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only. But through bloody historical events which we will describe in this book, private banking dynasties havemonopolized the issuance <strong>of</strong> money and have usurped this power from governments which they now control.In the US, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank has the power to issue the fiat currency. If a privateparty issues the national currency, it has the power to create currency that can be redeemed for anyone’sgoods and services even though it was created from nothing by the issuer without the issuer being liable forany redemption, i.e. the private money is issued using us as collateral, a de-facto legalized privatizedcounterfeiting monopoly given by fraudy legislation. The Fed owners make the rules for their benefit! And therest <strong>of</strong> the World is accepting this fiat currency as their reserve under US military threat!! A BIG FRAUD ONALL!!! REMEMBER, FIAT MONEY DOES NOT CREATE GOODS & SERVICES. WORK CREATES GOODS &SERVICES!!! IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THIS WHEN WE DISCUSS INTEREST AND USURY LATER.The biggest problem facing all human beings today is the creeping slavery created by the private monopolyon the issuance and creation <strong>of</strong> “fiat” money at no liability to themselves (money created from nothing by thestroke <strong>of</strong> a pen or keyboard) that the Illuminati Bankers who own the central and local banks have managedto usurp from the people at least since the creation <strong>of</strong> the private central Bank <strong>of</strong> Rome in 45 AC, the privatecentral Bank <strong>of</strong> England in 1694, the private US Federal Reserve Banks in 1913 and so on! These IlluminatiBanking Dynasties lend this “fiat” money to the people’s Governments, corporations and individuals charginginterest on this money which they created from nothing and also make gains by manipulating the issuance <strong>of</strong>money; the debt and the associated interest payments are inherited and grow from generation to generationforever and have enslaved past, present and future generations eternally!! The only way to momentarily stopthis pyramid scheme from collapsing is for governments to keep borrowing more and more!!! Whenever thispyramid collapses, the Illuminati Banksters go on a buying spree for bargains while others suffer!!!! Anotherway to keep this pyramid going is to create wars & terror so that all sides have to borrow money from theBanksters!!!!! Meanwhile, the number <strong>of</strong> enslaved peoples World-wide keeps growing begging for handouts atthe mercy <strong>of</strong> the Illuminati Banksters whose wealth and power keep skyrocketing!!!!! In order to keep theirmafia cash cow or Golden Calf system going, the Illuminati Banksters use some <strong>of</strong> their immense wealth tobuy influence and propaganda fronts to blame the Earth’s problems on all other systems and religions thusdiverting attention from themselves and the fact that they have usurped the power to create money from thepeople’s sovereign governments. The money the BankLords create at no liability to themselves is redeemablefor any goods or services produced by anyone willing to accept the private Federal Reserve dollar currencynotes and cheques.Thomas Jefferson: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Alreadythey have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance… If the American people ever allowprivate banks to control the issue <strong>of</strong> their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people<strong>of</strong> all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…Te issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the government to whom itproperly belongs."Illuminati (Globalists): "The Illuminati is a group that practices a form <strong>of</strong> faith known as"enlightenment". It is Luciferian (Satanic Idolatry or the Synagogue <strong>of</strong> Satan as referred to inthe Bible), and teaches followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions <strong>of</strong>Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" <strong>of</strong> each,the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly Occult discipline. Manygroups at the local level worship a trinity <strong>of</strong> ancient deities such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte",as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".... “I do know that these people teach and practice evil."In the “The Dying God, The Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Western Civilization” Montreal historian DavidLivingstone shows that modern secular culture is really the product <strong>of</strong> an Occult tradition thatcan be traced back to ancient Babylon through Masons, Rosicrucians, Templars, Plato and theCabalists”. The Prophets <strong>of</strong> God invite us to be freed from this slavery<strong>of</strong> the Pharisees (the priest-bankers-usurers who worked from theTemple in Jerusalem) who mislead ordinary Jews. Note that the ancientelites created and perpetrated the Occult and Idolatry traditions tokeep the masses occupied while they reap their wealth.Background sign: “Israeli government: stop oppressing religious Jewryin the State <strong>of</strong> Israel.” Jews Against Zionism protesting against Zionismin New York Feb 12, 2002.Pharisee: "One <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> a school or party among the ancient Jews noted for the strict formal observance <strong>of</strong> therites and validity <strong>of</strong> traditions <strong>of</strong> the elders. Pharisee interpretation provided the standard <strong>of</strong> observation and belief for thegreat majority <strong>of</strong> the Jews from the 1st century A.C. Pharisaic, hypocritical, self righteous and censorious <strong>of</strong> others" --Webster's New International Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the English Language, 2nd edition, 1950. PHARISEES ARE A SECRET ORDERWHO PRETEND TO BE ISRAELITES JUDEANS! Yeshua-Joshua-Issa had quite a verbal scathing for thePharisees (the usurers who worked from the Temple in Jerusalem) in Matthew 23. Pharisaic law is reflectedin the Babylonian Talmud, particularly in the book <strong>of</strong> Mishna—the original book <strong>of</strong> the Babylonian Talmud.Yeshua-Joshua called their teachings "the ways <strong>of</strong> men. Looking at "God - the Ultimate Paradox", David Ashtells us (p.69:) that in ancient times, Jews "had a governing body ... known as the 'Council <strong>of</strong> Elders”The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 187

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