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In 48 BC, Julius Caesar took back from the <strong>Money</strong> Changers the power to coin money and then minted coins for thebenefit <strong>of</strong> all. With this new, plentiful supply <strong>of</strong> money, he built great public works. By making money plentiful, Caesarwon the love <strong>of</strong> the common people. But the <strong>Money</strong> Changers hated him. Some believe this was an important factor inCaesar's assassination. One thing is for sure: with the death <strong>of</strong> Caesar came the demise <strong>of</strong> plentiful money in Rome.Taxes increased, as did corruption. Eventually the Roman money supply was reduced by 90 per cent. As a result, thecommon people lost their lands and homes-just as has happened and will happen again in America to the few who stillown their own land and homes.Yeshua-Joshua (Yeshua) Flips (Many Coins) 33 A.C. Or So“And Yeshua-Joshua went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple,and overthrew the tables <strong>of</strong> the money changers” – Bible, Book <strong>of</strong> Mark 11:15.Let's continue our exploration <strong>of</strong> money at the ancient temple in Jerusalem during Yeshua-Joshua-Issa’s time twothousand years ago when the Pharisees money-changers used the Jewish and Sun-god temples to collect interest.Yeshua-Joshua was so upset by the sight <strong>of</strong> the money changers Pharisees in the temple, he waded in and started to tipover the tables and drive them out with a whip, this being the only time we ever hear <strong>of</strong> him using force during his entireministry. Just who are these <strong>Money</strong> Changers to whom James Madison referred? The Bible tells us that, 2,000 years ago,Yeshua-Joshua Christ twice drove the <strong>Money</strong> Changers from the Temple in Jerusalem. Apart from when the TempleGuards were forced to the ground in the Garden <strong>of</strong> Gethsemane, these were the only times Yeshua-Joshua used physicalviolence. What were <strong>Money</strong> Changers doing in the Temple? What caused the ultimate pacifist to become so aggressive?When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay their Temple tax, they could only pay it with a special coin, the half-shekel. This wasa half-ounce <strong>of</strong> pure silver, about the size <strong>of</strong> a quarter. It was the only coin at that time which was pure silver and <strong>of</strong>assured weight, without the image <strong>of</strong> a pagan Emperor. It was to them the only coin acceptable to God (actually to thePharisees). But these coins were not plentiful. The <strong>Money</strong> Changers had cornered the market on them; then they raisedthe price – just as with any other monopolized commodity-to whatever the market would bear. Because there was only alimited numbers <strong>of</strong> these coins in circulation, the money changers were in a buyers market and like with anything else inshort supply, they were able to raise the price to what the market would bear. In other words, the <strong>Money</strong> Changers weremaking exorbitant pr<strong>of</strong>its because they held a virtual monopoly on money. The Jews had to pay whatever they demanded.To Yeshua-Joshua, this injustice violated the sanctity <strong>of</strong> God's house. They made huge pr<strong>of</strong>its with their monopoly onthese coins and turned this time <strong>of</strong> devotion into a mockery for pr<strong>of</strong>it. Yeshua-Joshua saw this as stealing from the peopleand proclaimed the whole setup to be "A den <strong>of</strong> thieves". Yeshua-Joshua’ exposing <strong>of</strong> the money changers made him atarget for them and their leader Caiaphas.Once money is accepted as a form <strong>of</strong> exchange, those who produce, loan out and manipulate the quantity <strong>of</strong> money areobviously in a very strong position. They are the "<strong>Money</strong> Changers", modern day privately owned “central banks” andlocal banks to a lesser extent. REMEMBER, REAL OR FIAT MONEY DOES NOT CREATE GOODS & SERVICES. WORKCREATES GOODS & SERVICES!!! Yeshua-Joshua always warned people about the Pharisees. Yeshua-Joshua said (to thePharisees / Priest-Rabbi Bankers), "Ye are <strong>of</strong> your father, the devil ... He was a murderer from the beginning ... he is a liarand the father <strong>of</strong> it." The central book in apostatic Judaism is the Babylonian Talmud (written after Yeshua-Joshua), whichcontains the teachings <strong>of</strong> the apostate Pharisees (note the resemblance to Pharaohs; Pharaoh ruled by dividing hissubjects into casts and degrees like his predecessor Nimrod, the builder <strong>of</strong> the infamous tower <strong>of</strong> Babel and initiator <strong>of</strong>Masonry) -- those people on whom the New Testament spends so many words. The Babylonian Talmud teaches Rabbis tooppose and discredit the teachings <strong>of</strong> Yeshua-Joshua because he criticized the Pharisees. As previously stated, Pharisaiclaw is reflected in the Babylonian Talmud, particularly in the book <strong>of</strong> Mishna—the original book <strong>of</strong> the Babylonian Talmud.Yeshua-Joshua called their teachings "the ways <strong>of</strong> men," an abomination, and he condemned them; for doing so, Yeshua-Joshua was “crucified” or so it seemed crossed by the Roman Pharisee King Pailatoos (Pilates) under the urgings <strong>of</strong> thePharisees.Pharisee: "One <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> a school or party among the ancient Jews noted for the strict formal observance <strong>of</strong> therites and validity <strong>of</strong> traditions <strong>of</strong> the elders. Pharisee interpretation provided the standard <strong>of</strong> observation and belief for thegreat majority <strong>of</strong> the Jews from the 1st century A.C. Pharisaic, hypocritical, self righteous and censorious <strong>of</strong> others" --Webster's New International Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the English Language, 2nd edition, 1950. PHARISEES ARE A SECRET ORDERWHO PRETEND TO BE ISRAELITES JUDEANS! Yeshua-Joshua-Issa had quite a verbal scathing for thePharisees (the usurers who worked from the Temple in Jerusalem) in Matthew 23. Pharisaic law is reflectedin the Babylonian Talmud, particularly in the book <strong>of</strong> Mishna—the original book <strong>of</strong> the Babylonian Talmud.Yeshua-Joshua called their teachings "the ways <strong>of</strong> men. Looking at "God - the Ultimate Paradox", David Ashtells us (p.69:) that in ancient times, Jews "had a governing body ... known as the 'Council <strong>of</strong> Elders”dominated by the Pharisees. In the 19th century this council "described itself as the learned Elders <strong>of</strong> Zion".We learn that there is a group within the Elders which infiltrates and creates secret societies - such as theMasons - known as 'The Brotherhood <strong>of</strong> the Snake ... In modern times this brotherhood has adopted the title<strong>of</strong> Illuminati" (p.74) and created Zionism. A lot more on this later.In "The Pharisees--The Sociological Background <strong>of</strong> Their Faith," Rabbi Louis Finkelstein describes these self-styled "Jews"and their origins: "Phariseeism became Babylonian Talmudism, Babylonian Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, andMedieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name...the spirit <strong>of</strong> the ancient Phariseesurvives unaltered." "...rabbinic Judaism, the first-born child <strong>of</strong> Phariseeism, remains a unit until this day." (p.XXI <strong>of</strong>Forward to 1st Edition, "The Pharisees," Vol. 1, Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society <strong>of</strong> America, 1938 & Vol. 2, p.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 214

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