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were wiped out completely by the English settlers, because they believed that the Indians were a “lesser” race and did notdeserve to live on the land that they had occupied for generations. The massive killing <strong>of</strong> an entire race is said to begenocide, the pure hatred that spewed from the English settlers hearts will never be forgotten by the Native Americanpeople. http://eee.uci.edu/clients/tcthorne/anthro/indiantimes/index.html .Currency Act <strong>of</strong> 1764"III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any governor or commander in chief for the time being,in all or any <strong>of</strong> the said colonies or plantations, shall, from and after the said first day <strong>of</strong> September, one thousand sevenhundred and sixty four, give his assent to any act or order <strong>of</strong> assembly contrary to the true intent and meaning <strong>of</strong> thisact, every such governor or commander in chief shall, for every such <strong>of</strong>fence, forfeit and pay the sum <strong>of</strong> one thousandpounds, and shall be immediately dismissed from his government, and for ever after rendered incapable <strong>of</strong> any public<strong>of</strong>fice or place <strong>of</strong> trust."Many <strong>of</strong> the powerful Roman Catholic lords in the English Parliament had money in the Wisselbank which was used t<strong>of</strong>inance the inglorious (usury) Revolution <strong>of</strong> 1688. "Amongst those thought to have "provided for a retreat" in this waywere members <strong>of</strong> the English Commonwealth Parliament and the Danish court, the Prince Palatine and the Republic <strong>of</strong>Venice. The Wisselbank was also used by the Spanish crown to pay subsidies to Sweden in the 1660's. To this extent theWisselbank was not only a public bank for Amsterdam and its citizens but also a secure haven for other Europeangovernments and political interests. Its success continued well into the eighteenth century, even after Amsterdam'sascendancy was coming to an end, and it survived until 1820." (Edwin Green, Banking An Illustrated <strong>History</strong>, p.33). TheBank <strong>of</strong> England financed Jenner and vaccination, ape-man Charles Darwin and Jesuit futurism etc., etc.The Bank <strong>of</strong> England circa 1890The Bank <strong>of</strong> England 1694 Histor¥ <strong>of</strong> £ankingFurther to the information presented in the previous section on how the creation <strong>of</strong> this private bank was concocted in1694, here is some additional history on the Bank <strong>of</strong> England. In the old days there was no paper money. The acceptedtoken <strong>of</strong> exchange was precious metal minted into coins by the Church and the Crown. Because there was only a limitedamount <strong>of</strong> gold and silver available, the economic life <strong>of</strong> the nation had a certain regularity. An even greater restrictionexisted throughout Christendom. This was a prohibition against usury, or charging interest. The Church held it to be agrave sin and the code was upheld by the civil powers. There were harsh penalties for those who broke the law. Theregulation <strong>of</strong> usury was to prevent the separation <strong>of</strong> money from reality. <strong>Money</strong> is not “goods”, it is a measure. It is fraudto pretend otherwise, and constitutes theft. Usury is making money from lending money; it is making money fromnothing. This is exactly what is happening today on a colossal scale.Several important things arose from the prohibition <strong>of</strong> usury in medieval Christendom. Firstly European Jews, who hadtaken to wandering around Europe in the Middle Ages, began to specialize in money-lending and other practices whichwere forbidden to Christians. Exploited Christians, both peasants and aristocracy, found themselves being bled dry byusurers, which is why there were sporadic uprisings, imprisonments and expulsions <strong>of</strong> Jews throughout Europe. It is onereason why King Edward I expelled these perfidious people from England in 1290. Oliver Cromwell allowed them backwhen the moral authority <strong>of</strong> the Church was undermined and the King was beheaded in 1649. Secondly, gold coins, jewelsand other valuables were deposited with people who held strongboxes. This was usually with goldsmiths and moneylenderswho, more <strong>of</strong>ten than not, were one and the same. These loan-sharks and scriveners realized that, without muchchance <strong>of</strong> being found out, they could charge people for looking after their deposits and then use those deposits - whichdid not belong to them - to make loans to other people at interest. They soon became rich and powerful. Gold coins areheavy and awkward to carry around so the custom arose whereby the money-lenders would issue credit notes todepositors who began to trade these notes between themselves in commercial transactions. Paper money had come intoexistence.A new form <strong>of</strong> usury developed as the swindling money-lenders realized the immoral advantages that could be made fromsuch a situation. It became apparent to these thieves that they could go one step further than dishonestly using otherpeople's money for financial advantage at no cost to themselves. They could invent money from absolutely nothing. Theycould issue credit notes with nothing to back them up and put them into circulation as interest-bearing debts. No-onewould be any the wiser. They calculated that they could safely issue notes for up to 10 times more than the gold depositsthey held, because all the depositors would never ask for their deposits back all at the same time. The principle <strong>of</strong> modernbanking was formed: invent money from nothing, put it into circulation as "running cash notes" that have to be paid backwith real wealth that is produced from our labour, sit back and become unbelievably wealthy and powerful men: hiddenrulers <strong>of</strong> nations. In England this deceitful system was <strong>of</strong>ficially sanctioned in 1694. The usurper <strong>of</strong> the throne, William <strong>of</strong>Orange, had overthrown the legitimate King James II with the financial backing and plotting <strong>of</strong> powerful Jewish financiersin Amsterdam. In return he gave the sovereignty <strong>of</strong> England to a group <strong>of</strong> financiers by means <strong>of</strong> a Charter allowing themto call themselves the Bank <strong>of</strong> England. The Charter made no mention <strong>of</strong> issuing the nation's money but within minutes <strong>of</strong>signing the new Bank <strong>of</strong>ficials were discussing the form <strong>of</strong> their "running cash notes." The same system was adopted inevery country by a process <strong>of</strong> Masonic revolution and manipulation.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 237

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