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secret societies, and sociology. These are interlinked, like the pieces <strong>of</strong> a complex puzzle, around the controllers <strong>of</strong>money. This book is about REALITY. It could just as well have been named any <strong>of</strong> the following possible titles as being“right on the money” about the history <strong>of</strong> “money-pulation”: “The Web <strong>of</strong> Grand Deception” or “The Web <strong>of</strong> WorldControl” or “The Web <strong>of</strong> The New World Order”, “The Matrix <strong>of</strong> Mass Deception” or “Reality Uncovered” or “The Mother <strong>of</strong>all Deceptions!”, “The Hidden or Secret <strong>History</strong>” or “How Mankind is being Controlled” or “Descent into Slavery”, “How TheMasses are Enslaved?” or “The Illusion <strong>of</strong> Democracy and Freedom!”, “Where there’s <strong>Money</strong> there’s War!” or “From theHoly Grail to the Oily Grail: a Slimy Trail!”, “How the Masses are being Fooled by the Elites!” or “The Matrix <strong>of</strong> Evil”,“Return to Tyranny, Serfdom & Slavery” or “Hidden Pyramids <strong>of</strong> Tyranny” or “The Pyramid <strong>of</strong> Manipulation”, “From TheSynagogue <strong>of</strong> Satan to The Bank <strong>of</strong> Satan” or “The New World Order Cultists”, “Why Usury is Forbidden?” or “TheForbidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong>” or “The Horrible Consequences <strong>of</strong> Usury”, “Everything you wanted to know about <strong>Money</strong> &Usury but were afraid to find out!”, “From the Old World to the New World to the New World Order” or “IlluminatiStudies”.Once you have moved past the stunning effects <strong>of</strong> what you will discover in this book, you may feel a sense <strong>of</strong> mentalfreedom and you will realize that you have been a victim <strong>of</strong> mass-media and educational system brainwashing from whichyou have been released after reading this book. Many things and people are not what they appear to be; rather, theyreally are what they appear not to be! You’ll also be surprised to learn that the real anti-Semites are the IlluminatiZionists. Many photographs and illustrations and references are provided to satisfy the desire for truth and knowledge.Give yourself a lot <strong>of</strong> time to read this book in case you are unable to stop reading once you get into it! You may find thatsome information is repeated in several sections; this is for emphasis and to facilitate our recollections, and also just incase you skipped reading some sections. There are a great variety <strong>of</strong> topics covered in this book, i.e. from megabankingdynasties to economic frauds to monopoly-capitalism (= communism = fascism) to secretivesocieties to power politics to election frauds to Occultism and its associated symbolism to intelligenceagencies to war crimes and to the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press. Why? Because, just like our naturaleco-systems, these topics are an interconnected web (that’s right, this web was there before Al Gore invented theWorld Wide Web!). This web is used to control, deceive and fool the masses while holding them in economic slavery sothat the mega-rich can keep on toying with & cheating the masses and so that they can go on amassing more and more<strong>of</strong> the World’s resources, i.e. this is a real web or matrix <strong>of</strong> mass-deception (this web does have an effect on the webformed by our eco-system in terms <strong>of</strong> massive pollution)!“There is something behind the Throne greater than the King himself.” Sir William Pitt, House <strong>of</strong> Lords, 1770.“The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish English Statesman, 1844.“The real truth <strong>of</strong> the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days <strong>of</strong>Andrew Jackson.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, US President, 1933, who was part <strong>of</strong> the cabal as he ordered all goldconfiscated at a low price.“Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifically created one,worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.” Charles Lindbergh, Congressman, 1929, as US society was reducedto squalor.“It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International Banker sought to bring about a condition <strong>of</strong> despair, so that theymight emerge the Rulers <strong>of</strong> us all.” Louis McFadden, Congressman, 1935.There Was A Time When Man Was Free, When There Was No <strong>Money</strong>Before gangsters started monopolizing ownership <strong>of</strong> the Earth’s land and resources, man would be born free and live free.When feudal gangsters monopolized land, they also enslaved the peasants. Then, these feudal gangsters created the onlything that man ever created, i.e. money. Everything other than money is built with labour, ingenuity and materials, butmoney credits are just created out <strong>of</strong> thin air by the self-appointed banking gangsters or banksters. When the serfs andknaves were “emancipated”, they remained in servitude to these feudal gangsters through usury, taxes and inflation.Now, everyone is born indebted to the banksters. This will be explained in detail throughout the Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Money</strong> and New World Order Usury Secrets."I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest <strong>of</strong> dangers. To preserve ourindependence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826"Until the National Debt is paid <strong>of</strong>f, the other problems facing our country will remain unsolved. Compound Interest is the'Eighth Wonder Of The World' and it can bring a nation to its knees." -- -- C. Morgan C<strong>of</strong>er, 1926-?Note that most bankruptcies are due to usury and that most frauds are due to the limited liability laws which protectwrongdoers. Taxpayers always bail out the Elite’s banks. The Elite criminals are well protected."There are none so enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free [due to the Elite’s mass propaganda]” - GoetheThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 15

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