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THE HISTORY OF MONEY: PART II - EXPANDED DETAILSLearning Financial Control Through Wars and Upheaval from Ancient GreeksThe ancient Greeks and Romans had a deep knowledge <strong>of</strong> the tragedies <strong>of</strong> financial control, war and social upheaval. Notto put too fine a point on it, the heart <strong>of</strong> American constitutional ideals – and that's what America was supposed to be allabout, ideals based on the ideas <strong>of</strong> liberty and justice for all – were nurtured by literature and philosophy <strong>of</strong> the ancientWorld. Carl J. Richard in his book "The Founders and the Classics: Greece, Rome, and the American Enlightenment,"makes it clear that much <strong>of</strong> the classical canon, from Homer to Virgil and Plato to Zeno, was staple reading for most <strong>of</strong> theauthors <strong>of</strong> the Constitution and the Declaration <strong>of</strong> Independence. Historian Henry Steele Commanger contends that"intellectually, the founding fathers knew the ancient World better perhaps than they knew the European or even theBritish World, better, in all likelihood, than they knew the American World outside their own section." Homer, was ThomasJefferson's favorite ancient author. Carl Richard further observes that Stoic theory <strong>of</strong> natural law and the optimistic view<strong>of</strong> human nature from which it derived gave birth to the modern doctrines <strong>of</strong> natural and inalienable rights and socialprogress which undergird our way <strong>of</strong> life.He continues, "since <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the chief elements <strong>of</strong> classical virtue was an independent cast <strong>of</strong> mind . . . the foundersknew that intellectual independence had been a defining characteristic <strong>of</strong> their Greek and Roman heroes, who hadrevolutionary theories <strong>of</strong> popular sovereignty, natural law, mixed government, and who had defended them against therampant absolutism <strong>of</strong> the ancient World." The first concept has to do with the essential and liberating mental and moralactivity <strong>of</strong> asking questions. In questioning, you are opening yourself up to new knowledge by the healthy admission <strong>of</strong>your own ignorance along with the self-respect it takes to follow your own curiosity no matter what. This is a lesson wecan learn from Socrates. The second concept concerns the recognition that knowledge is fundamental to understandingthe World and understanding the World is fundamental to being productive in it and at peace with it. One must learn howto question, how to get in the habit <strong>of</strong> questioning, and how to seek information and understand or at least experienceother perspectives and points <strong>of</strong> view. These are lessons we can learn from pre-Socratic philosophers and from others. Athird concept has to do with the critical difference between acceptance and resignation, between calmly acknowledgingthe reality <strong>of</strong> conditions and then doing something with them, versus giving in to situations that you can do nothing about,allowing them to defeat you, and demoralize you, so that you won't do anything at all. These are lessons we can learnfrom Stoic philosophers and others. And the fourth concept recognizes that being able to tell differences and makedistinctions is <strong>of</strong>ten the key to survival. Here Homer is our guide.Indeed, mental and spiritual health are intertwined with political health – the maintenance <strong>of</strong> tolerance, freedom <strong>of</strong>expression, and the free marketplace <strong>of</strong> ideas, in which it is assumed that the truth will always win, if given a fair chance.However, the dark controllers <strong>of</strong> the World don’t want to give truth a fair chance and this is why this bookwas compiled. It is my hope and prayer that you will both enjoy, learn and that you will be enthused throughthis effort. In the first century BC in the tiny kingdom <strong>of</strong> Phrygia, a philosopher (former slave <strong>of</strong> the Romans according tosome) by the name <strong>of</strong> Epictetus said "Appearances are <strong>of</strong> four kinds: things either are as they appear to be; or theyneither are nor appear to be; or they are but do not appear to be; or they are not and yet appear to be." In simple words,“appearances can sometimes be deceiving”. If Epictetus were alive today he would probably be a Harvard pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>money and banking; it sounds like so many <strong>of</strong>ficial explanations about various aspects <strong>of</strong> the Federal Reserve System.What Epictetus did was that he took a fairly simple concept but by the time he was through explaining it, we didn't haveany idea what he was talking about.. Well, if there's anything in the World that is deceiving, it is the Federal ReserveSystem. In fact, it is one <strong>of</strong> those appearances <strong>of</strong> the fourth kind which are those appearances which are not and yetappear to be.It is fascinating and almost magical how money appeared on our planet. Unlike most developments we enjoy, which canbe traced back to a source, civilisation or inventor, money appeared in places then unconnected all over the World in aremarkably similar way (it seems that all elites and feudal lords think the same way!). "Modern Banking" was actuallycreated over 4,000 years ago in Babylon, Mesopotamia (now occupied Iraq, the World Babylon means confusion).However, the neo-Nimrods and Pharaohs have managed to again enslave the World financially, and mentally throughpropaganda in the major news media which they own (or control <strong>of</strong> politicians, political parties, television networks, cablenetworks, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, wire services, motion picture studios, universities, labor unions,church organizations, trade associations, tax-exempt foundations, multi-national corporations, boy scouts, girl scouts, youname it), misleading or conflicting statements, half-the-truth or the truth-mixed-with-lies is a full lie!; however this reallyconfuses people and puts them in doubt; once in doubt, a person accepts the status quo and the New World Orderpropagandists have won over the person’s mind for all practical purposes! It seems that people oscillate between theidolatry <strong>of</strong> occultism and the worship <strong>of</strong> God. An example <strong>of</strong> this oscillation can be found when the Israelites were led backinto worshipping <strong>of</strong> the golden calf and other idols by the Saamiri (follower <strong>of</strong> Nimrod and his wife Semiremis) eventhough they had just recently been saved from the slavery <strong>of</strong> the Pharaohs by Moses (see the Bible, Quran and the movieThe Ten Commandments). Pharaoh ruled by dividing his subjects into casts and degrees like his predecessor Nimrod, thebuilder <strong>of</strong> the infamous tower <strong>of</strong> Babel. This book “The Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong>” unravels the truth <strong>of</strong> World dominationby a dark clan/gang/mafia/club/cult/occult <strong>of</strong> elitists. George Orwell (1903-1950) alluded to this situation in his book“1984” which published back in 1948. This is only a grain in the pyramid or the tip <strong>of</strong> the iceberg in theunraveling <strong>of</strong> the truth.The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 182

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