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front <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong> England in 1797. The First Bank <strong>of</strong> the U.S., 2nd Bank<strong>of</strong> the U.S. and the "Federal" Reserve Bank are all copied from this Bank.(Copy <strong>of</strong> Charter at right).King William <strong>of</strong> Orange (1650-1702) &Queen Mary (1662-1694), wife <strong>of</strong> William<strong>of</strong> Orange.After the incorporation <strong>of</strong> the Bank, peaceand quiet returned to merry old Englandwhile the owners took timeout to plot theirfuture schemes for enriching themselves more andstrengthen their monopoly on the creation and issuing <strong>of</strong>money. No more royal heads rolled and no more civil wars. After that itdidn't matter what was the religious beliefs <strong>of</strong> the monarchs. The Jesuits preferred that they were "Protestants" as theycould take the blame for the wars, poverty and pauperism which inevitably followed usury and money lending. Since theking was also head <strong>of</strong> the "Church" <strong>of</strong> England, this gave legitimacy to USURY and silenced most <strong>of</strong> the sermons againstthat diabolical practise. A Catholic monarch would not have been able to charter the Bank because <strong>of</strong>ficially the Vaticanwas still against usury.Before the American Revolution, the Bank financed 4 wars with France known in America as the French and Indian warsand others around the World including: 1689-1697 King William’s War <strong>of</strong> the League <strong>of</strong> Augsberg, 1702-1713 QueenAnne's War <strong>of</strong> Spanish Succession, 1739-1742 The War <strong>of</strong> Jenkin's Ear, 1744-1748 King George's War <strong>of</strong> AustrianSuccession, 1754-1763 The French and Indian War 1793-1801, The War against Revolutionary France 1803-1815, TheNapoleonic Wars, Wars in India, Opium Wars with China, and wars with America: the War for Independence and the War<strong>of</strong> 1812. In the 126 years between 1689 and 1815, England was at war 63 <strong>of</strong> them. That is one out <strong>of</strong> every two years incombat. The others were spent preparing for combat. The mark <strong>of</strong> the Rothschild Formula is unmistakable in theseconflicts. The monetary scientists <strong>of</strong>ten were seen financing both sides. Whether ending in victory or defeat, the outcomemerely preserved or restored the European "balance <strong>of</strong> power." And the most permanent result <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> these wars wasexpanded government debt for all parties and the acquisition <strong>of</strong> lands at rock bottom prices.As was previously stated, the colonists were very poor and took little money with them from England. The settlersbartered their goods and services with each other. Later, Indian Wampum, black and white shells, tobacco etc., etc wereused as currency. Eventually a circulating medium called Continental Colonial Scrip was printed by the Governors <strong>of</strong> thevarious Colonies. With this release <strong>of</strong> purchasing power, great prosperity came to the Colonies since they had anabundance <strong>of</strong> produce and goods available. The greedy banksters <strong>of</strong> the Bank <strong>of</strong> England soon took steps to destroy theU.S. even before it was born.Genocide & Enslavement <strong>of</strong> Native Americans in the Early 18th Century By Daniel StirewaltThe estimate <strong>of</strong> Native Americans that occupied the continental United States and Canada ranged from 1.8 to over 18million. The number <strong>of</strong> Native Americans dropped to around 237,000 after the massive genocide <strong>of</strong> the native people. It isalso said that the region <strong>of</strong> Mexico had 30 million Native Americans pre-contacts; and was reduced to 3 million aftercontact. European persecution <strong>of</strong> Native Americans started with Christopher Columbus in 1492. While some wereexterminated directly by the Europeans, other Native Americans died from disease such as: smallpox, influenza, andmeasles. Later European invaders systematically killed the aboriginal people because they felt that their beliefs were“ungodly.” The invaders started the genocide <strong>of</strong> the Native Americans by using warfare, death marches, destruction <strong>of</strong>their food supply, and poisoning. The genocide against the Native Americans was one <strong>of</strong> the most lucrative, destructive,longest lasting genocides in the history <strong>of</strong> the Earth. Paul Harvey on his radio talk show boasted that it was the first case<strong>of</strong> BIOLOGICAL GERM WARFARE! In the early 18th century states such as: Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jerseypromoted vigilantism <strong>of</strong> the settlers. The government feared the Native people and felt that they were a threat to societyso they began “scalp bounty” on dead Indians. In many areas the killing <strong>of</strong> Indians became a business to the point wherea person would be paid 100 pounds for killing a Native American. In the 18th century George Washington called theNative Americans “beasts <strong>of</strong> prey” and called for their total annihilation. In 1814, Andrew Jackson watched as his menbrutally murdered 800 or more Creek Indians. Extermination <strong>of</strong> all surviving Indians was encouraged publicly by theGovernor <strong>of</strong> California in 1851. In 1867, General William Tecumseh Sherman said, "We must act with vindictiveearnestness against the Sioux even to their extermination: men, women and children."From 1848 to 1870 over 120,000 Native Americans in California died, over 60 percent <strong>of</strong> those died from disease.However, the diseases were brought by the “49ers” so in a way the settlers were still killing the Indians, just in a differentway. Most <strong>of</strong> the massacre happened while the government was making “treaties” with the Native Americans. Forexample, the Wintu people <strong>of</strong> the South went to a “truce talking” meeting with the United States government and thesoldiers fired at the Indians killing 45 <strong>of</strong> them. Also, in the northwest the Modoc were tricked into a cold blooded ambushafter accepting an invitation to a peace-making feast. Ben Wright, an infamous hunter <strong>of</strong> Native communities, invitedthem to a truce at Tule Lake in 1852 and tried to feed them strychnine-laced food. When they grew suspicious andrefused to eat, he and his men whipped out pistols and massacred 41 out <strong>of</strong> the 46 that attended. Some communitiesThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 236

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