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A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical ResearchIJAPRAvailable Online throughwww.ijapronline.orgResearch PaperISSN: 2230 – 7583ETHOSOMES: A NOVAL VASICULAR CARRIER FORENHANCED DERMALDELIVERY OF AZIDOTHYMIDINEA Satishchandra * , Vedha Hari, AnnapurnaanushaKLR Pharmacy College, Palvoncha, A.P, India.Received on 22 – 11 - 2011 Revised on 25 – 12- 2011 Accepted on 03 – 01 – 201ABSTRACTConsiderable first pass metabolism and a high clearance, thus frequent administration of large dose isrequired toAzidothymidine (AZT) is widely used for treatment of Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome andrelatedconditions,either alone or in combination with other antiviral agents. AZT has low oral bioavailability(60%) due tomaintain therapeutic drug levels.Thus ethosomal microencapsulation of AZT provides the prolongedrelease of singedose there by minimizing the frequent administration, there by reducing the side effects.Ethosomesare ethanolicphospholipid vesicles which are mainly used for transdermal delivery of drugs. Ethosomes havehigher penetrationrate through the skin as compared to liposomes hence these can be widely used in place ofliposomes. The increasedpermeation of ethosomes is probably due to its ethanolic content. Ethanol increases thecell membrane lipid fluiditywhich results in increased skin penetrability of ethosomes. These ethosomes permeatesinside the skin and fuse withcell membrane lipids and release the drug. Hot and cold methods are used forformulation of ethosomes.Azidothymidine (AZT) loaded ethosomal carriers were prepared, optimized andcharacterized for vesicular shape andsurface morphology,(SEM) scanning electronic microscopy, drug content,entrapment efficiency, in vitro releasestudy. The formulation (Etho 1) having 52% ethonolic content showedgreater entrapment efficiency(85%).Key Words: Azidothymidine (AZT); Ethosomes; phospholipids; Transdermal; Microencapsulation.INTRODUCTIONEthosomes are interesting and innovative vesicularsystems that have appeared in the field opharmaceutical technology and drug delivery in recentyears. This carrier presents interesting featurescorrelated with its ability to permeate intact throughthe human skin due to its high deformability.Ethosomes are soft, malleable vesicles tailored forenhanced delivery of active agents. It has been shownthat the physicochemical characteristics of ethosomesallow this vesicular carrier to transport activesubstances more efficaciously through the stratumcorneum into the deeper layers of the skin thanconventional liposomes . This aspect is of greatimportance for the design of carriers to be appliedboth topically and systemic drug administration. Theskin acts as a major target as well as a principlebarrier for topical/transdermal (TT) drug delivery.Thestratum corneum plays a crucial role in barrierfunction for TT drug delivery. Despite major researchandevelopment efforts in TT systems and theadvantages of these routes, low stratum corneumpermeability limits the usefulness of topical drugdelivery. To overcome this, methods have beenassessed to increase permeation. One controversialmethod is the use of vesicular systems, such asliposomes, ethosomes and niosomes, whoseeffectiveness depends on their physicochemicalproperties.Touitou discovered lipid vesicular systemsethosomes embodying ethanol in relatively highconcentration. Ethosomes contain phospholipids,alcohol (ethanol and isopropyl alcohol) in relativelyhigh concentration and water. Unlike classicalliposomes, ethosomes were shown to permeatethrough the stratum corneum barrier andwerereported to possess significantly highertransdermal flux in comparison to liposomes. Theexact mechanism for better permeation into deeperskin layers from ethosomes is still not clear. However,synergistic effects of combination of phospholipidsand high concentration of ethanol in vesicularIJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 746

