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Bankers have subsidised the present Government <strong>of</strong> Germany and they have also supplied every dollar <strong>of</strong> the moneyAdolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up threat to the government <strong>of</strong> Bruening. When Bruening failsto obey the orders <strong>of</strong> the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans intosubmission... Through the Federal Reserve Board over $30 billion <strong>of</strong> American money has been pumped intoGermany. You have all heard <strong>of</strong> the spending that has taken place in Germany... Modernistic dwellings, her greatplanetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was doneon our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board haspumped so many billions <strong>of</strong> dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total."This battle with Zionism has nothing to do with religion or Judaism; people <strong>of</strong> all races, religions, andnationalities are defending themselves from Zionism’s predatory advance. There are many Jews and Rabbis opposingZionism. Unfortunately, you will not find much information about Zionism from the mainstream media because most<strong>of</strong> the American and European media is controlled by Zionists and is spreading its control throughout the World. Theyare suppressing information about Zionism, the September 11th attack, our banking system, the attack on the USSLiberty, and other horrendous crimes approved by Zionist elites. As a result, you have to do your own research intothe issue, which requires looking at more than one person's opinion. You can start with: Daryl Bradford Smith hasradio interviews, Rabbi Dovid Weiss, Michael Collins Piper, Wayne Kyle, Eustace Mullins, Eric Hufschmid What IsZionism?, <strong>History</strong> is Warped, Jews Against Zionism, Jews Not Zionists, Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism,http://i.am/jah/freedman.htm , http://www.iamthewitness.com/index.htmlWorld War II (1939-1945) and the Vatican-Jesuit-Zionist Hitler ConnectionThe BankLords lost their control over Soviet communism and had to create another monster –the German nazism- t<strong>of</strong>ix the problem. This didn`t exactly play down as it was originally planned but the banksters nonetheless had theirWorld war and its benefits in terms <strong>of</strong> an increased political power over the Western World and the creation <strong>of</strong> theIsraeli stronghold in the Middle-East. Today, the banksters lost their control over Russia and failed to take control <strong>of</strong>China. So, they created a monster –the American neo-conservatism- to fix the problem. The plan is probably thedestruction <strong>of</strong> Russia and China in a third World war opposing these to the USA. Then, the European Union, which isnow completely controlled by the banksters, would integrate a deadly injured USA as well as the ruins <strong>of</strong> the rest <strong>of</strong>the World to make what the high dignitaries <strong>of</strong> the EU have already announced in a 2004 exhibition in Bruxelles as aplanetary empire called „the Union”. A war against Iran could be the trigger <strong>of</strong> the third World war but, if it will nothappen or not suffice, be sure the banksters have other scenarios ready to be implemented with the help <strong>of</strong> thepuppet politicians they have now in the Western World as well as in the Middle East and, <strong>of</strong> course, in their Israelistronghold. This time, again, the banksters are preparing to massacre many million people on our planet. This time,again, many people are not aware <strong>of</strong> the real powers and their agenda but, instead, are believing in the necessity <strong>of</strong>making war against “terrorist” states, i.e. states not under the control <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild led BankLords.World War II saw the US debt increased by 598%, while Japan's debt went up by 1,348%, with France up by 583%and Canada up by 417%. When you hear this, what is your first impression? Do you automatically think this is bad orthis is good? Most <strong>of</strong> us feel a well programmed sense <strong>of</strong> desperation when we hear figures like this, but remember, tothe money changers, this is music to their ears. With the hot war over, the cold war began, the arms race causingmore and more borrowing. Now the money changers could really concentrate on global domination. Step one, theEuropean Monetary Union and NAFTA. Step two, centralise the global economy via the World Central Bank. Rememberit wasn't Hitler who had somewhere around 200 million human beings killed in the last century for the sake <strong>of</strong> apolitical agenda, it was a handful <strong>of</strong> "communist" leaders in Europe and Asia funded by the usual hidden hand <strong>of</strong>western bankers prompting from their secret control channels. Remember that the best definition <strong>of</strong> communism is"super capitalism." Wherein EVERYTHING, people included, is owned by those who own the state. During the wholecommunist reign in the Soviet, the address <strong>of</strong> Number One, Red Square, housed a branch <strong>of</strong> Chase Manhattan Bank -or whatever names it had from time to time. Socialism <strong>of</strong> any substantial nature can't exist without capitalistsfinancing it. Hitler, the National Socialist, was (maybe unknowingly) fighting the greater enemy when he went againstcommunism (international socialism).He never dreamed the Brits could get the U.S. to interfere in a basically European war. And one to save communism,at that. He must have thought the Americans learned their lesson in WW1. Or maybe he believed Roosevelt's lies tothe American people. Soon after WW2 we had the "Korean Conflict" and then Vietnam. Now we have genocide in themideast by Bush & co. The more modern "heroes" are praised when more blood drips from their hands (ButcherThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 356

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