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economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to thesenatural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the richricher and the potent more powerful, the humble members <strong>of</strong> society-the farmers, mechanics, and laborers-who haveneither the time nor the means <strong>of</strong> securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain <strong>of</strong> the injustice <strong>of</strong> theirGovernment. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself toequal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, itwould be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from thesejust principles. Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions <strong>of</strong> the rights and powers <strong>of</strong>the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strengthconsists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves-in making itself felt, not in its power, but inits beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leavingeach to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.Experience should teach us wisdom. Most <strong>of</strong> the difficulties our Government now encounters and most <strong>of</strong> the dangerswhich impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment <strong>of</strong> the legitimate objects <strong>of</strong> Government by our nationallegislation, and the adoption <strong>of</strong> such principles as are embodied in this act. Many <strong>of</strong> our rich men have not been contentwith equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act <strong>of</strong> Congress. By attempting togratify their desires we have in the results <strong>of</strong> our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, andman against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations <strong>of</strong> our Union. It is time to pause in ourcareer to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit <strong>of</strong> compromise which distinguishedthe sages <strong>of</strong> the Revolution and the fathers <strong>of</strong> our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested underimprovident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants <strong>of</strong>monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution <strong>of</strong> our Government to the advancement <strong>of</strong> the few at theexpense <strong>of</strong> the many, and in favor <strong>of</strong> compromise and gradual reform in our code <strong>of</strong> laws and system <strong>of</strong> political economy.I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shallfind in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us andthe dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let usfirmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies <strong>of</strong> our Republic, and onthe intelligence and wisdom <strong>of</strong> our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and heir patriotic devotion our libertyand Union will be preserved. ANDREW JACKSON.Doc <strong>of</strong> 37...About Fort Knox Gold: http://www.fgmr.com/right2know.htmIn the 1970's a very courageous gentleman named Edward Durrell claimed that substantially all <strong>of</strong> the US Gold Reservebeing stored at Ft. Knox was gone. Only 1,000 tonnes or so <strong>of</strong> the 8,500 tonnes supposedly being stored there remained.The rest had been secretly taken from Ft. Knox and shipped to London in 1967 and early 1968 for sale by PresidentJohnson in an ill-fated attempt to keep the price <strong>of</strong> Gold at $35 per ounce.http://hardtruth.topcities.com/nelsonrockefellerandfortknoxscandel.htmFirst, about Fort Knox. You know, the Fort Knox Gold Scandal is just like the Watergate Scandal in one respect: There is adesperate cover-up going on right now just as happened with Watergate. The Fort Knox Gold Scandal cover-up reallypassed the point <strong>of</strong> no return last September when the United States Treasury perpetrated the Fort Knox gold inspectionhoax in an attempt to discredit my charges that there's no gold in Fort Knox because it had all been illegally removed.Since that time the Government has been getting in deeper and deeper and deeper, involving more and more people in allsorts <strong>of</strong> maneuvers to try to keep the lid on. For example, when the Congressmen and newsmen visited Fort Knox lastSeptember, news stories promised everybody that the visit would be followed up by an audit <strong>of</strong> the Fort Knox gold by theGeneral Accounting Office, but what they actually did was just a very superficial exercise just to make the record lookgood, and the group <strong>of</strong> 15 men that did it had only two (2) General Accounting Office representatives on it. All the restwere from the Treasury itself--in other words, the fox went into the henhouse to count our chickens for us.http://www.skolnicksreport.com/hoodwink.html. It may come as a shock to some, but the U.S. has very little so-called"U.S. government" gold bullion in Fort Knox. A brave outspoken journalist, Tom Valentine, in the 1970s, exposed as afraud that there was World-trade-quality gold at Fort Knox. All they have left are poor quality, orangish-looking, melteddown coin metal from the seizure in 1934, <strong>of</strong> gold coins from America's common people. [The American aristocracy,warned in advance, shipped THEIR gold out <strong>of</strong> the U.S.] The U.S. government gold is gone. Why? Because it was shipped,under the supervision <strong>of</strong> a ply-able U.S. General, to the private central octopus called the Bank <strong>of</strong> England, in 1968, tostem a run on that bank which had somehow lost all their own gold.]http://www.freedomdomain.com/News/nnorfed.html.The organization chaired by Alan Greenspan is a coalition <strong>of</strong> private international banks, that does not answer to theUnited States Government. And there is no precious metal warehoused in Fort Knox or elsewhere that backs the moneythat they issue. http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/NAZNWO08.TXT. Large shipment <strong>of</strong> gold leaves Fort Knox,public doesn't know that their national gold 'reserves' are being secretly depleted by one-World national socialist agentsworking in U.S. government. Gold at Fort Knox replaced with gold-plated lead bars, making it the biggest heist in history.Rockefellers involved. James MacDonald becomes critical <strong>of</strong> Air Force and the CIA.http://hardtruth.topcities.com/treason_new_World_order.htmThroughout the 20th century this movement toward a one World government has been marching on. This is not new orrecent. In his book Critical Path Buckminster Fuller gives a very impressive sweep <strong>of</strong> the 20th century, about the largecorporations and their agents and the lawyers who basically control the country far more than the people understand. Hetalked about how all the gold was removed from Fort Knox by the 1960's. Where did it go? It went to the banks. Theyown the country. Fuller called the CIA,The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 260

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