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"...it is clear that what Athens exported, and possible some other cities in Greece where such as Pasion had branches,was, after the 'Great' Peloponnesian war, privately created capital. (43) Perhaps an internationally functioning unit like theEuro-Dollar, originating from that form <strong>of</strong> ledger entry money known as the "swap" deposit.While doing the world's business, relative to the work it does, it bears little relationship to the workings <strong>of</strong> the originatingfinancial system. Such "swap" deposit money, although it will buy a loaf <strong>of</strong> bread or, at the other end <strong>of</strong> the scale, a ship,and therefore is money as much as any other kind <strong>of</strong> money, originates free <strong>of</strong> control <strong>of</strong> governments or central banks.Such Euro-currencies "can expand by the process <strong>of</strong> money creation without infusions from oil nations or paymentsdeficits."[[The above footnote barely explains the euro-currency market and is not an adequate or clear explanation. Note, alsoeuro-dollars and euro-currencies (may be denominated in yen, DM, etc.) are totally unrelated to the more recent EUcommon currency denoted "euro". An important topic.]]"Precious metal coinage was currency whose total circulation the state could in no way control because <strong>of</strong> the desirability<strong>of</strong> its material internationally. In the common money market <strong>of</strong> the silver bullion brokers it was material, which, whetherminted into money by state authority or otherwise, produced a money always <strong>of</strong> value regardless <strong>of</strong> local convention. Itsvalue was dictated by the arbitrary decision <strong>of</strong> that international fraternity who controlled its mining, and the slaves thatmined it, and out <strong>of</strong> manipulation <strong>of</strong> that pyramid <strong>of</strong> abstract money they created thereon, controlled the political affairs<strong>of</strong> states..."The money that had been established in Sparta was <strong>of</strong> value to Spartans alone.... The use <strong>of</strong> this national money was theforce that gave Sparta the leadership <strong>of</strong> Hellas until the end <strong>of</strong> the Peloponnesian War, even if decline had commencedwith the execution <strong>of</strong> the great General Pausanias""The Spartan, whether poor or whether rich (in land), in the days <strong>of</strong> the national currency had been the social equal <strong>of</strong>any other Spartan; however, as much as anything , the slow decay <strong>of</strong> the Spartan principle derived from a mostoutstanding omission in the constitution which was total lack <strong>of</strong> provision for the redistribution <strong>of</strong> wealth at certain definiteintervals, and the cancellation <strong>of</strong> debt as in the Hebrew custom <strong>of</strong> the 49th year.""[[The]] disappearance <strong>of</strong> the precious metals from the circulation Eastward seems to have been a factor inspiring thevehemence <strong>of</strong> Cicero in his Oration: Pro Flaccus. The indignation <strong>of</strong> Cicero as recorded in this Oration may be traced tothe indifference <strong>of</strong> certain persons who lived close to the Aurelian steps, to the good <strong>of</strong> the Roman State wherein theylived and whose solidarity enabled them to arrange to have mobs intimidate the proceedings <strong>of</strong> the court which heard aperson, probably a member <strong>of</strong> the banking family known as the Lollii, attempt to smear the reputation <strong>of</strong> Lucius Flaccus,who, as Praetor <strong>of</strong> Syria, had issued edict forbidding this movement <strong>of</strong> precious metals Eastward for deposit at the Templein Jerusalem.""Thus the principles <strong>of</strong> the total hegemony <strong>of</strong> private money creative power were as clearly understood by its mastersyesterday, as much as they are today.""... just as in today 95% <strong>of</strong> all money in circulation, is cheques and assignments in transit, <strong>of</strong>ten written against creditsgranted by bankers where no actual funds previously existed, but however without which the drive and turmoil <strong>of</strong> thiscivilization could not have come to be, so it was in Rome and in Greece.""... it was not until the time <strong>of</strong> Cicero that evidence appears <strong>of</strong> private persons bringing bullion to the mints, significantlycoincidental with the general collapse <strong>of</strong> the ancient manners, and the essential forces that had guided Rome, as isdescribed by Sallust.”"Such matters <strong>of</strong> state finance seem to have been well understood during the middle commonwealth. However, as aresult <strong>of</strong> the second Punic war and Trasimeno and Cannae and the desperate need to rearm quickly that followed theseunfortunate battles, Rome clearly had been obliged to allow the whole currency system to become based on theinternational valuation <strong>of</strong> silver as common denominator <strong>of</strong> values. She also had been obliged to permit the reduction <strong>of</strong>the value <strong>of</strong> the aes coinage to the value <strong>of</strong> its weight as bronze bullion relative to the arbitrary value internationally <strong>of</strong>silverbullion."It follows that it was only after Rome had thus surrendered much <strong>of</strong> her sovereign prerogative in money matters to theinternational silver bullion brokers, reluctantly, as was shown by subsequent events, that growth <strong>of</strong> liberalism, andconsequent undermining <strong>of</strong> the morale <strong>of</strong> the people and their government, finally gave rise to the warlords known as theTriumvirate and the beginning <strong>of</strong> rule which might best be described as complete negation <strong>of</strong> that which had beengovernment by decree <strong>of</strong> the senate.""That which seems to be clear out <strong>of</strong> the fragments <strong>of</strong> information existing, is that there was no such thing as apermanent interest bearing state indebtedness until the period which may mark the beginning <strong>of</strong> the decline <strong>of</strong> imperialRome; the significance <strong>of</strong> which is that no Roman Government ever entirely lost control <strong>of</strong> that power so essential to themaintenance <strong>of</strong> its sovereignty, the power to directly inject the unit <strong>of</strong> exchange into circulation as according to its ownneeds.”The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 206

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