankwesen in Zahlen 1876-1975,Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 1976, p. 341. [2] For this seewww.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/starvation1919.html. [3] The abovementioned figuresare the absolute minimum. In his book Crimes and Mercies, the Canadian historian James Bacque concludes, based onintensive research in Germany as well as in recently released American archival holdings, that the years <strong>of</strong> starvation thatwere caused in this way (1945-47 in Germany; author) cost some five to six million lives. [4] Statistics from: GerhartJentsch, Der Marshallplan und Deutschlands Platz darin, ECA Mission for West Germany, Frankfurt/Main 1950, pp. 31 and83. Note that this publication gives post-1948/49 data only for Western Europe and West Germany; in 1945 the AmericanCrusaders had handed Eastern Europe, wholly half <strong>of</strong> Europe, over to the Bolshevist-Asiatic fiend Stalin for looting andextermination, so that these peoples could also not take part in the Marshall Plan. [5] The following statistics are basedprimarily on: The Harmssen Report: Reparationen - Sozialprodukt - Lebensstandard, 4 issues, Friederich Trüjen Verlag,Bremen 1948. The Harmssen Report was commissioned by the Premiers <strong>of</strong> the then newly constituted German lands andis therefore an <strong>of</strong>ficial. document. The terms used in the tables (to indicate the looting and destruction) are taken fromHarmssen and denote the same particulars; Gustav Wilhelm Harmssen, Am Abend der Demontage, Sechs JahreReparationspolitik, with documentary appendix, Friederich Trüjen Verlag, Bremen 1951; Helmut Rumpf, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>National and International Law, lecturing legation counselor 1st class (Ministerial Counsel) with the Foreign Office at Bonn,Die deutschen Reparationen nach dem 2. Weltkrieg; Handbuch zur Deutschen Nation, vol. 1: Intellectual state andpolitical situation, pub. by Bernard Willms, Hohenrain Verlag, Tübingen, 1986. [6 For this seewww.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/patents.html [7] West Germany's GNP according toDeutsches Geld- und Bankenwesen in Zahlen 1876-1975, pub. Deutsche Bundesbank, Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt/Main1976. East Germany's GNP is estimated; growth as per half the West German percentage, occupation expenses as per theoccupiers' actual consumption. [8] Politische Zeittafel 1949-1969, pp. 18ff. Presse- und Informationsamt derBundesregierung, 1969 and 1981. [9] Acc. to Harmssen, op. cit. (note 5), p. 139. [10] Kurt Pritzkoleit, Gott erhalte dieMächtigen, Karl Rauch Verlag, Düsseldorf 1953, p. 126. [11] http://forum.judentum.de/archiv-a/messages/8/1548.htmlSource: The Revisionist 2(2) (2004), pp. 123-126.The World Central Bank (1948 - Present)In Washington, the headquarters <strong>of</strong> both the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) faceeach other on the same street. What are these organisations, and who controls them? To find out weneed to look back to just after WWI. At this point the money changers were attempting to consolidate thecentral banks under the guise <strong>of</strong> peacemaking. To stop future wars they put forward the formation <strong>of</strong> a World central banknamed the Bank <strong>of</strong> International Settlements, a World court called the World Court in the Hague, and a World executivefor legislation called the League <strong>of</strong> Nations. All central banks <strong>of</strong> the World hold U.S. dollar reserves equivalent to the localcurrency in circulation to facilitate trade, especially, the oil trade.John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Israeili Nukes & The OILY Vietnam WarAvner Cohen,’Israel and the Bomb’, New York 1998, goes to great lengths to hide thatKennedy was murdered shortly after he had threatened Israel to stop selling arms tothat country if it went on developing a nuclear weapon. The book passed the Israelicensor.In the 1960s Lyndon Johnson borrowed billions from the French Rothschilds so he wouldn't have to raise taxes to financethe Vietnam War. The War didn’t end until Vietnam secretly accepted to allow the Rockefeller Oil Companies access to its<strong>of</strong>f-shore oil. Rothschild’s agent (some blame Charles de Gaulle) demanded repayment in gold, not greenbacks or privateFederal Reserve Notes. When Richard Nixon was elected he noted that the treasury was almost depleted <strong>of</strong> gold and heremoved the dollar from the gold standard. But the debt still stood. Nixon collateralized the debt with the mineral estate<strong>of</strong> the western U.S. and a land-for-debt swap was initiated. Much <strong>of</strong> the western States were given to the bankingdynasties. This is when Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency. Their mandate was/is to PREVENT Americancitizens from logging, farming, ranching or otherwise exploiting these lands being held for the banking dynasties. TheBureau <strong>of</strong> Land Management and other agencies are used to harass ranchers and farmers from the land.Two schools <strong>of</strong> thought abound concerning President Kennedy and his issuance <strong>of</strong> money. Some claim he by-passed thepowerful Federal Reserve System and issued debt free money, i.e. refreshed the greenbacks. Others claim he merely gaveaway the nation’s silver reserves amending a Truman Executive Order 10289 with his EO 11110 (may be he didn't go asfar as the BankLords wanted???). Some claim that those Silver Certificates were debt free money that by-passed controlby the Federal Reserve System. Others call it a silver give-a-way. It seems that Kennedy's tendency to end the VietnamWar, to curtail the CIA including its drug running operations, to bypass the Federal Reserve, to veto the operationThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 363

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