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for it, halving the dollar's purchasing power and so Americans' savings. It is also interesting to note that the mostbelligerent pro-war hawk surrounding President Wilson was a man named Colonel Edward Mandell House, the son <strong>of</strong> aman commonly believed to be a Rothschild agent, who was himself closely associated with Wall Street and Europeanbankers. The role <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Money</strong> Changers is no wild conspiracy theory. They had a motive - a short-range, self-servingmotive as well as a long-range, political motive <strong>of</strong> advancing totalitarian government, with the <strong>Money</strong> Changersmaintaining the financial clout to control whatever politicians might emerge as the leaders. We must learn from ourhistory before it is too late. Why can't politicians control the federal debt? Because all our money is created in parallel withan equivalent quantity <strong>of</strong> debt. Again, it's a debt-money system. Our money is created initially by the sale <strong>of</strong> U.S. Bonds.The public buys bonds, the banks buy bonds, foreigners buy bonds, and when the Fed wants to create more money in thesystem, it buys bonds but pays for them with brand new Federal Reserve Notes (or book entries) which it creates out <strong>of</strong>nothing. Then, whatever new money the Fed creates is multiplied by at least a factor <strong>of</strong> ten by the private banks, thanksto the fractional reserve principle. Actually, exceptions to the reserve ratios allow a much greater multiplier. So, althoughthe banks don't create currency like the private central Federal Reserve Bank, they do create checkbook money, ordeposits, by making new loans. They even invest some <strong>of</strong> this created money. In fact, over one trillion dollars <strong>of</strong> thisprivately-created money has been used to purchase U.S. Bonds on the open market, which provides the banks withroughly 50 billion dollars in interest, risk free, each year, less the interest they pay some depositors. In this way, throughfractional reserve lending, banks create far in excess <strong>of</strong> 90% <strong>of</strong> the money (approximately 97%), and therefore causeover 90% <strong>of</strong> our inflation.The Don-Meh Sabbatean Jewish Imposters and the Armenian MassacreDonmeh From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (see also The Making Of A Sayanim, The Secret Zionist Networkhttp://www.judicial-inc.biz ) Donmeh (dönme) is a Turkish word for a religious convert. It refers to a group <strong>of</strong> Jews <strong>of</strong> theNear East who followed Sabbatai Zevi (also called Shabbatai Zvi) and outwardly converted to Islam in 1666, i.e. fakemoslems just like we have the fake Jews from the southern Russian Ashkenazi Khazar tribes who converted from idolatryto Talmudism in the 8 th century.. See also the following hyperlinks:The Origins Of Modern Zionism - Part 1 French Rothschild Branch Behind the Planned Genocide Of ArmeniansFinancial Wizzards & Wealthy Cults, The Rothschild Bloodline Rothschilds the descendents <strong>of</strong> the 17th Century "JewishMessiah" Shabbetai Tzvi? Rothschild Family Photo Gallery The Sabbateans Plan To Destroy IsraelWhile outwardly Muslim, the Donmeh secretly remained Jews, and continued to practice Jewish rituals covertly. Theyworshipped Sabbatai Zevi as the Messiah and an incarnation <strong>of</strong> God, observe certain Jewish rituals and pray in Hebrewand Aramaic and secretly celebrate Jewish festivals and fasts. They also observe rituals celebrating Zevi. They interpretedZevi's conversion in a Kabbalistic way. Zevi had to rescue the bits <strong>of</strong> God spread among religions by converting todifferent confessions. Some <strong>of</strong> the original Donmeh were converts to Sabbatianism. There are several branches <strong>of</strong> theDonmeh. The first was the Ismirli formed in Izmir in what is now Turkey. The second were the Jakubi founded by JacobQuerido, a successor to Zevi who also made messianic claims. Also were the Othman Baba led by Berechia. This grouptaught Jacob Frank who led the Frankists in 18th century eastern Europe and the fifth were the Lechli who are <strong>of</strong> Polishdescent who lived in exile in Salonika and Constantinople. While being accepted by the Muslim society, they only marriedwithin their own community which resulted in several recessive genetic traits being typical <strong>of</strong> Donmeh. Several Donmehwere among the Young Turks, Turkish intellectuals who subverted the Ottoman Empire. At the time <strong>of</strong> the interchange <strong>of</strong>Greek and Turkish populations between Turkey and Greece, the Salonika Donmeh tried to be recognized as not Muslims toavoid forced transport to Anatolia. In the Republican era, they strongly supported the pro-Western and laïque reforms <strong>of</strong>Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, an attitude that bolstered the suspicions <strong>of</strong> Muslims towards them. Their current existence isunclear both in numbers and geographic distribution.Isik University (a private university in Istanbul, Turkey) and the Feyziye Schools Foundation (Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfi -[citation needed] See alsoFMV) under whose umbrella the University is operating, are claimed to be founded by the Donmeh.Converso Muslim Jew Fall <strong>of</strong> the Ottoman Empire [Donmeh were behind the Armenian holocaust and internallysubverted the Ottoman empire], see also http://www.public-action.com/christmas.html on the Lubavitch sect.Financial Elites Destruction <strong>of</strong> the Tsar <strong>of</strong> RussiaThe Elites financed the fall <strong>of</strong> the Tsar <strong>of</strong> Russia to punish him for his support <strong>of</strong> Lincoln. Both the Tsar and Lincolnopposed the establishment <strong>of</strong> a currency monopoly in the hands <strong>of</strong> these banking dynasties. Karl Marx was a German <strong>of</strong>Jewish descent, being the nephew <strong>of</strong> a Rabbi, and a student <strong>of</strong> the Satanist Bruno Bauer (Rothschild). Due to hisrevolutionary activities, Karl was expelled from Germany and "'... given asylum in England'! ("Pawns In The Game", p.4).Whilst writing "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848, Marx had included ideas <strong>of</strong> an English socialist, Pr<strong>of</strong>. John Ruskin, <strong>of</strong>Oxford University. Ruskin was mentor to Cecil Rhodes who, with the Rothschilds, backing, ",... was able to monopolize thediamond mines <strong>of</strong> South Africa" and put his fortune to work in the plan for World empire. ("Tragedy and Hope", Pr<strong>of</strong>.Quigley) Focusing in on the situation in Russia (from 1772), various Tsars had initially made restrictive laws strict forJews, but they were later progressively liberalized until Alexander II "... devoted his life to improving the conditions <strong>of</strong> thepoorer classes and the Jews .... But the Jewish revolutionary leaders were determined to continue their movement forPopular World Revolution". ("Pawns In The Game", p.64). Because <strong>of</strong> the domination <strong>of</strong> Russian society by Jews, theremaining restrictions were held in place. The Jews began to be increasingly rebellious and this peaked with theassassination <strong>of</strong> Alexander II.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 289

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