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical ResearchIJAPRAvailable Onl<strong>in</strong>e throughwww.<strong>ijapr</strong>onl<strong>in</strong>e.orgResearch PaperISSN: 2230 – 7583ETHOSOMES: A NOVAL VASICULAR CARRIER FORENHANCED DERMALDELIVERY OF AZIDOTHYMIDINEA Satishchandra * , Vedha Hari, AnnapurnaanushaKLR Pharmacy College, Palvoncha, A.P, India.Received on 22 – 11 - 2011 Revised on 25 – 12- 2011 Accepted on 03 – 01 – 201ABSTRACTConsiderable first pass metabolism and a high clearance, thus frequent adm<strong>in</strong>istration <strong>of</strong> large dose isrequired toAzidothymid<strong>in</strong>e (AZT) is widely used for treatment <strong>of</strong> Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome andrelatedconditions,either alone or <strong>in</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation with other antiviral agents. AZT has low oral bioavailability(60%) due toma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> therapeutic drug levels.Thus ethosomal microencapsulation <strong>of</strong> AZT provides the prolongedrelease <strong>of</strong> s<strong>in</strong>gedose there by m<strong>in</strong>imiz<strong>in</strong>g the frequent adm<strong>in</strong>istration, there by reduc<strong>in</strong>g the side effects.Ethosomesare ethanolicphospholipid vesicles which are ma<strong>in</strong>ly used for transdermal delivery <strong>of</strong> drugs. Ethosomes havehigher penetrationrate through the sk<strong>in</strong> as compared to liposomes hence these can be widely used <strong>in</strong> place <strong>of</strong>liposomes. The <strong>in</strong>creasedpermeation <strong>of</strong> ethosomes is probably due to its ethanolic content. Ethanol <strong>in</strong>creases thecell membrane lipid fluiditywhich results <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>creased sk<strong>in</strong> penetrability <strong>of</strong> ethosomes. These ethosomes permeates<strong>in</strong>side the sk<strong>in</strong> and fuse withcell membrane lipids and release the drug. Hot and cold methods are used forformulation <strong>of</strong> ethosomes.Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e (AZT) loaded ethosomal carriers were prepared, optimized andcharacterized for vesicular shape andsurface morphology,(SEM) scann<strong>in</strong>g electronic microscopy, drug content,entrapment efficiency, <strong>in</strong> vitro releasestudy. The formulation (Etho 1) hav<strong>in</strong>g 52% ethonolic content showedgreater entrapment efficiency(85%).Key Words: Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e (AZT); Ethosomes; phospholipids; Transdermal; Microencapsulation.INTRODUCTIONEthosomes are <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>novative vesicularsystems that have appeared <strong>in</strong> the field o<strong>pharmaceutical</strong> technology and drug delivery <strong>in</strong> recentyears. This carrier presents <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g featurescorrelated with its ability to permeate <strong>in</strong>tact throughthe human sk<strong>in</strong> due to its high deformability.Ethosomes are s<strong>of</strong>t, malleable vesicles tailored forenhanced delivery <strong>of</strong> active agents. It has been shownthat the physicochemical characteristics <strong>of</strong> ethosomesallow this vesicular carrier to transport activesubstances more efficaciously through the stratumcorneum <strong>in</strong>to the deeper layers <strong>of</strong> the sk<strong>in</strong> thanconventional liposomes . This aspect is <strong>of</strong> greatimportance for the design <strong>of</strong> carriers to be appliedboth topically and systemic drug adm<strong>in</strong>istration. Thesk<strong>in</strong> acts as a major target as well as a pr<strong>in</strong>ciplebarrier for topical/transdermal (TT) drug delivery.Thestratum corneum plays a crucial role <strong>in</strong> barrierfunction for TT drug delivery. Despite major <strong>research</strong>andevelopment efforts <strong>in</strong> TT systems and theadvantages <strong>of</strong> these routes, low stratum corneumpermeability limits the usefulness <strong>of</strong> topical drugdelivery. To overcome this, methods have beenassessed to <strong>in</strong>crease permeation. One controversialmethod is the use <strong>of</strong> vesicular systems, such asliposomes, ethosomes and niosomes, whoseeffectiveness depends on their physicochemicalproperties.Touitou discovered lipid vesicular systemsethosomes embody<strong>in</strong>g ethanol <strong>in</strong> relatively highconcentration. Ethosomes conta<strong>in</strong> phospholipids,alcohol (ethanol and isopropyl alcohol) <strong>in</strong> relativelyhigh concentration and water. Unlike classicalliposomes, ethosomes were shown to permeatethrough the stratum corneum barrier andwerereported to possess significantly highertransdermal flux <strong>in</strong> comparison to liposomes. Theexact mechanism for better permeation <strong>in</strong>to deepersk<strong>in</strong> layers from ethosomes is still not clear. However,synergistic effects <strong>of</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> phospholipidsand high concentration <strong>of</strong> ethanol <strong>in</strong> vesicularIJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 746

