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Baron de Montesquieu, The Laws <strong>of</strong> Nations: "As lending upon interest was forbidden by the Gabinian law betweenprovincials and Roman citizens, and the latter at that time had all the money <strong>of</strong> the globe in their hands, there was anecessity for tempting them with the bait <strong>of</strong> extravagant interest, to the end that the avaricious might thus lose sight <strong>of</strong>the danger <strong>of</strong> losing their money. And as they were men <strong>of</strong> great power in Rome, who awed the magistrates andoverruled the laws, they were emboldened to lend, and to extort great usury. Hence the provinces were successivelyravaged by every one who had any credit in Rome: and as each governor, at entering upon his province, published hisedict wherein he fixed the rate <strong>of</strong> interest in what manner he pleased, the legislature played into the hands <strong>of</strong> avarice, andthe latter served the mean purposes <strong>of</strong> the legislator"… "As soon as lending upon interest was forbidden at Rome, theycontrived all sort <strong>of</strong> means to elude the law; and as their allies, and the Latins, were not subject to the civil laws <strong>of</strong> theRomans, they employed a Latin, or an ally, to lend his name, and personate the creditor. The law, therefore, had onlysubjected the creditors to a matter <strong>of</strong> form, and the public were not relieved".The "Bank" <strong>of</strong> Rome in Vatican City was founded in 45 A.C. by Simon Magnus “the (Pharisaic) Sorcerer” when heemigrated from Jerusalem to Rome after his rebuke by Peter whom Simon tried to bribe!! When he arrived in Rome duringthe reign <strong>of</strong> Emperor Claudius, that city was the USURY capital <strong>of</strong> the World. A few rich families controlled all the wealth,and just like the U.S. today, these super-rich monopoly capitalists (to the Illuminatis, competition is a sin, that’s why theylike large centralized private banks and their other businesses) owned and controlled the government. Let's not forgetthat THEY implemented the law <strong>of</strong> tithing and it was not Yeshua-Joshua or anyone else... the love <strong>of</strong> money is the root <strong>of</strong>all evil, and the Roman Elites have always loved their money. Simon beguiled the Romans as he beguiled the Samaritans.He was honoured as a god in Rome and a statue was erected in his honor. In other words, it is true that all the roads <strong>of</strong>money lead to Rome!!! Some <strong>of</strong> the Samaritans were fake "Jews." The met in synagogues, observed the Passover and theother Jewish feasts etc., etc., but they were really Babylonians and money lending, USURY and loan sharking was noproblem for them. They disappear from history about 600 A.C. but by that time they had completely supplanted the realtrue Torah Jews. Going back to very ancient Rome, there emperors always had a problem with the money changers. Twoearly Roman Emperors tried to put a stop to their practices by passing usury laws, and limiting land ownership to 500acres. They were both killed. Later, Julius Caesar returned to Rome the ability to coin it's own money. This made Romeprosperous and also led to his death, by the "<strong>Money</strong>-Changers".The Babylonian Woe: Slavery, Usury, Economic DarwinismTHE BABYLONIAN WOE, A Study <strong>of</strong> the Origin <strong>of</strong> Certain Banking Practices, and <strong>of</strong> their effect on the events<strong>of</strong> Ancient <strong>History</strong>, written in the light <strong>of</strong> the Present Day is a book by DAVID ASTLE. The entire 200 page bookcan be downloaded from here http://download.cxs2.info/the_babylonian_woe.pdf One <strong>of</strong> the most important points foundin The Babylonian Woe, by David Astle, is that MONEY was originally a very sacred object, associated with the god orgoddess <strong>of</strong> a city. THAT MONEY became mixed with pr<strong>of</strong>ane, or secular, use. The loss <strong>of</strong> that money in foreign trade forgoods engendered economic hardship locally.Slavery existed far before usury, then usury came along to fulfill its function without the need to physically enslavepeople. Usury is certainly not the sole introductory drug to slavery. But the modern wage slave is the product <strong>of</strong> usuryins<strong>of</strong>ar as the means <strong>of</strong> production has been acquired with the air money or the semblance <strong>of</strong> non tangible cash the usurygenerates _ entries on a spreadsheet not paper money. The prophetic definition <strong>of</strong> usury is any interest on money andmorphs to interest on bonds. This cash is like the artificial ramping up <strong>of</strong> stock prices or the value <strong>of</strong> real estate toestablish artificial wealth or gaming the life support system through debt and trickery. Gaming life support needs like theelectric rates in California by Enron et.al. The artificial wealth is used to acquire the means <strong>of</strong> production, theprivatization <strong>of</strong> the commons, and the resources <strong>of</strong> the planet like water and minerals oil etc. and the citizens are thenforced into artificial <strong>of</strong> forced labor situations _ wage slavery with constantly diminishing wages. This is the engine fordestiny depravation and the poverty exacerbated by migrations.Seinorage (usury) was NOT a privilege <strong>of</strong> private individuals. The very word "money" comes from Moneta -- the goddess:The European root <strong>of</strong> the word "money" is mens, the same root from which menses , or monthly cycle, is derived. Theword "money" is also derived from the Latin moneta meaning mint or money. Moneta was originally the name <strong>of</strong> thegoddess in whose temple in Rome money was coined. Helen Luke, author <strong>of</strong> The Way <strong>of</strong> Woman (1972), has observed: Itis significant indeed that the goddess from whose temple, from whose womb, so to speak, sprang the coinage <strong>of</strong> ourcivilization has sunk into obscurity and is forgotten, while the money dedicated to her, [the goddess Moneta] has acquiredan ever-increasing autonomous power and is worshipped unashamedly as an end in itself. It was certainly not by chancethat the Romans set their mint in the temple <strong>of</strong> a goddess and not a god—for money is a symbolic means <strong>of</strong> exchange andtherefore belongs to the feminine principle <strong>of</strong> relatedness. If, therefore, the 'goddess' is missing—that third transpersonalfactor which gives meaning to every exchange between human beings, (whether physical, emotional, spiritual orfinancial)—then [we] are in acute danger. . . .Ultimately, regarding a national monetary system, he seems to agree with the conclusions <strong>of</strong> Stephen Zarlenga. Though Ihaven't read Zarlenga's book, The Lost Science <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong> (which incidentally is much longer), his extensive historicalsurvey concludes that it is an error to believe that precious metal money is more "sound" (based on the idea <strong>of</strong> acommodity store <strong>of</strong> value). The key problem for all money is almost simply whether the native, national government isin control versus "private money creative power" as Astle puts it. A good national money is sovereign-issued/debt free,but not a commodity itself.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 202

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