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Now, the Zionists sort <strong>of</strong> tried to keep the lid on this fact. They didn't want the World to really understand that theyhad sold out Germany and that they were behind Communism to overthrow the Tsar <strong>of</strong> Russia, and had boughtGermany for a penny on the Mark after it was devalued, and that the Germans resented that. So they did takeappropriate action against them [against the Jews]. They ... shall I say, discriminated against them wherever theycould? They shunned them. The same as we would do to who had sold us out to an enemy and brought about ourdefeat. In the book “Wall Street and the rise <strong>of</strong> Hitler“, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Anthony Sutton describes how Germany being innear bankruptcy (not the German Zionists who were extremely rich) in 1933, having to pay huge war reparations andstill having to rebuild the nation, was lent huge sums <strong>of</strong> money by International Zionist financiers such as theWarburgs, Jacob Schiff, J.P. Morgan, Chase Manhattan, and Kuhn-Loeb banks who were expecting huge pr<strong>of</strong>its fromexhorbitant interest rates (all also being owners in the Federal Reserve Banks). The Germans realized they had beenstabbed in the back by German and International Zionists, and resented this, but the Zionists had anticipated this andarranged for Hitler to be used to lead the anti-Zionist national movement for freedom fromZionism thus taking over the movement andensuring that Germany be put into further ruinthus allowing the Zionists to get more <strong>of</strong> Germanyat a fraction <strong>of</strong> its worth (war reduced the value <strong>of</strong>the property in the conquered country and createschaos allowing many frauds to be hidden by thevictors). New York Times placard May 1933The attacksonGermanydid notcease. TheWorldwideJewishleadershipbecameever themore belligerent and worked itself into a frenzy. For the Zionists, both thedenunciations <strong>of</strong> German policies towards Jews (to keep Jews frightened), plusthe reinvigoration <strong>of</strong> the German economy (for the sake <strong>of</strong> final resettlement) was imperative for the Zionistmovement (ironically, today the Zionist leaders <strong>of</strong> Israel complain bitterly about the horrific and inhuman regime <strong>of</strong>the National Socialists to continue the fraud). An agreement between Hitler and the German Zionists was to initiate adeportation <strong>of</strong> Jews to the Island <strong>of</strong> Madagascar. The international Zionists then met in Amsterdam under the auspices<strong>of</strong> the self-styled World Jewish Economic Federation, <strong>of</strong> which famous New York City attorney and longtime politicalpower broker, Samuel Untermeyer, was president, and demanded that Germany stop the deportations immediatelyand take the deported Jews back. However, in 1933 Germany refused to surrender to the World Conference <strong>of</strong> Jews inAmsterdam. Immediately, Mr. Untermeyer came back to the United States -- he was the head <strong>of</strong> the Americandelegation and the president <strong>of</strong> the whole conference -- and he went from the steamer to delivered a speech overWABC Radio (New York), a transcript <strong>of</strong> which was printed in The New York Times on August 7, 1933. In this radiobroadcast throughout the United States he said: "The Jews <strong>of</strong> the World now declare a holy war against Germany. Weare now engaged in a sacred (holy) conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. Weare going to use a World-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because they are dependent upon theirexport business.” The International and German Zionists declared war on Germany in 1933. Headlines in the UK DailyExpress and US New York Times and other papers around Mar-May 1933 were“Judea Declares War on Germany.Untermyer's inflammatory oratory called for a "sacred war" against Germany,making the flat-out allegation that Germany was engaged in a plan to"exterminate the Jews." He said (in part):...Germany [has] been converted froma nation <strong>of</strong> culture into a veritable hell <strong>of</strong> cruel and savage beasts. We owe it notonly to our persecuted brethren but to the entire World to now strike in selfdefensea blow that will free humanity from a repetition <strong>of</strong> this incredibleoutrage.... Now or never must all the nations <strong>of</strong> the earth make common causeagainst the... slaughter, starvation and annihilation... fiendish torture, crueltyand persecution that are being inflicted day by day upon these men, women andchildren....When the tale is told... the World will confront a picture so fearful inits barbarous cruelty that the hell <strong>of</strong> war and the alleged Belgian atrocities paleinto insignificance as compared to this devilishly, deliberately, cold-bloodedlyplanned and already partially executed campaign for the extermination <strong>of</strong> aproud, gentle, loyal, law-abiding people... The Jews are the aristocrats <strong>of</strong> the World. From time immemorial they havebeen persecuted and have seen their persecutors come and go. They alone have survived. And so will history repeatitself, but that furnishes no reason why we should permit this reversion <strong>of</strong> a once great nation to the Dark Ages or failto rescue these 600,000 human souls from the tortures <strong>of</strong> hell.......What we are proposing and have already gone fartoward doing, is to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 341

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