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<strong>of</strong> Fake Terror & the Burning <strong>of</strong> Rome /Lusitania /Reichstag/Pearl Harbor/Vietnam Gulf <strong>of</strong> Tonkin/9-11/etc. stageddeceptions/fake terror, the history <strong>of</strong> the control <strong>of</strong> the news media, World-wide corporate frauds, and the history <strong>of</strong>election frauds and Fascist laws.In this expose, we are showing how the Brotherhoods <strong>of</strong> the Masonic/Zionist Illuminati Mega-Banking/FinancialDynasties/Empires have usurped the power <strong>of</strong> the people’s government to create money from nothing and how they havebeen behind the wars/genocides during the past centuries. Along with the “G.O.L.D.” (Gold, Oil, Land, Drugs and Arms)Barons, they pr<strong>of</strong>it before, during and after the wars (see Michael Ruppert’s lectures/upcoming bookhttp://www.copvica.com). International Zionism=Terrorism is turning Iraq into another one <strong>of</strong> the Israeli/USOccupied/Controlled Territories on its path to New World Order Fascist Control for the purpose <strong>of</strong> serving theseIlluminatis, i.e. we are seeing a return to ancient Pharaonic/Nimrodic Tyranny (see Alex Jones’s The Road To Tyrannyvideo/book http://www.infowars.com ). We hope that the Internet communications remain free for us to inform themasses otherwise these evil Dynasties/Empires will once more have a total monopoly on news (unfortunately, the elitesare already working on plans to control our freedom over the Internethttp://msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3606168&p1=0 .A Net <strong>of</strong> Control Unthinkable: How the Internet could become atool <strong>of</strong> corporate and government power, based on updates now in the works By Steven Levy Newsweek International).Summary Explanatory Diagrams on Federal Reserve System DeceptionFrom http://www.vaticanassassins.org/pope_fed.htm .The chart explains "the magic" (i.e. the fraud) as to how the JesuitOrder's Federal Reserve Bank ("Christ the King's Bank") creates trillions in assets for itself and trillions in debt for the"leveled" American population. Enslaved Americans (White, Black, Oriental and Latin, male and female, "rich andpoor," from all ethnic and religious backgrounds), more accurately called "Federal Reserve people," compose thePapacy's "Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the "Christ the King's Bank" is to builda "New World Order" with a "New Age" occult religion as envisioned by Satan ("Lucifer" before his fall prior to the Genesiscreation week) in fulfilling the risen Son <strong>of</strong> God's permitted "Mystery <strong>of</strong> Iniquity." To this end New York City ArchbishopEdward Cardinal Egan directs his Council on Foreign Relations to use its "Roman Government," seated in Washington,The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 167

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