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the interest. What do these figures mean to you? You may have your house, farm, or business paid for and have noconsumer loan. But, your share <strong>of</strong> the federal, provincial and local government debt, plus the huge corporation debt (onwhich you pay the interest when you buy their product) came to 95,194$ on the 2,475,288,000,000$ principal. At anannual rate <strong>of</strong> 10% this is $9,519 per person or $38,076 for a family <strong>of</strong> four in interest payments alone(1993).Fr. Denis Fahey, ca. 1944: “...Under the World's present financial system the money, except for a now triflingportion, is originally created by the issue <strong>of</strong> a loan at interest by the "bankers", who lend nothing <strong>of</strong>themselves but in effect make a forced levy in kind on the Nation by conferring on the borrower the power topurchase a corresponding amount <strong>of</strong> wealth on the market, which wealth does not belong to them, or thosewho borrow from them, but to the community. The proceeds <strong>of</strong> the issue <strong>of</strong> new money - whether <strong>of</strong> paper orany other form <strong>of</strong> credit money - belong to the Nation in which it is, or is accepted as, legal tender, and not tothe issuer. Herein lies the basic flaw <strong>of</strong> the existing monetary system.”<strong>History</strong> demonstrates that bypassing the Central Banks and producing interest-free money according to need does nothave to cause inflation. This is because it's not the source <strong>of</strong> needed money which is inflation's cause, but 'the way in'which it is produced and used and the interest that is paid on it to the private Central Bankers.Here is an example <strong>of</strong> a working alternative currency which existed in Austria, in the 1930s, as described by DavidWeston in his book, 'The Living Economy' p.196 ff: "The burghermaster <strong>of</strong> Worgl issued local currency in the form <strong>of</strong>'tickets for services rendered'. They were used forpaying wages to men employed on public works,who would otherwise have been unemployed.During the first month <strong>of</strong> issue, these tickets aresaid to have circulated twenty times as a form <strong>of</strong>local currency. Taxes were paid, unemploymentwas reduced, and local shopkeepers prospered.Mayors <strong>of</strong> two hundred other Austrian townsdecided to follow suit. But the Austrian NationalBank took legal action against the experiment.The Austrian Supreme Court decided in favor <strong>of</strong>the Bank, and the innovation was squashed."The banking system has always been opposed togovernments printing money, and is always infavor <strong>of</strong> governments borrowing money fromthem instead. This is not because responsibleproduction <strong>of</strong> money doesn't work or causesmassive inflation; it's because the moneychangers can't take their pound <strong>of</strong> flesh from thissort <strong>of</strong> money. Inflation itself seems, by bankersown admission, to be the recurring problemwhich all traditional currencies face.The Bank <strong>of</strong> Canada’s website: “Commercialbanks and other financial institutions provide thegreater part <strong>of</strong> assets used as money throughloans made to individuals and businesses. In that sense, financial institutions are creating money”http://www.bank<strong>of</strong>canada.ca/en/backgrounders/bg-m2.htm. Since 1913 the FED owners have "created" tens <strong>of</strong> billions <strong>of</strong>dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they can lend to our government and our people atinterest (usury). "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" had become the secret policy <strong>of</strong> the Federal government.An example <strong>of</strong> the process <strong>of</strong> "creation" and its conversion to peoples "debt" will aid our understanding. Who owns ourmoney? Think about it! The privately owned Central banks actually own and control ‘national’ currency. All the money nowbrought into existence is borrowed by an individual, an industry or a government from a central bank somewhere. It wasnot created by being given nor earned anywhere, it was loaned and it must be given back one day. Thus, whoever holdsthis borrowed money, now only holds it in trust and as a promise to deliver some goods or services. Nobody really ‘owns’money as they used to when holding a gold coin. The bank that created the money against a debt is the ultimate owner <strong>of</strong>it, because a contract says the money must eventually be given back to that bank, which only ‘loaned’ it in the first place.Ironically, the banks only ‘own’ money while others hold it, because once the bank gets ‘their’ money back it vanishes,except for the interest, which the bank gains and owns.Inflation (Fed is the root <strong>of</strong> it), Interest and Goods & Services ProductionThe Hidden <strong>History</strong> Of <strong>Money</strong> & New World Order Usury Secrets Revealed at last! Page 106

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