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical Researchformulations have been suggested to be responsiblefor deeper distribution and penetration <strong>in</strong> the sk<strong>in</strong>lipid bilayer. The use <strong>of</strong> lipid vesicles as drug deliverysystems for sk<strong>in</strong> treatment has attracted <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gattention <strong>in</strong> recent years. However, it is generallyaccepted that conventional ethosomes are <strong>of</strong> littlevalue for this purpose. Ethosomes rema<strong>in</strong> conf<strong>in</strong>e tothe upper layer <strong>of</strong> stratum corneum (SC) and hence,are suitable for topical drug delivery. Only speciallydesigned vesicles were shown to deliver drugs acrossthe sk<strong>in</strong> layers [1]. Hence the aim <strong>of</strong> present studywas to develop susta<strong>in</strong>ed topical ethosomal gel <strong>of</strong>Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e and to evaluate with respect tovarious <strong>in</strong> vitro evaluation tests.MATERIAL AND METHODAzidothymid<strong>in</strong>e, Soya phosphatidyl chol<strong>in</strong>e, ethanol,water.Method Of PreparationAzidothymid<strong>in</strong>e ethosome was prepared as describedby Touitou et al .ePhospholipid and drug were taken<strong>in</strong> required quantity and dissolved <strong>in</strong> ethanol. Thismixture was heated to 30 degree centigrade <strong>in</strong> a waterbath. Double distilled water heated to 30 degrees wasslowly added as a f<strong>in</strong>e stream to lipid mixture withconstant stirr<strong>in</strong>g at 700rpm <strong>in</strong> closed vessel. Mix<strong>in</strong>gwas cont<strong>in</strong>ued for additional 5m<strong>in</strong>utes.The result<strong>in</strong>gvesicles were sonicated for 3 cycles <strong>of</strong> 5 m<strong>in</strong>utes with5 m<strong>in</strong>utes rest between the cycles.Characterization Of Ethosomal PreparationOptical Microscope ObservationThe ethosomal dispersion was spread on theglass slide us<strong>in</strong>g a glass rod. Formation <strong>of</strong>multilamellar vesicles was confirmed byexam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the ethosomal suspension under anoptical microscope with the magnificationpower <strong>of</strong> 100 x.Vesicular shape and surface morphologyScann<strong>in</strong>g electronic microscopy (SEM)was conducted to characterize the surfacemorphology <strong>of</strong> the ethosome vesicles were analyzedby scann<strong>in</strong>g electron microscopy (SEM). Prior toanalysis, the ethosome were mounted onto doublesidedtape that has previously been secured oncopper stubs and coated with plat<strong>in</strong>um, thenanalyzed at different magnifications.Particle SizeParticle size <strong>of</strong> the prepared ethosomalformulations were determ<strong>in</strong>ed by particle sizeanalyzer (Microtract S3500, USA). 1ml <strong>of</strong> theethosomal samples was poured <strong>in</strong> to the sampl<strong>in</strong>ghollow chamber and the mean particle size wasdetected us<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>of</strong>tware system.Drug ContentThe % drug content <strong>of</strong> ethosomalpreparation was determ<strong>in</strong>ed by us<strong>in</strong>g follow<strong>in</strong>gformula (1)%drug content =Sample absorbanceStandard absorbanceEntrapment efficiencyThe entrapment capacity <strong>of</strong> azidothymid<strong>in</strong>eethosomes was measured by the ultracentrifugemethod .Vesicular preparations conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gAzidothymid<strong>in</strong>e was kept overnight at 4°C andcentrifuged <strong>in</strong> a ultracentrifuge at 4°C, at 30 000 rpmfor 2 h. Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e was assayed both <strong>in</strong> thesediment and <strong>in</strong> the supernatant. The entrapmentefficiency was calculated us<strong>in</strong>g follow<strong>in</strong>g formula (2):%entrapment efficiency = Amount <strong>of</strong> drugadded- amount <strong>of</strong> drug non encapsulated ×100Amount <strong>of</strong> drug loadedIn Vitro Permeation StudiesThe <strong>in</strong>-vitro permeation <strong>of</strong>Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e from ethosomal formulationwas studied us<strong>in</strong>g locally fabricated diffusioncell. The <strong>in</strong>-vitro diffusion <strong>of</strong> the drug throughdialysis membrane was performed. Themembrane was soaked <strong>in</strong> a buffer for 6-8hours. Required quantity <strong>of</strong> ethosomalpreparation was filled <strong>in</strong> to dialysis membraneand both the ends <strong>of</strong> dialysis membrane aresealed without leakage with thread. This actedas donor compartment. 