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imperialism to govern the World. By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expendtheir energies in fighting for questions <strong>of</strong> no importance."“No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment <strong>of</strong> Debts.” Article I, Section 10,United States’ Constitution“The Congress shall have power...to coin money (and) regulate the value there<strong>of</strong>.” Article I, Section 8, UnitedStates’ Constitution.Most people don't realize that now-a-days the issuing <strong>of</strong> money is essentially a private business, and that theprivilege <strong>of</strong> issuing money has been a major bone <strong>of</strong> contention throughout history over which major wars have beenand are being fought, over which major crimes have been and are being committed, and over which many nations weredestroyed, Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Emperors, Tsars and families like the Kennedys and the Gandhis (in addition to notallowing foreign banks, Mahatma Gandhi said Nov. 26, 1938 “Let the Jews, who claim to be the chosen race, prove theirtitle by choosing the way <strong>of</strong> non-violence for vindicating their position on earth"), Popes, judges, lawyers, politicians andsix US Presidents were assassinated (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield,McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if you count FDR’s poisoning)! Our current system <strong>of</strong> exchange was created with apr<strong>of</strong>it motive aimed at capitalizing on people's need for currency. The Central Banking System (which produces the actualcurrency and loans it to governments at interest and sells it to high street banks at face value) was set up as a network <strong>of</strong>private businesses with <strong>of</strong>ficial-sounding names, engineered to make a pr<strong>of</strong>it for their shareholders. These include theBank <strong>of</strong> England (Graham Bannoc R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis, 'The Penguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 34 also TheEconomic Organisation <strong>of</strong> Europe, 'Cambridge Economic <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Europe V' page 352), The Federal Reserve (GrahamBannoc R.E. Baxter and Evan Davis, 'The Penguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics' page 155) and all the other Central Banksthroughout the World. Not one <strong>of</strong> them is democratic! All <strong>of</strong> them are masters <strong>of</strong> disguise. Even nationalization has notstopped Bank <strong>of</strong> England stock holders from receiving their dividends, nor stopped the bank from keeping 75% <strong>of</strong> itspr<strong>of</strong>it, while writing <strong>of</strong>f the 25% it pays to the Treasury as corporation tax (Bank <strong>of</strong> England Act 1946).Let's Go FORWARD and understand how the power to create money interest-free was usurped from the people by the“money changers” in the past and how now the Private Central Bankers’ dynasties have grown so immensely that they arein almost full control <strong>of</strong> the people (they use names like Federal Reserve or Bank <strong>of</strong> England to hide the fact that thesebanks are really privately owned). In our exploration <strong>of</strong> the “Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong>” we will be exposing how seeminglyrespectable institutions that are bleeding the World dry have been set up, and how they maintain their air <strong>of</strong> respectabilitythrough clever use <strong>of</strong> legislation, hence the political dimension, and through clever use <strong>of</strong> distractions, hence thepropaganda dimension. We will also be looking at how the privatization <strong>of</strong> the production <strong>of</strong> currency from nothingand then the charging <strong>of</strong> interest on this “fake” or “fiat” money has been turned into a means to make hugepr<strong>of</strong>its for a given few Illuminati Bankers at the expense <strong>of</strong> the rest <strong>of</strong> us. <strong>History</strong> will disclose how more positiveeconomic plans were proven to work too well, and how they were forced to stop by the institutions their successthreatened, sending prospering communities into ruin. Here we will look at what we inherited (and we will explore how wecould change it to make it fairer for all in XAT3 link at the end <strong>of</strong> this section). Because money affects almost every aspect<strong>of</strong> our lives, how it works is something we should all be interested, however we are mostly discouraged from doing this byexperts, who assure us the topic is much too complicated for most <strong>of</strong> us to grasp. Our accepting this leaves the wholesubject largely unexplored, and allows those who do know to carry on unquestioned. As a result it is estimated that onlyone person in a thousand actually understands how money is created. Reading this will not make you a financial wizard,but it will make you a 'one in a thousand' and hopefully in time help to raise the odds in favor <strong>of</strong> a better World.The use <strong>of</strong> money evolved out <strong>of</strong> deeply rooted customs as is shown by the study <strong>of</strong> primitive forms <strong>of</strong> money, e.g. cattle,cowrie shells, whales’ teeth and manilas (ornamental jewellery). The clumsiness <strong>of</strong> barter was merely one factor in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> money. Banking was invented before coins and reached a high level <strong>of</strong> sophistication in the Egypt <strong>of</strong> thePtolomies. Military conquests, such as those <strong>of</strong> Alexander the Great, spread the use <strong>of</strong> coins which became the mostconvenient means <strong>of</strong> payment. From blood money payments in primitive societies to the military-industrial complex <strong>of</strong> thepresent day developments in warfare and finance have, unfortunately, been closely connected. Even the word to paycomes from a Latin word meaning to pacify. Warfare played an important part in the spread <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> coinage and theinvention <strong>of</strong> the national debt, while the adoption <strong>of</strong> debt-free paper money by the Colonies was both a cause <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Revolution and a means <strong>of</strong> financing it against the private Bank <strong>of</strong> England's tyranny debt-based paper money.The British colonies in North America were chronically short <strong>of</strong> coins and were forced to use various substitutes includingwampum, like the native inhabitants, and tobacco. The enthusiastic adoption <strong>of</strong> paper money and its suppression by theBritish was a factor in provoking the American Revolution. Ever since independence, banking has been the subject <strong>of</strong>political controversy and the US financial system may be in relative decline due to its take over by the privately ownedFederal Reserve Bank issued debt-based money by creating it from nothing.Understanding FIAT <strong>Money</strong> (created from nothing; thus an I OWE U)Daniel Webster: “Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes <strong>of</strong> mankind, none has been more effectivethan that which deludes them with paper money.”Commodity money is a physical thing, such as gold or silver. It takes work to create it. There are compelling reasonswhy gold has been the preferred commodity money since antiquity.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 189

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