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1981 (by a friend <strong>of</strong> the Bush dynasty) and the whole initiative collapsed. All the Fort Knox gold remaining is nowbeing held as collateral by the Federal Reserve against the national debt. Using credits made from nothing. The Fedhad robbed the largest treasure <strong>of</strong> gold on earth. By the way, all the silver and gold (REAL MONEY) from the U.S. andthe Vatican is presently in Switzerland, guarded for the "Illuminati Bank <strong>of</strong> Rome” by the Swiss Guard. Switzerlandhas served as a meeting place for the Illuminati plotters since centuries. Most <strong>of</strong> it is owned by the IMF/World Bank.Swiss Guard watches over the Vatican’s god, I mean Gold!.Note that when the central bank <strong>of</strong> Canada was created in 1935, it too was a privately owned corporation. Before1935, Canadian banks used to issue their own bank notes and then since 1935, only the Bank <strong>of</strong> Canada issuescurrency. In 1938, all the private shares were bought by the Government <strong>of</strong> Canada and the Bank became a Crowncorporation belonging to the federal government. Since that time, the Minister <strong>of</strong> Finance has held the entire sharecapital issued by the Bank but local banks still create money when the government and individuals borrow from them.Congressman McFadden: "Why should the United States be buying gold and paying $35 and ounce for it? Why Shouldthe United States be making Great Britain a present <strong>of</strong> $14.33 and ounce on the hundreds <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> dollars <strong>of</strong>British gold that is being shipped to the United States through this process by favoring four London gold brokers? Whyshould the United States set a price <strong>of</strong> $35 and pay Great Britain an increase <strong>of</strong> $14.33 on every ounce <strong>of</strong> gold? Thisis interesting when you consider that three fourths <strong>of</strong> all the gold produced in the World is produced in the BritishEmpire. Did we do this because Great Britain demanded it? Is it possible that this $14.33 pr<strong>of</strong>it to Great Britain onevery ounce <strong>of</strong> gold shipped into the United States is for settlement <strong>of</strong> a DEBT that the United States owes to GreatBritain? Congressional Record, February 20, 1934. Congressman McFadden: "I am quoting from the President'smessage to Congress on this very measure. I quote: "That the title <strong>of</strong> all gold be in the Government. The total stockwill serve as a permanent and fixed metallic reserve which will change in amount only as far as necessary for thesettlement <strong>of</strong> international balances or as may be required by future agreement among nations <strong>of</strong> the World for aredistribution <strong>of</strong> the World stock <strong>of</strong> monetary gold.".... Congressman McFadden: "I say again what I have repeatedlysaid, that there is a DEFINITE PLAN for the redistribution <strong>of</strong> the gold <strong>of</strong> THIS country and <strong>of</strong> the WORLD'S gold. Theplan has been known ever since the establishment <strong>of</strong> the Bank for International Settlements that through thatmedium, or one similar to it, eventually the redistribution <strong>of</strong> gold would take place" Congressional Record, January 20,1934. Congressman McFadden: "The gentleman, <strong>of</strong> course, is aware <strong>of</strong> the fact that the Council <strong>of</strong> the Federation <strong>of</strong>Churches <strong>of</strong> [Anti-]Christ is an <strong>of</strong>fshoot <strong>of</strong> the Carnegie Foundation which is operating in this country as a British-PROPAGANDA organization, tied up with all <strong>of</strong> the other subversive organizations which are trying to hold down properpreparedness in the United States. [Applause] Congressional Record, January 30, 1934.Congressman Dies: "My investigation convinced me that during the last quarter <strong>of</strong> a century the average production<strong>of</strong> gold has been falling <strong>of</strong>f considerably. The gold mines <strong>of</strong> the World are practically exhausted. There is only about$11,000,000,000 in gold in the World, with the United States owning a little more than four billions. We have morethan $100,000,000,000 in debts payable in gold <strong>of</strong> the present weight and fineness....As a practical proposition thesecontracts cannot be collected in gold for the obvious reason that the gold supply <strong>of</strong> the entire World is not sufficient tomake payment." Congressional Record, March 15, 1933.Before 1933 all contracts with the government were payable in gold. Now I ask you? Who in their right mindwould enter into contracts totaling One Hundred billion dollars in gold, when there was only eleven billion in gold inthe whole World? We had about four billion. To keep from being hung by the American public they obeyed thebanksters demands and turned over our country to them. They never came out and said we were in bankruptcy but,the fact remains, we are. In 1933 the gold <strong>of</strong> the whole country had to be turned in to the banksters, and allgovernment contracts in gold were canceled. This is bankruptcy. Congressman Traficant: "Mr. Speaker, we are herenow in chapter 11. Members <strong>of</strong> Congress are <strong>of</strong>ficial trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization <strong>of</strong> anybankrupt entity in World history, the U.S. government" Congressional Redord, March 17, 1993.General Smedley Butler Revealts Bush & BankLords’ Plot To Overthrow US Gov 1933In 1933, Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler was approached by a cabal <strong>of</strong> influential American bankers andindustrialists working under the umbrella <strong>of</strong> the front group, American Liberty League. Their request <strong>of</strong> Butler: that helead a 500,000 strong force <strong>of</strong> rogue veterans in a coup against FDR and the legal American government. The intent<strong>of</strong> this cabal, already supporting the efforts <strong>of</strong> Hitler and Mussolini in Europe, was to instill a government not unlikethat <strong>of</strong> Hitler and Mussolini in the United States. Butler went along with the scheme until he was able to ascertainwho the participants were. He then blew the whistle on this group before the House Committee on un-AmericanActivities. For his efforts, Butler was ostracized and black-balled by the mainstream media; his testimony before theHouse Committee on un-American Activities was omitted from the record. The cabal was never brought to justice, butthe coup was foiled.Who were the American bankers and industrialists involved in this plot to overthrow the legal government <strong>of</strong> theUnited States? According to Wikipedia, while most <strong>of</strong> the funding came from the Du Pont family, participants includedU.S. Steel, General Motors, General Foods, Standard Oil, Birdseye, Colgate, Heinz Foods, Chase National Bank, andGoodyear Tire and Rubber Company. And among the participants in this coup attempt was one Prescott Bush, fatherThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 333

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