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y the ‘<strong>Money</strong> Trust Investigation’ will be legalized... The new law will create inflation whenever the trust wants inflation.”[and vise versa]Lindbergh adds: “The Federal Reserve Act was, and still is, hailed as a victory <strong>of</strong> Democracy over ‘The <strong>Money</strong> Trust’Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole ‘Central Bank’ concept was engineered by the very group it wassupposed to strip <strong>of</strong> power.” [ibid, page 161]These are just some <strong>of</strong> the fruits <strong>of</strong> this same occult organization re-started by Kolmer and Adam Weishaupt in 1776. JohnD. Rockefeller, infected with its spirit said: “Competition is a Sin”. [ibid, page 19/21]While ‘Annuit Coeptis’ means ‘Favour our daring undertaking’, the lower part <strong>of</strong> ‘The Great seal <strong>of</strong> The United States <strong>of</strong>America’ bears the inscription ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’, meaning ‘The New Secretive Order Of Ages / The New World Order’(appears on the US FRN dollar note).Garry Allen says that the World has been set up for another 1929 style Crash and Depression. “To think that thecrash <strong>of</strong> 1929 was an accident or result <strong>of</strong> stupidity defies all logic. The international Bankers who promoted theinflationary policies, and pushed the propaganda which pumped up the stock market, represented too many generations<strong>of</strong> accumulated expertise to have blundered into the great depression.” [ibid, page 163]As Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the House Banking and Currency Committee tells us:- “It [the 1926depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence...The International Bankers sought to bring abouta condition <strong>of</strong> despair here, so that they might emerge as rulers <strong>of</strong> us all.” [ibid] “It was the old game <strong>of</strong> boom and bust,using economic crisis to consolidate political power at the top where it can be most easily controlled.” [ibid] In 1913America’s National debt stood at $1 billion dollars. Since Woodrow Wilson took his vote <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice, the National Debt hassky rocketed. By 1976 it had exceeded $500,000,000,000. The interest alone was $27 billion. By 1992 the US Debtreached $3 trillion (in 2003, the combined Federal and State debt owed to the private Federal Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> Rockefeller/Rothschild is estimated at $15 to 20 Trillion, i.e. $50 thousand for each US citizen). Interest alone takes 52 cents fromevery tax dollar collected, and soon it will take 102 cents in every dollar. Nobody wants to reveal, however, to whom allthese monies and interest are owed, and how the stack got to be so high.“The major cause <strong>of</strong> inflation and the economic collapse was the deliberately created credit inflation by the ‘privatelyowned’Federal Reserve.” [Equally deliberately used here by Nigel Lawson and the still privately owned and privatelycontrolled Bank <strong>of</strong> England] “In six years it had inflated the money supply by 62% inducing market speculations andunwise investments by middle Americans who were being set up for a shearing. When the shearing came, the sheep tooka realistic look at their economy and panicked. Optimism was replaced by economic despair; despair produced awillingness to accept a major expansion <strong>of</strong> government controls over the economy.” “Now, the Rockefellers aresharpening their shears to give the sheep <strong>of</strong> the World another trimming. But this time may be the last time. In 1929,America was a long way from total government. The next depression will be used as the excuse for complete Socialist-Fascist controls at home and the creation <strong>of</strong> a World Super State internationally.” [ibid, page 163]“Years ago”, says Allen, “Nelson Rockefeller reportedly demanded and received, the privilege <strong>of</strong> naming his men to topadministrative posts on all important Republican committees. The effect on the Republican Party is all too clear. It hasbeen reliably estimated that over the years the Rockefellers have placed at least five thousand persons in importantpositions at the highest level <strong>of</strong> the Federal Government. The Rockefeller influence and authority now runs the top CivilService bureaucracy, thereby transcending the administrations <strong>of</strong> mere republicans and Democrats. Having a big stake inan internationalist foreign policy, the Rockefellers always make sure that the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State and the Director <strong>of</strong> the(CIA) Central Intelligence Agency are ” Their boys". Marshall, Acheson, Dulles, Herter, Rusk, and Kissinger [at the time <strong>of</strong>writing in 1976] have all laboured to turn the backward Soviet Union into a creditable power to force the great merger,while at the same time fighting wars to make the World safe for Standard Oil. The C.I.A. has served as the StateDepartment’s and Standard Oil’s enforcement arm, destroying genuine anti-communist movements around theWorld...The CIA was created and staffed by Rockefeller relative Allen Dulles." “American foreign policy has meant billions<strong>of</strong> dollars for the Rockefellers. It has been paid for in many cases by the blood <strong>of</strong> our soldiers and in every case by thesweat <strong>of</strong> our taxpayers.”The basic principle <strong>of</strong> US oil policy, enunciated by the Wilson administration and then more forcefully during World War II,was that the United States must maintain its “absolute position” in the Western Hemisphere, “coupled with insistenceupon the Open Door principle <strong>of</strong> equal opportunity for United States companies in new areas”. In brief, what we have, wekeep, closing the door to others; what we do not yet have must be open to free competition. This is the way “free trade”and the “open door” commonly functions in practice. With this doctrine imposed, Latin America was to assume its “role inthe new World order”: “to sell its raw materials” and “to absorb surplus US capital”.As an executive <strong>of</strong> the Standard Oil Company <strong>of</strong> New Jersey phrased the matter in 1946, the United States “mustset the pace and assume the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the majority stockholder in this corporation known as the World.”The coordinator <strong>of</strong> the UN humanitarian program in Iraq, Denis Halliday, a highly respected UN <strong>of</strong>ficial whoresigned under protest because he was being compelled to carry out what he called “genocide” as did his successor Hansvon Sponeck. The United States took over the British framework, but the basic principle remained. That is, the West(which means primarily the US) must control events in the Middle East. Furthermore, the wealth <strong>of</strong> the region must flowThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 285

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