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The Illuminati interests wanted to create a Central Bank in America. They wanted to create the privately owned FederalReserve modeled on the privately owned Bank <strong>of</strong> England. First, they needed a bunch <strong>of</strong> banking crisis’ that would pushpublic opinion towards a Federal Reserve system. These were provided by the Illuminati, including J.P. Morgan’sKnickerbocker Panic <strong>of</strong> 1907. Second, they needed a favorable U.S. president in <strong>of</strong>fice. Rothschild agent Colonel Houseprovided this by getting Woodrow Wilson elected. The American people were being conditioned. To provide the ‘reform <strong>of</strong>the American banking system" a congressional National Monetary Commission was created and a man related to theRockefellers, Nelson Aldrich, was put in charge. For two years this Commission traveled around Europe hob-nobbing withthe Illuminati and getting directions as to how the central bank should be set up. Then the Commission returned in 1910,and Nelson Aldrich went to a secret meeting at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club in Georgia to write the legislation for anAmerican central bank to be run by the Illuminati. Others at the Jekyll island meeting were these Illuminati men - A. PlattAndrew, Frank Vanderiip (<strong>of</strong> a Kuhn-Loeb & Company bank), Henry Davidson (<strong>of</strong> J.P. Morgan), Charies Norton (<strong>of</strong> aMorgan bank), Paul Warburg (<strong>of</strong> Kuhn-Loeb & Company and brother-in-law <strong>of</strong> Schiff), Benjamin Strong (<strong>of</strong> anotherMorgan company). Most <strong>of</strong> these men were connected to Jacob Schiff or J.P. Morgan, who in turn were agents for theHouse <strong>of</strong> Rothschild.Below are the list <strong>of</strong> people whom many Good Free American Protestant Bible Believing Christians called them as ChildrenOf Lucifer. These people are the ones masterminded and conspired for the creation <strong>of</strong> illegal FEDERAL RESERVE BANK:Theodore Roosevelt, Paul Warburg - Representative Of Rothschild, Woodrow Wilson - U.S. President Signed FED Into Act,Nelson W. Aldrich - Representative Of Rockefeller, Benjamin Strong - Representative Of Rockefeller, Frank A. Vanderlip -Representative Of Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller - Rockefeller Himself, Henry Davison - Representative Of J. P. Morgan,Charles Norton - Representative Of J. P. Morgan.All the wealthy and powerful men who were against forming the centralized banking cartel we now call FEDERAL RESERVEBANK.and whom the Jesuits wanted to get rid <strong>of</strong> were invited to take the 1912 Titanic cruise. Three <strong>of</strong> the richest andmost important <strong>of</strong> these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head <strong>of</strong> Macy’s Department Stores, and JohnJacob Astor. Jesuits made a sinister plan, i.e. "SINKING OF THE TITANIC", where Jesuit Fr. Francis Browne boarded theTitanic with the wealthy Jews who opposed the Fed and was later ordered by the JESUIT GENERAL to disembark as theship will be sunk intentionally by Capt. Edward Smith - a fanatic follower <strong>of</strong> the Jesuits.The Titanic which sank in 1912 was carrying the richest men on earth who were opposed to the BankLords’ plans to createtheir private central bank in the US (some say that the recent videotapes <strong>of</strong> the sunken ship suggest that an explosiontook place aboard, otherwise this was a great stroke <strong>of</strong> luck for the Jesuit society operative who was supposed toaccompany these men on board but did not). These men who went down with the Titanic were wealthy Jews who wereresisting the establishment <strong>of</strong> a private centralized bank by defying Zionist Masons in America, particularly John JacobAstor, who was a personal friend <strong>of</strong> Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. Brandeis greatly resisted the establishment <strong>of</strong>the private Central Bank. Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus were three extremely wealthy Jewish men who went down withthe Titanic. Astor was some say the wealthiest man in the World other than the Pope. However, he was NOT using hiswealth in accord with the Rothschild Order. After his death in the Titanic, his son, John Jacob Astor IV, took over hismoney trust (see Eugene Sue's The Wandering Jew). John Jacob was willing to go along with being part <strong>of</strong> the privatelyowned central bank system.The Republicans, dedicated to grafting themselves to these wealthy BankLords, proposed a most incredible solution <strong>of</strong> TheFederal Reserve Act in 1911: concentration <strong>of</strong> these same bankers' powers under one "central" bank comprised <strong>of</strong> acollection <strong>of</strong> the perpetrating banks together. Understandably, the Democrats were elected to power in 1912 on a platformexplicitly declaring opposition to the establishment <strong>of</strong> a central bank. The Republicans were defeated in this election forstrong public distrust <strong>of</strong> their proposal to concentrate powers beyond democracy or any thought <strong>of</strong> representativegovernment in the central bank advocated by their Aldrich Plan. Just such powers however, were eventually inherited inan incredible chain <strong>of</strong> events which soon afterward created the Federal Reserve on the eve <strong>of</strong> December 23, 1913 —circumventing unlikely passage by a contrived, orchestrated emergency session predominantly marked by the Christmasabsence <strong>of</strong> those who opposed the incredibly corrupt proposition. Representative government was usurped; and neveragain would the public be permitted, by the perpetual servants <strong>of</strong> the usurers, to contest the rectitude <strong>of</strong> that oppressivesystem. Despite the explicit 1912 platform <strong>of</strong> the Democrats being declared opposition to the creation <strong>of</strong> a central bank,the "Federal Reserve" nevertheless — virtually the same Aldrich/Republican entity re-dressed under a purposelymisleading name — was created only a year later, in 1913, as an energetic project under Democrat President WoodrowWilson.Actually, the Republican Party <strong>of</strong> betrayers proposed consolidating powers in the same 12 private banks as we "know"today as "The Federal Reserve," and the Democrat Party <strong>of</strong> betrayers promised never to do such a thing. The FederalReserve System began operation in 1914, and, true to vigilant public anticipation, accomplished both principal ownershipand ruin <strong>of</strong> the economy in 1929 — just 15 years afterward. The careless rode a wave <strong>of</strong> inflation, straight to the doom <strong>of</strong>all. The collapsing <strong>of</strong> the securities market is the same takeover ruse which the proposed Aldrich Central Bank waspromised to prevent in the propaganda <strong>of</strong> the carefully re-named "Federal Reserve" System. As history continues toprove, a huge volume <strong>of</strong> unrepealed, financial legislative acts were thus based on purposed deception.The Federal Reserve Act <strong>of</strong> 1913The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 272

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