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soothsayer, the chap nicknamed 'the Prophet <strong>of</strong> the Third Reich,' the decadent mystic who had just run his handsthrough his Aryan locks, was in fact ... a Jew. Hanussen started life as Hermann Steinschneider, with a birth certificatethat read 'Hebrew male.' 'It's like saying, "Hitler's favorite rabbi," people are waiting for the punch line,' confessesGordon. 'But it's not a joke.' The burning <strong>of</strong> the Reichstag on Feb. 27, 1933, [similar to 9-11 orchestrated by theNeocon Zionists Cabal] for which German communists took the fall, paved the way for the consolidation <strong>of</strong> power inHitler's hands and the suspension <strong>of</strong> all civil liberties. Eerily, the day before, Hanussen had predicted the eventthrough a medium during the opening soiree <strong>of</strong> his newly minted pagan temple, the Palace <strong>of</strong> the Occult, a marbleand gold-decked Taj Mahal <strong>of</strong> the black arts in Berlin decorated with astrological signs and religious statues. There, inthe presence <strong>of</strong> Nazi <strong>of</strong>ficials and assorted VIPs, the seer claimed to see a 'great house' in flames during a séance inhis sanctum sanctorum, the Room <strong>of</strong> Glass. Hours later, the Reichstag was engulfed in a mysterious conflagration.Despite his Semitic origins, Hanussen had extremely close ties to the Nazi party. He had lent hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands<strong>of</strong> marks to high-ranking leaders <strong>of</strong> the Nazis, like Hermann Goering, and held IOUs from them. He had befriendedCount Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf, the sadistic, depraved commander <strong>of</strong> Berlin's SA, and referred to Hitler as 'my palAdolf.' Certainly, Hanussen could have had inside information <strong>of</strong> a Reichstag plot. Or perhaps he was even moredirectly involved. Hanussen may have hypnotized the fall guy van der Lubbe to do his bidding, either with or withoutthe help <strong>of</strong> Nazi conspirators. Gordon, who is himself Jewish, asserts his belief that Hanussen somehow participated ina plot to set fire to the Reichstag. 'The other story is why he was killed. That is, he had to be eliminated because heknew too much,' says Gordon. There were other reasons why the Nazis wanted Hanussen dead. Goebbels and Goeringboth saw him as an interloper and a potential rival for the Führer's attentions, and there was the little matter <strong>of</strong> allthose IOUs Hanussen had collected. Hanussen also, supposedly, had film footage <strong>of</strong> SA members involved inhomosexual orgies. The communist press had long published reports that Hanussen was Jewish, but it wasn't until theReichstag fire bequeathed totalitarian powers to the Nazis and allowed them to eliminate the communists as a threatthat they had the time to focus on Hanussen's bloodline. In a missive written in invisible ink, he informed a colleague,'I always thought that business about the Jews was just an election trick <strong>of</strong> theirs. It wasn't.' On the morning <strong>of</strong> March25, 1933, Hanussen was arrested by the SA and summarily executed. His lifeless body was left in a field on theoutskirts <strong>of</strong> Berlin."—Stephen Lemons, Salon.com, "Hitler's clairvoyant", Feb. 27, 2002NASA NAZIs, like next-door neighbor Waffen SS Baron Wernher von Braun, worked in the underground ICBM factoryat Nordhausen, Germany. 25,000 slaves were genocided there, according to <strong>History</strong> Channel TV's "Modern Marvels".Then the NAZI warcriminals were hired by the Pentagon and OSS/CIA, after trading 50,000 US and British POWs toCommunist Russia for their slave camps and genocidal medical experiments, according to ABC News' 20/20. Maybethat's why NASA named its Apollo program for SATAN, maybe as revealed in Revelation 9:11? As reported in Parademagazine on February 9, 1986, Elliot Roosevelt [who, as part <strong>of</strong> Operation APHRODITE, eyewitnessed andphotographed the explosion that killed potential presidential candidate Joseph Kennedy Jr, JFK's older brother, whilepiloting a robot drone B-24 Liberator bomber