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to counterfeit objects that could be made. It is highly unlikely that there were formal markets in 75,000 B.C. (any morethan there are in recently observed hunter-gatherer cultures). Nevertheless, proto-money would have been useful inreducing the costs <strong>of</strong> less frequent transactions that were crucial to hunter-gatherer cultures, especially bride purchase,splitting property upon death, tribute, and intertribal trade in hunting ground rights (“starvation insurance”) andimplements. In the absence <strong>of</strong> a medium <strong>of</strong> exchange, all <strong>of</strong> these transactions suffer from the basic problem <strong>of</strong> barter --they require an improbable coincidence <strong>of</strong> wants or events. Shells <strong>of</strong> the pea-sized snail Nassarius kraussianus. BlombosCave, South Africa, 75,000 B.C. wear marks indicate the shells were strung on a necklace.In cultures <strong>of</strong> any era that lack money, barter and some system <strong>of</strong> in-kind "credit" or "gift exchange" would be the onlyways to exchange goods. Bartering has several problems on small transactions, most notably timing constraints. Ifyou wish to trade fruit for wheat, you can only do this when the fruit and wheat are both available at the same time andplace. That may be a very brief time, or it may be never. With an intermediate commodity (whether it be shells, rum,gold, etc.) you can sell your fruit when it is ripe and take the intermediate commodity. You can then use the intermediatecommodity to buy wheat when the wheat harvest comes in. Thus the use <strong>of</strong> money makes all commodities become moreliquid. Where trade is common, barter systems usually lead quite rapidly to the emergence <strong>of</strong> several key goods withmonetary properties. In the early British colony <strong>of</strong> New South Wales in Australia, rum emerged quite soon aftersettlement as the most monetary <strong>of</strong> goods. When a nation is without a fiat currency system, it is quite common for thefiat currency <strong>of</strong> a neighboring nation to emerge as the dominant monetary good. In some prisons where conventionalmoney is prohibited it is quite common for goods such as cigarettes to take on a monetary quality. Gold has emergednaturally from the world <strong>of</strong> barter again and again to take on a monetary function. It should be noted that theemergence <strong>of</strong> monetary goods is not dependent on central authority or government. It is a quite naturalmarket phenomenon.The first instances <strong>of</strong> money were objects which were useful for their intrinsic value. This was known as commodity moneyand included any commonly-available commodity that has intrinsic value; historical examples include pigs, rare seashells,whale's teeth, and (<strong>of</strong>ten) cattle. In medieval Iraq, bread was used as an early form <strong>of</strong> currency. Spices have been usedas commodity money for long. Definite indications are available that both black and white pepper have been used ascommodity money for hundreds <strong>of</strong> years before Yeshuah-Jesus-Issa, as also several centuries thereafter. Being a valuablecommodity, pepper has naturally been used as payment. Attila the Hun reportedly demanded 3,000 pounds in weight <strong>of</strong>pepper in 408 AD as part <strong>of</strong> a ransom for the city <strong>of</strong> Rome. In the Middle Ages, there was a French saying, 'As dear aspepper'. In England, rent could be paid in pounds <strong>of</strong> pepper, and so a symbolic minimal amount is known as a"peppercorn rent". Even in the industrialized world, in the absence <strong>of</strong> other types <strong>of</strong> money, people have occasionally usedcommodities such as tobacco as money. This last happened on a wide scale after World War II when cigarettes becameused un<strong>of</strong>ficially in Europe, in parallel with other currencies, for a short time. Precious metals have been a common form<strong>of</strong> money, such as this gold from Sveriges Riksbank.Another example <strong>of</strong> "commodity money" is shell money in the Solomon Islands. Shells are painstakingly chipped intorough circles, filed down, and threaded onto large necklaces, which are then used during marriage proposals; for instance,a father may charge twenty shell money necklaces for his daughter's hand in marriage. One interesting example <strong>of</strong>commodity money is the huge limestone coins from the Micronesian island <strong>of</strong> Yap, quarried at great peril from a sourceseveral hundred miles away. The value <strong>of</strong> the coin was determined by its size — the largest <strong>of</strong> which could range fromnine to twelve feet in diameter and weigh several tons. Displaying a large coin, <strong>of</strong>ten outside one's home, was aconsiderable status symbol and source <strong>of</strong> prestige in that society. (Due to the great inconvenience, islanders would <strong>of</strong>tentrade only promises <strong>of</strong> ownership <strong>of</strong> an individual coin instead <strong>of</strong> actually moving it. In some cases, coins which had beenlost at sea were still used for exchange in this way. These agreements could be thought <strong>of</strong> as a kind <strong>of</strong> representativemoney, described below.) An example is the 8-foot "coin" from the village <strong>of</strong> Gachpar, on Yap.Once a commodity becomes used as money, it takes on a value that is <strong>of</strong>ten a bit different from what thecommodity is intrinsically worth or useful for. Being able to use something as money in a society adds an extra useto it, and so adds value to it. This extra use is a convention <strong>of</strong> society, and how extensive the use <strong>of</strong> money is within thesociety will affect the value <strong>of</strong> the monetary commodity. So although commodity money is real, it should not be seen ashaving a fixed value in absolute terms. Its value is still socially determined to a large extent. A prime example is gold,which has been valued differently by many different societies, but perhaps none valued it more than those who used it asmoney. Fluctuations in the value <strong>of</strong> commodity money can be strongly influenced by supply and demandwhether current or predicted (if a local gold mine is about to run out <strong>of</strong> ore, the relative market value <strong>of</strong> goldmay go up in anticipation <strong>of</strong> a shortage).<strong>Money</strong> can be anything that the parties agree is tradable, but the usability <strong>of</strong> a particular sort <strong>of</strong> money varies widely.Desirable features <strong>of</strong> a good basis for money include being able to be stored for long periods <strong>of</strong> time, dense so it can becarried around easily, and difficult to find on its own so that it is actually worth something. Again, supply and demand playa key role in determining value. Metals like gold and silver have been used as commodity money for thousands <strong>of</strong> years,being in the form <strong>of</strong> metal dust, nuggets, rings, bracelets and assorted pieces. Eventually the Lydians began coininggold and silver around 560 BC. Gold and silver are both quite s<strong>of</strong>t metals, and coins minted from the puremetals suffer from wear or deformation in daily use. Fortunately these metals are also easily alloyed with a lessexpensive metal, frequently copper, in order to improve the durability <strong>of</strong> the resulting coins. Typically alloys <strong>of</strong> coinagemetals, such as sterling silver or 22 carat (92%) gold, are used to make coins more durable. These are alloys <strong>of</strong> 90% ormore precious metal as alloys <strong>of</strong> less than 90% do not improve hardness or durability very much, and so are typicallyconsidered to be on the slippery slope into monetary debasement.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 24

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