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Sharon is a man <strong>of</strong> peace accordingto the bigger butcher Bush, all <strong>of</strong>them working for their BankLordsmasters, i.e. remember Rothschilds’words about he who controls theissue <strong>of</strong> credit money controls all).From Bob Limetta, the concordatbetween the Vatican and the NAZI.At center is Cardinal Secretary OfState Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII), signs theconcordat bewteen the Vatican andthe NAZI at a formal ceremony in Romeon July 20, 1933. NAZI Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen sits at the leftside and Rudolf Buttmann sits at right. The concordat legitimized AdolfHitler and the NAZI Government in theeyes <strong>of</strong> the Catholicism and the World.Photographs: Adolf Hitler greetsMuller "The Bishop Of The Reich"and Abbot Schachleitner. AdolfHitler greets a Roman CatholicCardinal. Roman Catholic Bishopsgiving the NAZI salute in honor OfAdolf Hitler. Cardinal MichaelFaulhaber marches between rows <strong>of</strong>SA men at a NAZI rally in Munich, Germany. Roman Catholic Priests givingNAZI salute at a Catholic youth rally in the Berlin Neukolln Stadium in August 1933. NAZI German soldiersoath <strong>of</strong> allegiance to Hitler "I swear to God this holy oath to the Fuhrer <strong>of</strong> the German Reich and people".Do you notice the NAZI German soldier's two fingers like the Pope does and the icon or statue <strong>of</strong> VirginMary. Well, according to the late ex-Jesuit Priest Alberto Romero Rivera the two fingers means: ApostolicSuccession & Temporal Power.The Vatican had arranged for some <strong>of</strong> the Nazis to leave Europe by providing special papers. Vatican is the EMPIRE!Zionists are the STOOGES, (Christian + Jew + anything); Jews are the PATSIES! According to Rick Martin, from 1933to 1945 Jesuit General Ledowchowski used his Nazi SS – patterned after the Jesuit Order – in cooperation with Stalin’sNKVD to purge Europe and Western Russia <strong>of</strong> its Jews, Polish anti-communists and any Protestants/Orthodox whodared to get in the way. The Nazi SD, being the central intelligence <strong>of</strong> the SS, was secretly managed by HeinrichHimmler’s resident Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Dr. Richard Korherr. As the Black Pope’s favorite, SD Jesuit HeinrichHimmler carried out his Superior Jesuit General’s policy by giving orders directing Hitler’s Secretary – the man behindthe Fuhrer greater than Fuhrer himself – SS General Martin Bormann! After the war’s end Himmler’s “suicide” wasfaked by the British SIS, and Bormann, disguised as a Jesuit priest, “escaped” to South America having become a laybrother in a secret branch <strong>of</strong> the Jesuit Order called the Redemptorists. From Argentina, Bormann contributed in therebuilding <strong>of</strong> Roman Catholic West Germany in obedience to the design <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Jesus. German Protestantismhad now been destroyed thanks to the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945). Having worked with theAllies during the war, the Nazi SS, including its entire intelligence apparatus, was brought into the West by New YorkArchbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman as “anti-communists” and into the East by Gregory Cardinal Agagianian assupposed “freedom fighters” in the eyes <strong>of</strong> the West. In fact, the CIA and KGB shared Reinhard Gehlen’s old soldersduring the Hoax known as “the Cold War”. The CIA and KGB in control <strong>of</strong> the American and Russian governmentswere NEVER enemies at the top. Both agencies were financed by the Vatican’s international banks and corporationsheaded by the Knights <strong>of</strong> Malta and Shriner Masons. They merely served as the Order’s two controlled forces <strong>of</strong> itspolitical dialectic, the outcome <strong>of</strong> every crisis furthering the plans <strong>of</strong> the Black Pope in Rome. The Vatican also hadlent support to the fascist Mussolini.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6759022809518563654 When Hitler came to power, Hitler closed down all<strong>of</strong> the anti-Zionist Jewish papers and allowed the Zionist papers to remain open. Hitler never let anyone seem himnaked because he was circumcised. The Zionists are the True Anti-Semites, just ask the True-Torah Jewshttp://www.jewsagainstzionism.com . The invasion <strong>of</strong> Middle Eastern countries is a continuation <strong>of</strong> the Zionist planand it is being pushed by the Zionist lobbies in the US, UK and Europe. Note how simultaneously the Jewish AmericanPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt closed the doors to Jewish immigration from Europe when Hitler came to powerunder the guidance <strong>of</strong> Zionists. The plan all along was to scare European Jews into leaving Europe and the only placethey would be allowed to go to is Palestine. Jim Condit Jr. video documentary: The Zionist-Nazi Secret Alliance, TheTransfer Agreement and The New Transfer Agreement, Hitler's Policy was a Zionist Policy, Hitler was surrounded byZionist Jews Jim Condit, 2 hr 22 min 36 sec - Apr 9, 2006, www.thefinalsolutiontoadolphhitler.com . The Zionistsbrought us to the Holocaust. It is well known that it was possible to arrange for Jews to leave Europe for other areas<strong>of</strong> the World other than Palestine with money,...but THE ZIONIST LEADERS WHO NOW SIT IN GOVERNMENTPREVENTED IT! -- Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich (circa 1954)The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 357

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