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disappear, erased it from the face <strong>of</strong> the Earth. His armies bombed Dollersheim and all neighboring villages intooblivion as part <strong>of</strong> a training exercise. Even his father's and grandmother's graves were obliterated and no traceremains. Nevertheless, what has survived the ravages <strong>of</strong> time, purposeful destruction and clever forgery, is the factthat Adolf's father, Alois Schickelgruber was the illegitimate son <strong>of</strong> a female servant, Maria Anna Schickelgruber. MariaAnna became pregnant while living as a servant in a Jewish household --a common servant girl fate. It was assumedby family members and villagers alike that she'd been impregnated by the head <strong>of</strong> the house, Baron Rothschild(Langer, 1973; Payne, 1973); a rumor that the Austrian Secret police claimed to have confirmed when ordered byAustrian Chancellor Dollfuss to conduct a thorough investigation. Later, when Hitler orchestrated the anschluss <strong>of</strong>Austria and German trooped marched in, he had Dollfuss murdered, and in addition to destroying Dollersheim,ordered that all documents related to that investigation be destroyed. Hitler's own nephew, William Patrick Hitler, andAdolf's personnel attorney, Hans Frank, claimed that his grandfather was a wealthy 'Granz Jew' by the name <strong>of</strong>Frankenberger who in turn 'paid a maintenance allowance [by Rothschild] from the time <strong>of</strong> the child's birth until hisfourteenth year.' As Frank reported to Hitler, and as he recounted at his Nuremberg war crimes trial, based on whathe learned 'the possibility cannot be dismissed that Hitler's father was half Jewish as a result <strong>of</strong> an extramaritalrelationship between the Schickelgruber woman and the Jew from Graz. This would mean that Hitler was one-quarterJewish.'" —Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D., Hitler's Diaries, University Press, "The Mind & God <strong>of</strong> Adolf Hitler" ."While researching in Germany, I was surprised to find I was a Jew. Yes, Adolf Hitler was a Jew. So was ReinhardHeydrich, who was in charge <strong>of</strong> the Final Solution and the NAZI Death Camps."—Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD, winner <strong>of</strong>the Bill Colby Award, the CIA's top prize for journalism, author <strong>of</strong> Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story <strong>of</strong> NaziRacial Laws and Men <strong>of</strong> Jewish Descent in the German Military (150,000 Jews served in the German military andGestapo during World War 2, including admirals and generals), on Pentagon's C-SPAN TV in 2004, C-SPAN.ORG"Adolf Hitler believed he was a Jew. That's why he ordered his home town in Austria bombed into oblivion, BEFOREWorld War 2 began, to destroy his birth records, and destroy all tombstones and cemetaries." —Ron Rosenbaum (aJew), author <strong>of</strong> Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins <strong>of</strong> His Evil, on <strong>History</strong> Channel's <strong>History</strong> Undercover:Hitler and Stalin: Roots <strong>of</strong> Evil"Alfred Rosenberg was half Jewish and joined with Hitler in 1919. He had immigrated from Russia and had broughtwith him to Germany, the Protocols <strong>of</strong> the Elders <strong>of</strong> Zion, which he translated and which purports to detail a Jewishplot to take over the World. Rosenberg became a leader <strong>of</strong> the Nazi party, he advocated the mass murder <strong>of</strong> Jews,and was condemned to death after his conviction at the Nuremburg trials at the end <strong>of</strong> the war. Hermann Goering, thenumber 2 man in the Nazi hierarchy, was also condemned to death, but cheated the Hangman's noose by takingpoison. Like Rosenberg, Herman Goering was believed to be half Jewish. His mother, although married to a German,was also the mistress <strong>of</strong> a wealthy Jew [Rothschild, and also employed in the household <strong>of</strong> Baron Rothschild], and itwas rumored that the Jew and not the German, was his true father. And then there is Reinhard Heydrich who was alsobelieved to be half Jewish. Reinhard Heydrich organized the 'Office for Jewish Emigration' which later became the<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> extermination. It has been said the Heydrich was so tormented by his Jewish ancestry and the 'Jew within'that he sought to cleanse himself by orchestrating the extermination <strong>of</strong> all European Jews."—Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D., Hitler's Diaries, University Press, "The Mind & God <strong>of</strong> Adolf Hitler", quoting Ron Rosenbaum (aJew), author <strong>of</strong> Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins <strong>of</strong> His Evil"They are responsible for some 60 million deaths. They ruled their countries with iron fists, squashing all dissent anddirecting government-sponsored programs <strong>of</strong> terror against their own citizens. Drawing on the latest findings andexpert analysis from leading psychologists and historians, HITLER AND STALIN: ROOTS OF EVIL examines the 20thcentury's worst villains. The parallels are striking: both had abusive fathers and doting mothers, both were extremelyinsecure about their physical appearance and ashamed <strong>of</strong> their backgrounds, and both came to power at roughly thesame time. From Hitler's 'Jewish nose' to Stalin's deformed foot, the Final Solution to the Gulags, this incisive specialcompares the backgrounds and policies <strong>of</strong> these two despots, interpreting the latest evidence and theories in thehopes <strong>of</strong> illuminating the personal, emotional and mental underpinnings <strong>of</strong> their actions."—<strong>History</strong>Channel.com, <strong>History</strong> Undercover: Hitler and Stalin: Roots <strong>of</strong> Evil"A new biography tells the bizarre tale <strong>of</strong> the Jewish psychic who met with the future Führer for private sessions andpredicted his rise. In the weeks leading up to Adolf Hitler's appointment as Reichschancellor on Jan. 30, 1933, therewas nothing inevitable about the Austrian corporal's ascension to power. Results <strong>of</strong> the 1932 November Reichstagelections were disappointing for his National Socialist Party, with the Nazis suffering losses in the German parliamentwhile retaining about a third <strong>of</strong> the seats there. Nazi c<strong>of</strong>fers had been drained dry by the campaign. Hitler hadendured significant defections from his movement and threatened suicide. Some Nazis began to wonder if he had theright stuff to be their Führer. It was at this point that Hitler, falling back on his belief in the occult (which is theBabylonian cult <strong>of</strong> apostate Jews), called the most renowned clairvoyant in the land to his headquarters at the HotelKaiserh<strong>of</strong> in Berlin for a private session. The man Hitler met with that day is the subject <strong>of</strong> a recent biography, ErikJan Hanussen: Hitler's Jewish Clairvoyant, by Mel Gordon. Hitler became a Hanussenite when in March <strong>of</strong> 1932 thepsychic's own weekly newspaper, Erik Jan Hanussen's Berliner Wochenschau, printed the startling prophecy thatwithin one year's time the future Führer would become Reichschancellor. By the end <strong>of</strong> the month, Hitler had cut adeal with his enemies and become titular head <strong>of</strong> a coalition government. One can only wonder the intensity <strong>of</strong> hisrage, if the raving [Zionist] anti-Semite had known at the time that the man he had adopted as his personalThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 350

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