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Preface, Writing Style & Summary <strong>of</strong> This BookEveryone has the right...to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart informationand ideas through any media and regardless <strong>of</strong> frontiers. - Universal Declaration <strong>of</strong> Human Rights, Article 19.I have placed the above reminder for those self-anointed alleged guardians <strong>of</strong> human rights who like to ensure that onlythe Ruling Elites’ voice is heard and everyone else’s voice is drowned. In a World ruled and controlled by corrupt peoplealso known as criminals, the truth can be found in what is forbidden to say. Follow the money and make no mistakeabout it, we are all owned by the masters <strong>of</strong> the banking system who have always criminally ruled humanssince ancient times. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."Otherwise, if serfs were made cognisant <strong>of</strong> their condition <strong>of</strong> servitude, they would be moved to do something about itwhich would be problematic to their masters who want eternal power over them with the least trouble as possible, i.e. theideal tyranny is that which is unknowingly self-administrated by its victims and so the most perfect slaves are those whoblissfully and unwittingly enslave themselves. Similarly, those who are hopelessly ignorant <strong>of</strong> the pernicious –andprecarious- nature <strong>of</strong> the modern financial system are, by their blind obedience to it, slaves to the money-masters whocontrol it. We are the serfs/knaves <strong>of</strong> the modern banking feudal gangsters (shades <strong>of</strong> the Sherif <strong>of</strong>Nottingham).Since very ancient times, the ruling elite have kept themselves above the laws and systems they have devised for thecommon folks, i.e. what is criminal for the average person is not for the World’s Ruling Elite, i.e. the World is ruled bycriminals who have given themselves “the divine right <strong>of</strong> kings” and who have legislated loopholes for themselves toremain above the common law.The veteran FBI director J. Edgar Hoover said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a "conspiracyso monstrous (http://www.savethemales.ca/000166.html) that he cannot believe it exists.". You will understand why asyou read how unimaginably monstrous the feudal bankers’ conspiracy really is! Note that 6 or 7 US Presidents (WilliamHenry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if FDR’spoisoning is counted) have been murdered over the issue <strong>of</strong> private banking dynasties having control over the creation <strong>of</strong>money, alongwith many others including Julius Caesar.Cherep-Spiritovitch concludes: "According to Bismarck the awful Civil War in America was fomented by a Jewish[Zionist Bankers] Conspiracy, and Abraham Lincoln the hero and national saint <strong>of</strong> the United States was killed by thesame hidden hand which killed six Romanov Czars, ten kings and scores <strong>of</strong> Ministers only to easier bleed their nations."[and now 6 more US Presidents after Lincoln]. More on this later.First let me summarize the major points that will be discussed as you explore the Hidden <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Money</strong> &Usury:• <strong>Money</strong> is needed by everyone to facilitate exchange <strong>of</strong> goods and services as bartering is not always practical• In the past, Paper money issued by a money changer used to represent a receipt for some commodity that exists,e.g. gold, silver, etc.• Today’s money is a token “promise to pay” which is “created from nothing” by the issuer at no liability tohimself using the people’s productivity as collateral without their permission, i.e. the “promise to pay” is acollective liability against the entire country and this token is given value by the people who produce goods andservices and not by its issuer or creator• An infinite amount <strong>of</strong> credit can be created by those Banksters who have usurped the power to issue credit,thus they are the Neo-Feudal Lords <strong>of</strong> the World and can buy-out anything/anyone to tighthen their power• This fiat money then acts like shares who value gets diluted as new shares are issued• The ones who are “the creators <strong>of</strong> money” control the issue <strong>of</strong> money, can then control governments,corporations, individuals, i.e. they can create oversupplies and shortages <strong>of</strong> money, buy-out assets, etc.• Any new credit created causes a devaluation <strong>of</strong> the existing currency, thus inflation takes away your currentcurrency based wealth and your earning power as well as your power to pay interest on any existing debt andyour power to buy future goods• All money in circulation represents a debt that is being paid with interest by someone (a government, acorporation, a person). The associated interest is not created into the system thus assuring a shortfall unlessmore debt is assumed to create additional money• Private Banking Dynastic Families have always had control over the issue <strong>of</strong> money since ancient times and haveusurped our birthright to be free, transferred all liabilities to us as eternal debt and bail-outs for their cronies• Private Banking Dynasties have used lies, propaganda, education, media control, religious cults,stooges, blackmail, threats, suicidal murders, assassinations, terrorism, wars and currencymanipulations to maintain their hegemony over a World currency, control over the issue <strong>of</strong> moneyand increase their wealth and power over governments and legislations• Criminal Private Banking Dynasties/Cabals are the rulers <strong>of</strong> the World and are the force behind governments,thrones, major corporations, tax-exempt foundations, secretive societies, and legislations• Currently, the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks’ Note (FRNs) US Dollar is the World’s currency as it isdemanded by all exporting countries in exchange for goods/services they trade internationally• This allows the Banking Dynasties to use the United States as their muscle around the World to maintain theirpower and wage currency wars for their hegemony, while they can keep buying anything they want by merelyThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 12

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