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"There are a thousand hacking at the branches <strong>of</strong> evil to one who is striking at the root." Henry David ThoreauToday, we need a nation <strong>of</strong> Minutemen, who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation<strong>of</strong> freedom as the basic purpose <strong>of</strong> their daily lives, and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.John Fitzgerald KennedyAnswer to 1996 MSNBC question: Are political reporters politically biased? Unless there is an editor or reporter with aperfectly neutral work-focus and style <strong>of</strong> presentation, then ALL reporters and editors are politically biased. Bias however,is no sensitive issue where a mature audience is apt to detect bias and account for it. The damaging aspect <strong>of</strong> 'news'coverage is its non-focus on imperative issues and qualifiable solution; and that so many citizens <strong>of</strong> all countries <strong>of</strong> theWorld hold to so many irrelevant snippets as if they can be served by them. For some 20 years for instance, the prospect<strong>of</strong> a 'balanced budget' occasionally draws some focus. But, in the news, and in politics, never have we seen an exhaustivepro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> whether it is even mathematically possible to balance the budget under current and ever-worsening conditions. Ifhowever, World politics will ever see the solution <strong>of</strong> ever-mounting debt, and a solution <strong>of</strong> the ever greater costs <strong>of</strong> evermounting debt, inevitably this will be through the eyes <strong>of</strong> a mathematic expression equivalent to conclusive, mathematicpro<strong>of</strong>. Do the people even want to see or hear this, or administer to issues in conclusive terms? Only their focus on such ascope will tell. But certainly no news-service <strong>of</strong>fers the inevitable argument. In any event, the impertinence <strong>of</strong> theaudience befits the impertinence <strong>of</strong> submitted material. If they had no equally impertinent audience... all impertinentmaterial, and all impertinent politicians, would be equally vanished. Just something to consider, as we plunge ever deeperinto insoluble debt. Mike MontagneWhat does Forbes know about money? Good question. Forbes is constantly putting a positive spin on EVERY consequence<strong>of</strong> what they, too, falsely call "economy."They are an exemplary propaganda machine. Rising prices (which are costs — and especially rising financed costs, amultiple <strong>of</strong> price) are presented as pr<strong>of</strong>it. All you can get for your $900,000 home built in 1963 for $35,000 is another$900,000 home built in 1963 for $35,000. What you've paid in some 40 years for that stupid asses' $35K home issomething like $2,000,000. And this is to your advantage? THEN, when the "housing market" collapses, they spin it as "abuyer's market." AGAIN, they paint the OPPOSITE as an ostensible advantage. Like you can get on a crashing train forless than the guy in the front car, who was just killed by what hasn't reached you yet. Mike MontagneIt is vital to understand, as the World <strong>of</strong> the capitalist untouchables crushes ours, that it is not the collapse <strong>of</strong> a thousandEnrons which brought us down. It is the nature <strong>of</strong> this adverse system which your capitalist untouchables and the moneywhores in politics and the media, which they own, would never have you understand. Mike MontagneImposition <strong>of</strong> a central banking system owned by the local banks’ owners and issuing debt-usury-based money createdfrom nothing on peoples’ true free enterprise runs quite the opposite course. It takes a free running engine, andirreversibly multiplies its debt until it can run no more. That it ran in the first place, that it ran for some time, and that itimproved its production at times even faster than usury imposed ever greater oppression is no testament the subjectcommerce can sustain itself against the multiplying costs <strong>of</strong> debt forever. In fact commerce is finite; And a system whichcan only multiply debt in proportion to commerce certainly is bound at some time to exceed the capacity <strong>of</strong> finitecommerce to support infinite, irreversible multiplication <strong>of</strong> debt. Mike Montagne8000 B.C. Onwardsc. 8000s: Three dimensional clay tokens (Lat. calculi) were used as counters depicting objects and abstract numbers frompresent day Sudan to Iran.c. 3500: In Sumer, pictographs <strong>of</strong> accounts written on clay tablets.c. 3000-> 2000: Development <strong>of</strong> Banking in Mesopotamia Banking originates in Babylonia out <strong>of</strong> the activities <strong>of</strong> templesand palaces which provided safe places for the storage <strong>of</strong> valuables. Initially deposits <strong>of</strong> grain are accepted and later othergoods including cattle, agricultural implements, and precious metals.c. 2250-> 2150: Cappadocian rulers guarantee quality <strong>of</strong> silver ingots The state guarantee, probably <strong>of</strong> both the weightand the purity <strong>of</strong> her silver ingots, helps their wider acceptance as money.c. 1792-1750: Priest King Hammurabi united all <strong>of</strong> Mesopotamia under his forty-three year reign <strong>of</strong> Babylon. AlthoughHammurabi's Code is not the first code <strong>of</strong> laws (the first records date four centuries earlier), it is the best preserved legaldocument reflecting the social structure <strong>of</strong> Babylon during Hammurabi's rule.c. 1200: Cowries used as money in China The Chinese character for "money" originally represented a cowrie shell.Cowries have been used as money in many different places at different periods. In parts <strong>of</strong> Africa they were used for thispurpose as recently as the middle <strong>of</strong> the 20th century.c. 640 -> 630: The first true coins produced in Lydia The earliest coins made in Lydia, Asia Minor, consisted <strong>of</strong> electrum, anaturally occurring amalgam <strong>of</strong> gold and silver.c. 600s: Coinage began to be circulated in the Aegean; according to Herodutus it was the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Lydia which mintedthe first coins. Pythius operates as a merchant banker in Asia Minor Pythius, who operates throughout western AsiaMinor;first banker in the area <strong>of</strong> Greece and Asia Minor <strong>of</strong> whom we have records.c. 550: During the reign <strong>of</strong> Croesus the Lydians began to produce coins <strong>of</strong> pure metal (gold and silver coins) instead <strong>of</strong>electrum. This is the World's first bimetallic coinage.c. 546: Athenian Owls produced; these coins are first produced by the tyrant Peisistratus, using silver from the Laurionmines 25 miles south <strong>of</strong> Athens.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 200

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