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• Banks have the ability <strong>of</strong> destroying money (remember the greatdepression?) and creating money (boom)• While reserve requirements had been put in place after World War II tolimit the amount <strong>of</strong> new money private banks could create ex-nihilo, theserequirements were eliminated in Canada in 1991 by an amendment to theBank <strong>of</strong> Canada Act and have been reduced to 0% on savings accounts inthe US and 3% on chequing accounts (with a proposal before Congress toeliminate even the chequing account reserve requirements). This meansthat the power <strong>of</strong> private banks over money creation is now virtuallyunlimited.• The US debt has grown from $425 billion in 1950 to an astounding $25.6trillion by the end <strong>of</strong> 1999 (Federal Reserve System, 1999). The mountain<strong>of</strong> US debt is in fact greater than the entire Third World nations ($2.5trillion) combined. The privately own Federal Reserve central Bank iscollecting “rivers and oceans” <strong>of</strong> interest on “fiat” money which theycreated out <strong>of</strong> nothing!• Debt-write-<strong>of</strong>fs have no real capital affect on banks overall since themoney was created out <strong>of</strong> nothing, although some individual banks mayfail when unable to do inter-bank transfers which is equivalent to a runon-the-bank.The real affect is that they don’t get to collect interestanymore on the written-<strong>of</strong>f debt. Since all debt is borrowed money, inorder to write <strong>of</strong>f a debt, it is necessary to destroy part <strong>of</strong> the money supply. Actual and impending losses giverise to a desire for additional liquidity in the financial system in the form <strong>of</strong> more “fiat” money. Until that liquidityis obtained, bankruptcies and price deflation will set in. The losers are always the employees, shareholders, taxpayers and the masses when public assets have to be sold <strong>of</strong>f to the banking dynasties for a penny on the $.• <strong>Money</strong> loses its value when it is created and put into circulation (spent) faster than the growth in productivity inthe local economy.As we have noted a critical element <strong>of</strong> the fractional reserve debt-money system - interest on bank-created debt -ensures that without continuous growth the system cannot survive. For, when banks create money to lend they do notcreate any money with which the related interest can be paid. Only further borrowing for further production or theBanksters release <strong>of</strong> their collected interest can <strong>of</strong>fer even the potential that interest might be paid. If the private owners<strong>of</strong> the central banks decide not to extend anymore credit, there will be no money to service the interest payments,causing bankruptcies and foreclosures that these owners will then purchase for a penny on the dollar just like they didduring the great depression <strong>of</strong> 1929! Then, they will continue to collect interest on money issued from nothing and willlend more. Thus, they live in an evergreen World and keep amassing wealth while the rest <strong>of</strong> the masses keep goingdeeper and deeper into debt or works for the Banksters! We have already explained in a previous section why Usury isforbidden.Both the privately owned Fed banks and the commercial banks create money from nothing and their major owners are thesame 300 families head by the 13 Illuminati families. 1. Astor, 2. Bundy, 3. Collins, 4. DuPont, 5. Freeman, 6. Kennedy,7. Li (Chinese), 8. Onassis, 9. Rockefeller, 10. Rothschild, 11. Russell, 12. van Duyn, 13. Merovingian (European RoyalFamilies). The following families are also interconnected with those above: 1. Reynolds, 2. Disney, 3. Krupp, 4. McDonald.Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds <strong>of</strong> others that are connected more distantly to the main 13Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentionedhere; they are considered less powerful and less pure by the 13Elite Bloodlines. A total <strong>of</strong> about 300 interconnected familiescontrol the show. All the families above can be studied in muchmore detail in Fritz Springmeier's excellent book: "Bloodlines <strong>of</strong>the Illuminati".Rothschild Realizes The Immense Power <strong>of</strong> Being theIssuer <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong>The power <strong>of</strong> one who gets to issue money by creating it fromnothing as in paper notes or accounting entry with no liability oneself because the money is merely passed from people to peopleand not redeemed is IMMENSE. Thus everyone else pays to makethe issuer wealthy through inflation. The Rothschild in the 1700shad discovered the basic principle <strong>of</strong> power, influence, and controlover people as applied to economics. That principle is "when youassume the appearance <strong>of</strong> power, people soon give it to you".Rothschild had discovered that currency or deposit loan accountshad the required appearance <strong>of</strong> power that could be used toinduce people into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for apromise <strong>of</strong> greater wealth instead <strong>of</strong> real compensation. Theywould put up real collateral in exchange for a loan <strong>of</strong> promissorynotes. Rothschild found that he could issue more notes than he had backing for, so long as he had someone's stock <strong>of</strong>The Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 137

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