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egard as wealth, as opposed to the real wealth <strong>of</strong> an organized state whose money was the benevolent law <strong>of</strong> the ruler inrelation to surpluses, and directed towards the good and continuing life <strong>of</strong> the people and no more.. .""The evil about money derives in consequence from lack <strong>of</strong> understanding <strong>of</strong> its true nature, and particularly from theconfusing <strong>of</strong> money and treasure. It is the persistent failure <strong>of</strong> mankind to realize that money is but the result <strong>of</strong>agreement being arrived at amongst a sovereign people through their ruler, to provide themselves with a system <strong>of</strong>numbers by which their exchanges might be facilitated, and so help them to live a better life...""During the first Millennium B.C., the ratio <strong>of</strong> silver to gold never went below 10:1, being usually 13:1 in Europe and theso-called Middle East. In farther Bactria, India and China, it was rarely more than 6:1 and in some parts as low as 1:1.Therefore, once precious metal coinage was spent, particularly silver coinage, and passed into the hands <strong>of</strong> merchants,contractors, etc., finally returning to the bankers or money changers, with that field for assured pr<strong>of</strong>it by settlement <strong>of</strong>oriental trade balances with coined silver or silver bullion such as clearly existed, as according to Gresham's law, its localcirculating volume [[VR: and velocity]] might be assumed to decrease rapidly, and without a doubt did so decrease.""... the agents <strong>of</strong> that money power centered in Mesopotamia, heir to the secrets, not only <strong>of</strong> the Sumerian priesthood,but <strong>of</strong> the priesthood <strong>of</strong> much more ancient times, selling as they went along the idea <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> precious metalmoney.""...undoubtedly [[Alexander]] appreciated the capacity <strong>of</strong> the Jews to absorb foreign culture, while rigidly maintainingtheir national identity thus making them an ideal vehicle for his civilizing enterprise.""'The origin <strong>of</strong> buying and selling began with exchange . Anciently money was unknown and there existed no terms bywhich merchandise could be precisely valued but everyone according to the times and circumstances, exchanged thingsuseless to him against things which were useful; for it commonly happens that one is in need <strong>of</strong> what another has inexcess. But as it seldom coincided in time that what one possessed, the other one wanted, or conversely, a device waschosen whose legal and permanent value remedied by its homogeneity the difficulties <strong>of</strong> barter. This device being<strong>of</strong>ficially promulgated, circulated, and maintained its purchasing power, not so much from its substance as from itsquantity. Since that time only one consideration in an exchange was called merchandise, the other was called price.'""Whether those devices such as governed the exchanges <strong>of</strong> early Rome and Etruria were clay or leather or wood does notreally matter. As such they were true money being intrinsically valueless, and only <strong>of</strong> value because <strong>of</strong> that law whichordered their acceptance in the exchanges and that they be <strong>of</strong> value as according to their scarcity or otherwise relative tothe goods and services for sale ... What would above all matter would be the ease with which they could be counterfeited,no doubt the source <strong>of</strong> their ultimate failure, and whether they were loaned into circulation by private persons against socalledcollateral, or paid into circulation as against government expenses, as were the Aes Grave at a later date.""... the opinions <strong>of</strong> all the philosophers-scholars <strong>of</strong> antiquity, at least, those <strong>of</strong> whom record exists. Almost all <strong>of</strong> themwrote <strong>of</strong> numerical or fiduciary systems <strong>of</strong> money as being the only natural systems." [[which will seem inconsistent withthe next quote, but is true as "natural" here approximates most closely the proper use <strong>of</strong> money power]]"Numisma (<strong>Money</strong>) by itself is a mere device which has value only by law (Nomos) ... By virtue <strong>of</strong> voluntary convention,Nomisma has become the media <strong>of</strong> exchange. We call it Nomisma because its efficacy is due, not to nature but to Nomos(Law) and because it is always in our power to control it.""Thus despite at least four hundred years <strong>of</strong> control <strong>of</strong> trade by the masters <strong>of</strong> precious metal bullion, the scholars stillclearly understood the actuality <strong>of</strong> money and that it was an evincement <strong>of</strong> the law. They still understood it was but somany numbers injected into a circulation amongst the people relating value to value, and not in any way influenced by thematerial on which these numbers as laws were recorded.""<strong>History</strong> has proven over and over again that a precious metal coinage will move one way or another to where it mightrealize the most pr<strong>of</strong>it either as coin or bullion."" Those states previously mentioned, understanding therefore the evils <strong>of</strong> private emission <strong>of</strong> precious metal money, andthat precious metal money must always be private money emission, except the state owns the mines, and takesabsolutely total precaution to prevent the export <strong>of</strong> its metal except by its own decision as against its own needs, clearly,when all other states and princes were succumbing to the world drive <strong>of</strong> the international bankers, rejected banking assuch, and the bullion brokers its founders. It was not until the 4th Century B.C. that they finally gave in,""... right from the start it is safe to say that silver functioned as a balancing factor in oral and written agreements <strong>of</strong>merchandise exchange in Greece, actually functioning as a circulating medium itself only after King Pheidon <strong>of</strong> Argos ."" Once the power <strong>of</strong> monetary emission is yielded by a ruler or state to private or external interests, it is rare that it canbe recovered except as the result <strong>of</strong> all consuming cataclysm . Immense monopolies and vastly unequal money fortunesare neither gained nor saved by lawful labour or trade . Of necessity they are the natural outcome <strong>of</strong> the exercise <strong>of</strong> thepower to discriminate, the power to reject or prefer that follows as inevitable consequence, when, in any state, privatepersons are permitted to create and issue the unit <strong>of</strong> exchange, whether tangible or abstract ; and by whatever device <strong>of</strong>law such as may be needed to create appearance <strong>of</strong> legality."The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 205

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