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terrorism. It was expressed brutally at gunpoint against the Hemisphere's original Indigenous inhabitants, enabling earlysettlers to obtain virtually "free" land upon which to live and work. Multiple millions were killed. Then "free" labor wasacquired at gunpoint through participation in the African slave trade. Again, multiple millions were killed. Holocaustnumber three took place from the late 1890s to the present, what some call "The American Century." During this periodthe United States, through over 300 overt military actions and an estimated 10,000 covert interventions, acquired itsexpanding resource base at gunpoint from "Third World" countries, killing and maiming dozens <strong>of</strong> millions, assuringimpoverishment <strong>of</strong> billions. This helps explain "American" exceptionalism. It has murdered, pillaged, and plundered itsway to having what is claimed the highest standard <strong>of</strong> living in the World. After all, "there is no way like the AmericanWay." .... Over the last several decades, a number <strong>of</strong> individuals, organizations, and written reports have increasinglyexposed this fraudulent, make-believe version <strong>of</strong> exceptionalism, such that larger numbers <strong>of</strong> U.S. citizens either know <strong>of</strong>the lie, or are having to work much harder to remain in denial about it. Indeed, facing the truth--a huge shadow thathangs over us like a dark thundercloud--takes a bit <strong>of</strong> courage, maybe even an epiphany here and there. The fantasy thatBush II is masterfully attempting to carry out--the final stage in which the Illuminati civilization model is carried to everynook and cranny on the globe--if successful, will likely provoke the cataclysmic collapse <strong>of</strong> life as we have known it forthousands <strong>of</strong> years...' http://www.brianwillson.com/shadow.htmlGeorge Kennan, former head <strong>of</strong> the US State Department Policy Planning Staff, exposed: "We have about 60 per cent <strong>of</strong>the World's wealth but only 6.3 per cent <strong>of</strong> its population… Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern <strong>of</strong>relationships which will permit us to maintain this position <strong>of</strong> disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can affordtoday the luxury <strong>of</strong> altruism and World benefaction. We should cease to talk about such vague and unreal objectives ashuman rights, the raising <strong>of</strong> living standards and democratisation. The day is not far <strong>of</strong>f when we are going to have todeal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." (Document PPS23, 24February 1948). The Illuminati who control many governments have implemented this disparity as well betweenthemselves (trillionaires) and the masses (penny-pinchers)."We Think the Price Is Worth It": Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million childrenhave died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? Secretary <strong>of</strong> StateMadeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth ithttp://informationclearinghouse.info/article12701.htm“As fake as his codpiece was, so was his "cakewalk" <strong>of</strong> an invasion. Over 2000 thousand dead soldiers, billions <strong>of</strong> wasteddollars, thousands <strong>of</strong> maimed young people, innocent Iraqis dead by the hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands, still no consistentelectricity or clean water in their country, later, and this swaggering imbecile <strong>of</strong> a "leaker in chief" has the nerve to betrying to sell all <strong>of</strong> us on a new war in Iran”: Cindy Sheehan http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12709.htmStolen Gold Financed The Spanish Inquisition!The vast hoard <strong>of</strong> gold stolen from the Indians <strong>of</strong> the New World was used by the Spanish Inquisition to fight theReformation in the Old World. This included the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, the Invincible Spanish Armada, the 30Years' War, the Gunpowder Plot etc., etc. In the year 1588, the invincible Spanish Armada, financed by stolen gold, setsail to conquer Protestant England. Raging storms helped Sir Francis Drake send it to the bottom <strong>of</strong> the sea. Theannexation <strong>of</strong> California stopped this gold train dead in its tracks. Rome never forgave the United States and wasdetermined to get the gold back. Here is how she pulled it <strong>of</strong>f: Rome began her 100 Years' War on the United States withthe assassination <strong>of</strong> President McKinley by a Jesuit assassin in 1901. Theodore Roosevelt succeeded President McKinleyand was the first <strong>of</strong> what we call the Imperial Presidents. His Attorney General, Charles Bonaparte, founded the Bureau <strong>of</strong>Inquisition later called the Federal Bureau <strong>of</strong> Inquisition.President Taft was assured <strong>of</strong> re-election in 1912 but Roosevelt "threw his hat into the ring" and ran against him thusguaranteeing the election <strong>of</strong> Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson succeeded President Taft. This man was a realtool <strong>of</strong> the Jesuits. He signed the Federal Reserve Act on Dec. 23, 1913. This Act was the brainchild <strong>of</strong> Paul Warburg, aGerman immigrant (all with roots in Germany’s Zionist families just like the British Royal family, Bush, Rumsfeld, Clintons,the Nazis that were brought into the CIA, etc.). It created a private central bank independent <strong>of</strong> Congress. Even though itwas called FEDERAL Reserve it had nothing to do with the Federal Government being a tool <strong>of</strong> Wall St. and the New YorkBankers. In 1917, Wilson vetoed legislation that would have lifted the ceiling on the Postal Savings Bank. In the sameyear, he got the U.S. involved in World War I. Paul Warburg (WARbucks) emigrated from Germany in 1902. He is knownas the "Father <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve Bank." Wilson appointed him a member <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve Board. His brother,Max Warburg, was chief <strong>of</strong> the secret police in Germany during World War I.The Act establishing the Federal Reserve Banks says: "To provide for the establishment <strong>of</strong> Federal reservebanks......and for other purposes". The other purposes include: financing wars, creating revolutions, devaluing currencies,creating depressions, causing inflation and ....stealing the gold reserves <strong>of</strong> the United States!! This man was the 5thcousin <strong>of</strong> Theodore Roosevelt and Assistant Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Navy during the Wilson Administration. He knew that thesurest way to destroy a Republic was through entangling alliances and foreign wars. President Roosevelt confiscated thepeople's gold supply in 1934 under the Gold Reserve Act. In other words, it was illegal for the citizens <strong>of</strong> the land <strong>of</strong> thefree to own GOLD. All the gold that was collected at that time was stored in Fort Knox. Now that Rome's boys had stolenall the gold from the people, the next task was to get it out <strong>of</strong> the country. Since 1971, when the U.S. GovernmentThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 230

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