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With Alexander III came the introduction <strong>of</strong> the extremely restrictive May Laws in 1882. Jews made up 4.2% <strong>of</strong> theRussian population and the new laws enforced a limit on Jewish economic and cultural activity. "The International Bankersimposed economic sanctions against the Russian Empire. .. In 1904, after they involved the Russian Empire in adisastrous war with Japan, ... Rothschild ... tried to render the Russian Empire bankrupt... ("Pawns In The Game", page64). This was the preliminary requirement for a successful revolution and takeover. Financed by Jacob Schiff since 1897,the Mensheviks (minority group), were a terrorist cell led by "Lev Davidovitch Bronstein, alias Lvov, alias Yanovsky, aliasNicolai Trotsky, the son <strong>of</strong> a rich Jewish landowner ... ("World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, 1921, page 277). Theysuccessfully assassinated six ministers <strong>of</strong> government (between 1901 and 1906) and had attempted the failed Revolution<strong>of</strong> 1905. In the meantime, Vladimir Ulyanov - whose great-grandfather was a Jewish merchant named Srul - assumed thename Lenin and then became the head <strong>of</strong> the Bolsheviks (or majority group) in 1903. Lenin was an extremely ruthlessleader and when compared with Stalin, "Of the two dictators Lenin was more cruel". (Molotov, quoted in Quadrant, July1999, p.41). The First World War was started by members <strong>of</strong> the Serbian secret society, the Order <strong>of</strong> the Black Hand,when they assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914. Unfortunately for him, the Archduke's death had been plannedtwo years earlier at an Illuminati meeting in Switzerland, "...the neutral Ground upon which all international plots arehatched".The people who fought this war were literally pawns in a game <strong>of</strong> death. Russian soldiers were fighting well-armedGermans with sticks as they had only "...ONE rifle available for every six men." Russia had assurances from England thatit would receive arms, but Rothschild-affiliated Vickers-Maxim held supplies back in preparation for revolution. ("Pawns InThe Game", pp 77,78,89) After Lenin's successful Bolshevik revolution <strong>of</strong> 1917, the USSR came into being - theIlluminati's experiment, used to fine-tune their ideas <strong>of</strong> a totalitarian World government. Apart from the massive cost inhuman lives the Rothschilds had made another "killing", with their initial investment in Lenin <strong>of</strong> $70 million reaping themhundreds <strong>of</strong> millions in return. "Pre-Bolshevik Russia was able for many years to feed half <strong>of</strong> Europe ..." but Leninruthlessly stole ("nationalised") the farmers' land and murdered millions <strong>of</strong> Russians, crippling the economy and causingwidespread famine. (Quadrant, July 1999, p.42)Perhaps the best reference to the Illuminati's role for the "European Jews" in Communism comes from anarticle by Winston Churchill where he stated in the newspaper, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920,p.5: "...this movement among Jews is not new. From the days <strong>of</strong> Weishaupt to those <strong>of</strong> Karl Marx, and downto Trotsky,... this Worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow <strong>of</strong> civilisation... has been steadily growing. Itplayed ... a definitely recognisable part in the ... French Revolution [1789]. It has been the mainspring <strong>of</strong>every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century;... "Sinking <strong>of</strong> The LusitaniaThe sinking <strong>of</strong> the Lusitania was the event that, more than any other, motivated the American people to accept thenecessity and the appearance <strong>of</strong> morality <strong>of</strong> getting into World War I. Prior to that time, there was great reluctance.However, when the Lusitania left New York Harbor on May 1, 1915, with 196 Americans on board and was sunk six dayslater <strong>of</strong>f the coast <strong>of</strong> Ireland, it became the cause celeb that moved the American consciousness into a war mood againstGermany. Americans were outraged at a nation that could viscously and cold-heartedly attack a peaceful passenger ship.What is not well known is that this was a staged incident by the highest levels in the US government to incite publicopinion towards entering the war. Another private banking event related to WW I that is not well known is the role playedby J.P. Morgan. As you recall, the CFR was described by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Quigley as a front for J.P. Morgan and Company. Wemust remember that Moran was, not only a founding member <strong>of</strong> the CFR, he was also a member <strong>of</strong> the Round Table, theinner group directing it, so how does Morgan fit into this? During World War I, the Morgan Bank was the subscriptionagent for war loans to England and France. These countries had quickly exhausted their financial resources to raise moneyfor military equipment and supplies to continue the war against Germany. So they came to the United States and askedJ.P. Morgan - who was culturally closer to Britain than to America - to be their agent for selling war bonds. The House <strong>of</strong>Morgan was happy to do that, and it floated approximately $1.5 billion in war bonds on behalf <strong>of</strong> England and, to a lesserextent, for France.At this point in history, Britain and France were very close to defeat. The Germans had unleashed a surprise weapon, theU Boat - the submarine - that was new to warfare in those days, and they were sinking the supply ships that carried foodand other necessities to the British Isles. The Germans were literally starving the British into submission who, by theirown estimate, said they had only about seven weeks <strong>of</strong> food left. After that, there would be massive starvation inEngland, and they would have no choice but to surrender. For the British, there was only one salvation, and that was tohave the Americans come into the war to help them. But on the American side, there was a different agenda. What wouldhappen to that $1.5 billion in war loans if Britain and France lost the war? The only time war loans are repaid is when thenation borrowing the money wins the war. Losers don’t pay <strong>of</strong>f their bonds. So Morgan was in a terrible fix. Not only werehis friends in England in dire danger, he and all his investors were about to lose $1.5 billion! A very serious situation,indeed.The U.S. Ambassador to England at that time was Walter Page. Page was far more than just an ambassador. Among otherthings, he was a trustee to Rockefeller’s General Education Board. It was in that capacity that he played a role in shapingeducational policies to promote collectivism in America. However, as Ambassador to England, Page sent a telegram to theState Department, and this is what he said, " I think that the pressure <strong>of</strong> the approaching crisis has gone beyond theability <strong>of</strong> the Morgan financial agency to the British and French governments. The greatest help we could give the allies issuch credit. Unless we go to war with Germany, our government <strong>of</strong> course cannot make such a direct grant <strong>of</strong> credit."The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 290

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