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esponsible for our financial system instead <strong>of</strong> Congress! The permanent financial revolution that has been waged inAmerica has been without opposition because with very little or misleading explanation from the main stream press.Brief <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wars & Crimes Over the Control <strong>of</strong> The Private Issue Of <strong>Money</strong>Most people don't realize that now-a-days the issuing <strong>of</strong> money is essentially a private business, and that theprivilege <strong>of</strong> issuing money has been a major bone <strong>of</strong> contention throughout history over which major wars have beenand are being fought, over which major crimes have been and are beingcommitted, and over which many nations were destroyed, Kings, Queens,Monarchs, Emperors, Tsars and families like the Kennedys and theGandhis (in addition to not allowing foreign banks, Mahatma Gandhi saidNov. 26, 1938 “Let the Jews, who claim to be the chosen race, prove theirtitle by choosing the way <strong>of</strong> non-violence for vindicating their position onearth"), Popes, judges, lawyers, politicians and six or seven USPresidents were assassinated (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy1963; 7 if you count FDR another suspicious poisoning)! And remember,the best way to control a population is through continuous wars.Reserve Bank?What are some <strong>of</strong> the forerunners to the privately owned Federal"Bank" <strong>of</strong> Rome Headquarters in Vatican City right in front <strong>of</strong> an Occult obelisk!Well, the ancient Pharisees (the priest-bankers-usurers whoworked from the Temple in Jerusalem) who mislead ordinaryJews, Babylonians, Romans and Greeks had similar bankingactivities. At that time, the sacred temples, whether Jewishor Pagan Sun-god, were the most popular place <strong>of</strong> bankingoperations but did not monopolize it totally. The financial activities like acceptingdeposits giving loans, checking and exchanging money and making remittances betweendifferent cities, to minimize the risk <strong>of</strong> carrying money were being carried out during 4thCentury B.C. The Romans served their apprenticeship in the art <strong>of</strong> banking under theGreeks and altogether changed the banking procedure in most <strong>of</strong> the ancient Worldalong with the expansion <strong>of</strong> their influence.Although Nimrod was the first Priest-Banker, the first Mother <strong>of</strong> All Banks was founded (the second one beingthe B.I.S. created in 1930, Basel, Switzerland as mentioned previously) in 45 A.C. as The "Bank" <strong>of</strong> Rome inVatican City by Simon Magnus “the (Pharisaic) Sorcerer” when he emigrated from Jerusalem to Rome after his rebuke byPeter whom Simon tried to bribe!! When he arrived in Rome during the reign <strong>of</strong> Emperor Claudius, that city was theUSURY capital <strong>of</strong> the World. A few rich families controlled all the wealth, and just like the U.S. today, these super-richmonopoly capitalists (to the Illuminatis, competition is a sin, that’s why they like large centralized private banks and theirother businesses) owned and controlled the government. Let's not forget that THEY implemented the law <strong>of</strong> tithing and itwas not Yeshua-Joshua or anyone else... the love <strong>of</strong> money is the root <strong>of</strong> all evil, and the Roman Elites have always lovedtheir money. Simon beguiled the Romans as he beguiled the Samaritans. He was honoured as a god in Rome and a statuewas erected in his honor. In other words, it is true that all the roads <strong>of</strong> money lead to Rome!!!More details later.Another city that would play a major part in being a financial choke point for the World wasestablished as The city <strong>of</strong> Londinium (The Crown) by the Romans on the north bank <strong>of</strong> the RiverThames in around 50 AC. To this day, the financial square mile is run by the Bank <strong>of</strong> England(remember Bank Street), Vatican City type status. In a much delayed revenge, the Imperialistsunder Charles V, sacked the city <strong>of</strong> Rome in 1527 and stole most <strong>of</strong> the gold from the Bank <strong>of</strong>Rome. The city was defended by Swiss mercenaries and as a result they were commissioned toguard the "Bank <strong>of</strong> Rome". After the sacking <strong>of</strong> Rome, the "Bank <strong>of</strong> Rome" decided to store theirgold and silver in Switzerland as a precaution against another repeat <strong>of</strong> the sack <strong>of</strong> 1527 (since then, Switzerland hasbecome a neutral zone for the World’s dirty business). After the establishment <strong>of</strong> the Jesuits by Pope Paul III in 1527, allthe Roman Catholic universities throughout Europe were thrown open and they were given carte blanche to recruit thesharpest brains in order to stop Rome’s financial hemorrhage. The newly formed Jesuits wereparticularly ruthless in the field <strong>of</strong> "education" and the Counter-Reformation led by Lieola quicklymoved to dominate all the schools and colleges in Europe. This "new learning" soon discoveredthat aside from direct warfare and brutal conquest (sounds like what Bush, Sharon &Company are doing now) nothing could replace the millennia old USURY as a destroyer <strong>of</strong>freedom-loving nations. This is subsequently referred to as "the conspiracy theory" whose recentroots are in Europe and whose ancient roots are in Babylon, Egypt, Jerusalem and Rome.Remember Rome’s conquests, B.C. & A.C., were up to England, Egypt, Jerusalem, Babylon andArabia, Western Europe, Turkey, Persia; Rome was the center <strong>of</strong> usury banking, wealth andThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 116

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