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death wish. We would be slaves already were it not for the fact that ordinary Americans own firearms. This, the Internet,and the inherent self-destructiveness <strong>of</strong> evil, are my main reasons for hope. Nowadays banking has become extremelysophisticated but the hidden and usurious mechanism behind it remains the same. After a big enquiry, hushed up as muchas possible, the Bank <strong>of</strong> England was nationalized in 1946. In theory control <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong> England should then havepassed from a group <strong>of</strong> private individuals to the British Government, but this is still not the case. Nationalization onlyadded a thin veneer <strong>of</strong> respectability. Our current system <strong>of</strong> exchange was created with a pr<strong>of</strong>it motive aimed atcapitalising on people's need for currency. The Central Banking System (which produces the actual currency and loans itto governments at interest and sells it to high street banks at face value) was set up as a network <strong>of</strong> private businesseswith <strong>of</strong>ficial-sounding names, engineered to make a pr<strong>of</strong>it for their shareholders. These include the Bank <strong>of</strong> England(Graham Bannoc R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis, 'The Penguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 34 also The EconomicOrganisation <strong>of</strong> Europe, 'Cambridge Economic <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Europe V' page 352), The Federal Reserve (Graham Bannoc R.E.Baxter and Evan Davis, 'The Penguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 155) and all the other Central Banks throughout theWorld. Not one <strong>of</strong> them is democratic! All <strong>of</strong> them are masters <strong>of</strong> disguise. Even nationalization has not stopped Bank <strong>of</strong>England stock holders from receiving their dividends, nor stopped the bank from keeping 75% <strong>of</strong> its pr<strong>of</strong>it, while writing<strong>of</strong>f the 25% it pays to the Treasury as corporation tax (Bank <strong>of</strong> England Act 1946).The British Treasury, in conjunction with the Bank <strong>of</strong> England's advisers to the Government, determine how much papermoney and coin will be issued each year. This has to accord with the wealth <strong>of</strong> the nation for that year. But becausebanknotes and coins only account for a tiny percentage <strong>of</strong> financial transactions, it makes no difference to the Bankers atall. Most financial transactions are carried out with meaningless and worthless figures on computer records that have norelationship to real wealth. Everything has to be paid for at interest though - even when it doesn't exist! The Governmentstill has to pay interest on old and new loans from the Bank. Only a few years ago it was announced that the interest debton a loan taken during the Napoleonic War had just been paid <strong>of</strong>f! This is where much <strong>of</strong> our tax money goes.Delivering An Independent India To The SovietsAs we know, the biggest Illuminati project <strong>of</strong> the 20th century was Communism. To create an independent India as aproxy for the Soviets, the Illuminati fostered the growth <strong>of</strong> the Indian National Congress through its operatives, A.O Humeand Wederburn.. For this purpose, Indian Masonry went overtime into grooming local Indian Mason operatives. Accordingto this <strong>of</strong>ficial Masonic website, http://www.masonindia.org/index10.html "Swami Vivekananda (initiated in 1884 underthe name <strong>of</strong> Bro. Narendra Nath Dutt in Lodge Anchor & Hope, Calcutta). Motilal Nehru - Lodge Harmony, Kanpur (Father<strong>of</strong> Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and grand father <strong>of</strong> Indhira Gandhi), C. Rajagopalachary (Governor General <strong>of</strong> India), Sir C PRamaswamy Iyer (Divan <strong>of</strong> Travancore), Dr. P V Cheriy (Governor <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra), and Fakruddin Ali Ahmed (President<strong>of</strong> India)." Since this Illuminati project <strong>of</strong> delivering an 'independent India' to the Soviet sphere <strong>of</strong> influence required toppriority, Illuminati operative Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in India. The purpose was two-fold. First,Blavatsky would dig up the swastika and Aryan theory for the Nazis who were created to attack Russia, which would resultin the entire Eastern Europe and Germany being transferred to Communists. Secondly, the Theosophical Society wouldcoordinate the Indian Independence movement through the Indian National Congress. Even back then, rumours begancirculating about Blavatsky and the "Russians". A key theosophist activist was Mrs. Annie Besant who despite actingagainst the British, managed to mysteriously escape being punished by them. If one analyses the Indian independencemovement, we notice the British building a crescendo <strong>of</strong> antagonizing the Indian National Congress and then caving in totheir demands' whereas transfer <strong>of</strong> power to the INC was predetermined. South-African educated lawyer Mahatma Ghandiled the famous “salt tax” revolt to kick <strong>of</strong>f the drive for independence (similar to the Boston Tea Party against taxationwithout representation) while Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a British educated lawyer managed to get a mandate for an allMuslim Pakistan without going to jail.The last Governor General <strong>of</strong> India, Lord Mountbatten (in fact, a German with the real name <strong>of</strong> Battenburg) is consideredto be associated with the Rothschilds (originally Germans as well). He assured that independent India got more than itsshare <strong>of</strong> landmass, including islands in the Indian Ocean, many border districts initially marked for Pakistan (whichresulted in the Muslims being massacred), 95% Muslim Kashmir which should have gone to Pakistan, The Muslim princelystates <strong>of</strong> Junagadh and Hyderabad, the latter <strong>of</strong> whom was expecting independent status for its role in 1857 and North-Eastern territories consisting <strong>of</strong> Orientals! The time India was liberated coincides with a little known private ceremonyknown as "Hour <strong>of</strong> the British Empire" which is held in London. Further, the Rothschild owned British Petroleum wasgranted unlimited rights to all <strong>of</strong>fshore Indian oil, which is still valid till this day. There is reason to believe that theinternationalists were behind the death/disappearance <strong>of</strong> Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose who wouldbecome a popular rival to Theosophist groomed Nehru after independence. Unlike Nehru, Bose was on the frontlines usingIndian POW's <strong>of</strong> the British army captured by the Japanese to fight back against the British. His death remains a mysteryand it was conducted by the illuminati to ensure Nehru had all control over India.The Congress party consisted <strong>of</strong> numerous Masons and theosophists who ensured that India with its strategic landmasswas always a total ally <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union. Later, many communist countries including India became part <strong>of</strong> the "nonaligned movement" which enabled them to remain allied to the Soviet Union and yet receive major aid frominternationalists and their tax free foundations in America, including components for atomic weapons. Even CanadianDeuterium made its way into Soviet proxy India. All <strong>of</strong> Indian military hardware consisted <strong>of</strong> Russian technology anddespite the cold war, the Illuminati was very reluctant to back Pakistan in any way. Limited amounts <strong>of</strong> American smallarms made it to Afghanistan through Pakistan (note that the American ambassador supervising it and the PakistaniPresident, General Zia, were killed in the same plane crash). India had major stakes in the Soviet Union, including aThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 294

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