packed with explosives as a Kamikaze Bunker Buster bomb to attackWernher Von Braun's NAZI ICBM launch sites in France, as reported in <strong>History</strong> Channel's Dead Men's Secrets] wrotethat he had visited [genocidal Communist dictator <strong>of</strong> Russia Joseph] Stalin in 1946 for an interview. This hadreminded him <strong>of</strong> something quite extraordinary that had occurred at the time <strong>of</strong> [his father] President Roosevelt'ssudden death less than two months after the Yalta Conference [to give half <strong>of</strong> Europe and Asia and 50,000 Allied POWslaves to Communist Russia]. According to Elliot Roosevelt, this is what Stalin said: 'When your father died, I sent myambassador with a request that he be allowed to view the remains and report to me what he saw. Your motherrefused. I have never forgiven her' 'But why?' Elliot asked. 'They poisoned your father, <strong>of</strong> course, just as they havetried repeatedly to poison me. Your mother would not allow my representaive to see evidence <strong>of</strong> that. But I know.They poisoned him!' '"They"? Who are "They"?' Elliot asked. 'The Churchill gang! Stalin roared. 'They poisoned yourfather, and they continue to try to poison me. The Churchhill gang!' When Ho Chi Minh signed the Declaration <strong>of</strong>Independence for his new nation in September, 1945, he read from the text <strong>of</strong> that document: 'A people who havecourageously opposed French domination for more than eighty years, a people who have fought side by side with theAllies against the Fascists during these last years - such a people must be free and independent.' Ho Chi Minh did notyet realize that the hated enemies <strong>of</strong> World War II were soon to be America's bosom friends. The former Fascists (whohad helped kill 20 million people), Germany, Italy and Japan were now to be known as friendly 'anti-Communists,'during the instantly-created World-wide Cold War. We do not have precise answers as to why we gave U.S. arms toHo Chi Minh in 1945 and then a few years later provided Ho's enemy, the French with $3 billion <strong>of</strong> our arms. Who haddirected that one-half <strong>of</strong> that great stockpile <strong>of</strong> weapons and other warmaking materiel that was delivered to Okinawafor use during the invasion <strong>of</strong> Japan, should, instead, be transhipped to Vietnam? Questions like these require that webegin to think in terms <strong>of</strong> an awareness <strong>of</strong> a super power elite that can, and does, make such monumental decisions.Lest it appear that I am making these allegations out <strong>of</strong> thin air, may I suggest that others, now and at other times,have come to similar conclusions. Winston Churchill, in conversations with intimate friends during World War II, madereference to a 'High Cabal'. The 'Why Vietnam?' question causes us to later ask, 'Why John F. Kennedy?' To probefurther, why did the Vietnam War cause the dean <strong>of</strong> American military corresponants, Hansen W. Baldwin, to write, inthe forward to Admiral USG Sharp's book Strategy <strong>of</strong> Defeat, the following: '...for this first defeat in American history- the historical blame must be placed squarely where it belongs - not primarily upon our military leaders - but uponthe very top civilian policy makers in Washington, specifically the Commander in Chief [President Lyndon B. Johnson].'Admiral Sharp, who was the commander in chief <strong>of</strong> the Pacific (CINCPAC), wrote, 'The Vietnam episode was one <strong>of</strong> themost controversial eras in US history. When we accepted defeat, we seemed to be clearly saying to the World that wehad ultimately lost our concern for the responsibilities, indeed the honor, that goes with a leadership role. If this isindeed true, I fear for the peace <strong>of</strong> the World.'"—Colonel Fletcher Prouty, USAF (retired, DOA summer 2001), chief <strong>of</strong>special operations and as intelligence liason for the Joint Chiefs <strong>of</strong> Staff at the Pentagon, from Prouty's autobiographyThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 351

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