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anker and in return would get a token or paper note as asymbol <strong>of</strong> their asset. The symbol would identify the bankerwho issued it (the symbol <strong>of</strong> the Rothschilds’ Bank is the 6pointed Star <strong>of</strong> Moloch and you can see it as 13 stars onthe Federal Reserve one dollar note). They would trade withthat symbol with others who trusted it. The banker soonrealized that he could issue more symbols than he had ondeposit and even charge an interest on that symbol. This wasfine as long as there wasn’t any “rush on his bank” (i.e.everyone coming at once to redeem their symbol for theirgold!). So, just like man discovered fire several thousands <strong>of</strong>years ago, the banker discovered “fiat” money several centuriesago!John Kutyn (2000), a former Canadian banker explains thatgovernment-created money (legal tender, notes, currency):“are not credit money. They are pieces <strong>of</strong> paper on which thegovernment places its stamp making them legal tender”. Theyare not redeemable, nor do they have to be paid back. Theycontinue to exist and circulate throughout the economy. Again,these can be created in unlimited amounts simply by printinganother note, which themselves can have as many zeros at theend as the government may desire. However, because they arecreated on a piece <strong>of</strong> paper, they affect the economy in a verydifferent way than money that is created through the creation <strong>of</strong>a loan.A government note once created and injected into the economyhas a one-time effect when it increases the quantity <strong>of</strong> money.When a new loan is given and money created through thebanking system, it too causes an increase in the money supply.However, since loans require the payment <strong>of</strong> interest andprinciple, they also act to contract the money supply. It isimportant to note that the creation <strong>of</strong> money, whether throughthe printing <strong>of</strong> government notes or through the creation <strong>of</strong> a loan is totally outside <strong>of</strong> the operating economy (though itcan have a very significant effect on the economy).The manufacture <strong>of</strong> a car or production <strong>of</strong> wheat does not create money. Today, almost all money is created through thecreation <strong>of</strong> loans (very little <strong>of</strong> what we call money is in the form <strong>of</strong> government notes). With similar reasoning, thepayment <strong>of</strong> interest or principle on a loan can only be made with money, and in the process destroys or reduces money bythe amount paid. Again it is not the manufacture <strong>of</strong> a car or production <strong>of</strong> wheat that repays a loan, only money can dothis.1913 Federal Reserve Act“Whenever, a new loan is given, new money is created, the result is <strong>of</strong>fsetting paper entries on a banks financialstatement. Both deposits and loans increase by equal amounts. Similarly, money is destroyed whenever loans are repaidwith deposits and loans decreasing by an equal amount. In theory, there is no limit to the amount <strong>of</strong> money that can becreated or destroyed”.When money is allowed to be created through the banking system, it has various significant consequences. It must berecognized that deposits and loans only represent bookkeeping entries. As such, when a bank charges interest on a newloan, it is receiving income on a bookkeeping entry that it created out <strong>of</strong> nothing. Thus over time, it oversees thetransfer <strong>of</strong> wealth to the banking dynasties <strong>of</strong> the World. Of special significance, are bank loans to thegovernments. <strong>Money</strong> is whatever governments define it to be, and when governments desire to spend more than theyreceive, the shortfall could be covered by printing notes or by borrowing from the banks. Both methods involve creatingmoney out <strong>of</strong> nothing. However, borrowing money through the banks makes the governments dependant on theBankers while over time transferring wealth from the taxpayers to the Bankers to pay the interest on theseloans that were created out <strong>of</strong> nothing. Today, this interest represents a large percentage <strong>of</strong> all taxes collected, withmost tax departments now representing a collection agency for World Bankers. In this regard, it must be noted that whilewe can use mathematics and logical reasoning to show the errors <strong>of</strong> Keynesian economic theory, it is Keynesian theorythat provided the theoretical and moral justification for the massive increase in government debts this century. This hasallowed Bankers to exert significant influence over governments, while transferring trillions <strong>of</strong> dollars from taxpayers toBankers to pay the interest on these loans. Has all <strong>of</strong> this happened because <strong>of</strong> an innocent error?” or was itplanned by the Illuminati banksters?We must have a clear understanding <strong>of</strong> what actually happens when a new loan is created. Many people are under themistaken belief that a bank is lending some <strong>of</strong> the money that it holds as deposits. This is not what happens. When a newloan is created, a bank completes two bookkeeping entries. It credits the borrowers account with the amount <strong>of</strong> the loan,The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 274

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