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have already closed us down, and have been doing it long before this year. Our President says that for 3 years wehave been on the way to bankruptcy. We have been on the way to bankruptcy longer than 3 years. We have been onthe way to bankruptcy ever since we began to allow the financial mastery <strong>of</strong> this country gradually to get into thehands <strong>of</strong> a little clique that has held it right up until they would send us to the grave" Congress March 11 1933.What did Roosevelt do? Sealed our fate and our children's fate, but worst <strong>of</strong> all, he declared War on the AmericanPeople, remember the War Powers Act, the Trading With the Enemy Act. He declared emergency powers with hisauthority being the War Powers Act, the Trading With the Enemy Act. The problem is he REDEFINED who the enemywas, read the following: (remember what I said about the Social Security Number being a license to work)? "Thedeclared National Emergency <strong>of</strong> March 9, 1933 amended the War Powers Act to include the American PEOPLE asenemies: "In Title 1, Section 1 it says: The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heret<strong>of</strong>oreor hereafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President <strong>of</strong> the United States or the Secretary <strong>of</strong> theTreasury since March 4, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by subdivision (b) <strong>of</strong> section 5 <strong>of</strong> the Act <strong>of</strong> October6, 1917, as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed." "Section 2. Subdivision (b) <strong>of</strong> section 5 <strong>of</strong> the Act <strong>of</strong>October 6, 1917, (40 Stat. L. 411), as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: emergency declared by thePresident, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, orprohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means <strong>of</strong> licenses or otherwise, any transactions inforeign exchange, transfers <strong>of</strong> credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, andexport, hoarding, melting, or earmarking <strong>of</strong> gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, BY ANY PERSON WITHIN THEUNITED STATES OR ANY PLACE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF." Here is the legal phrase "subject to thejurisdiction there<strong>of</strong>" but at law this refers to alien enemy and also applies to Fourteenth Amendment citizens:"Now, what do you think <strong>of</strong> this? The Department <strong>of</strong> Motor Vehicles was put under the direction and control <strong>of</strong> theRevenue Department by the Act <strong>of</strong> 1933, chapter 214 - S.B 238, thereby the primary concern is that <strong>of</strong> being revenuecollectors. "AN ACT TO TRANSFER THE STATE HIGHWAY PATROL FROM THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO THEDEPARTMENT OF REVENUE....""Attacks on McFadden's Life Reported"Before McFadden could bring impeachment proceeding against the Federal Reserve, he was poisoned. Commenting onFormer Congressman Louis T. McFaddens's "heart-failure sudden-death" on Oct. 3, 1936, after a "dose" <strong>of</strong> "intestinalflu," "Pelley's Weekly" <strong>of</strong> Oct. 14 said: Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing, it can berevealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers <strong>of</strong> Judah, it became known among hisintimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form <strong>of</strong> two revolver shots firedat him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the Capital hotels. Fortunately both shots missedhim, the bullets burying themselves in the structure <strong>of</strong> the cab. "He became violently ill after partaking <strong>of</strong> food at apolitical banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by thepresence <strong>of</strong> a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressmanto emergency treatment." /s/ Robert Edward Edmondson (Publicist-Economist)Gunther K. Russbacher 1991: Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., the father <strong>of</strong> the famous aviator, was amongthose who fought the passage <strong>of</strong> the dark Act and later managed to raise an investigation into the cartel. His life wasmade extremely difficult as a direct result <strong>of</strong> crying for such investigation. Lindbergh had openly yelled his warning toCongress and to the American people. It was all to no avail. No one would hear his cry in the wilderness. It must benoted that Lindbergh's efforts to expose the plot were followed by those <strong>of</strong> Congressman Louis T. McFadden, whochaired the House Banking and Currency Committee for a ten year period. During his tenure, three attempts weremade on his life. First, he was shot in Washington, D.C., then his food was poisoned. The third attempt wasunfortunately successful. His mysterious death occurred while on a visit to New York City. The cause <strong>of</strong> death, aslisted on the death certificate, was given as "heart failure", although more than enough evidence pointed to poisoning.It is my pr<strong>of</strong>fered opinion that Mr. McFadden was poisoned by members <strong>of</strong> the cartel. Without proper court ordersdemanding the exhumation and forensic pathology tests, we shall never know the true story.President Andrew Jackson stated in reference to the Bankers at the state <strong>of</strong> his administration: "You are a den <strong>of</strong>vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."Fort Knox 1933 & FDR Steals US Citizens’ Gold on Behalf <strong>of</strong> the BankLords who Bankrupted US!FDR knowingly sold out the American peoples’ freedom to the International BankLords. The following address showsthat FDR knew the evil that the Banksters represent: First Inaugural Address <strong>of</strong> Franklin D. Roosevelt, SATURDAY,MARCH 4, 1933:“Yet our distress comes from no failure <strong>of</strong> substance. We are stricken by no plague <strong>of</strong> locusts. Compared with theperils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankfulfor. Nature still <strong>of</strong>fers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use<strong>of</strong> it languishes in the very sight <strong>of</strong> the supply. Primarily this is because the rulers <strong>of</strong> the exchange <strong>of</strong> mankind'sgoods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, andabdicated. Practices <strong>of</strong> the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court <strong>of</strong> public opinion, rejected by theThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 331

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