100ml <strong>of</strong> 0.1N Hcl wastaken <strong>in</strong> a beaker which was used as a receptorcompartment. The donor compartment waskept <strong>in</strong> contact with the receptor compartmentand the temperature was ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed at 37 ±0.1 ºC. The solutions <strong>of</strong> the receptor side werestirred by externally driven Teflon-coatedmagnetic bars. At predeterm<strong>in</strong>ed time<strong>in</strong>tervals, sample was withdrawn and replacedby 5ml <strong>of</strong> 0.1N Hcl . The drug concentrations<strong>in</strong> the aliquot were determ<strong>in</strong>ed at 267 nmaga<strong>in</strong>st appropriate blank. This experiment wasdone <strong>in</strong> triplicate and average value wasreported. In- vitro sk<strong>in</strong> permeation studieswere conducted for different formulation andeffect <strong>of</strong> variation <strong>in</strong> composition <strong>of</strong> ethanol onpermeation rate was observed.IJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 747

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical ResearchGParticle SizeThe particle size <strong>of</strong> ethosomal preparation were exam<strong>in</strong>ed by us<strong>in</strong>g Particle Size Analyser and resultswere discussed <strong>in</strong> the (Fig. 2A and 2B). 2A)H2B)Drug ContentThe %drug content <strong>of</strong> ethosomal formulations was calculated accord<strong>in</strong>g to formula (1) and was foundto be 83.4% for etho1, 118.38% for etho2 and 111.08%etho3.Entrapment EfficiencyThe entrapment efficiency <strong>of</strong> ethosomal formulation was calculated accord<strong>in</strong>g to formula (2) and was foundto be 85% for etho1, 79% for etho2 and 77% for etho3.In Vitro Permeation StudyThe composition <strong>of</strong> formulation was as follows: 1) Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e 2) soya lecith<strong>in</strong> 3) ethanol4) water. Release study <strong>of</strong> different formulations was taken <strong>in</strong> a suitable apparatus. The drug <strong>in</strong>corporated was 0.12g; lecith<strong>in</strong>concentration is 0.6g and ethanol concentration was varied. In etho1 the ethanol concentration was 52% which showed 96.98% <strong>of</strong>drug releaseIJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 749

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical ResearchFig No: 03, In ethanol 2 the ethanol concentration was 60% which showed 99.89% <strong>of</strong> drug release with <strong>in</strong> 3hrsFig : 3B, etho3 conta<strong>in</strong>s ethanol concentration <strong>of</strong> 67.5% which showed drug release <strong>of</strong> 102.29% with<strong>in</strong>3hrs.(Fig:3C)Table No: 01, Composition <strong>of</strong> prepared ethosomesComposition Etho 1 Etho 2 Etho 3Drug (Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e) 0.12 g 012g 0.12gPhospholipid (Soya0.6g 0.6g 0.6gLecith<strong>in</strong>)Ethanol 52% 60% 67.5%Water q.s to 30ml q.s to 30ml q.s to 30ml% Entrapment Efficiency 85% 79% 77%Etho1 0.9811Etho2 0.7437Etho3 0.9811The k<strong>in</strong>etics parameters were tabulated <strong>in</strong> table (2) and shown <strong>in</strong> (Fig 4A, 4B and 4c).K<strong>in</strong>etic ModelsZero order First order Higuchi KorsemeyerpeppasHixonR² R² R² R²R².8814 0.9611 .8826 0.95820.774 0.8614 0.9142 0.8560.5414 0.7523 0.8779 0.7932IJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 750

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical Research4B)IJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 751

A Satishchandra., et al. / International Journal <strong>of</strong> Advances <strong>in</strong> Pharmaceutical ResearchIR Studies: IR studies <strong>of</strong> azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e and lecith<strong>in</strong> were determ<strong>in</strong>ed and the peaks are shown <strong>in</strong> (Fig5A and5B).5A)68.36560676.60597.35651.61492.4355632.1550%T45403462.343161.633033.762813.152082.831438.791466.231259.801280.17789.071142.87734.30984.56956.381006.28934.76 759.91897.11846.011110.851065.891088.67560.7435301683.1525.64000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0cm-15B)86.0985.885.685.485.22938.192385.2185.084.8528.1584.63567.63722.43%T 84.484.284.083.883.63838.993673.143735.36854.5883.41615.3583.283.01744.041363.761216.6882.804000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450.0cm-1Fig 5 : IR Spectra <strong>of</strong> A) Pure drug (AZT) , B) Lecith<strong>in</strong>CONCLUSIONThe aim <strong>of</strong> current <strong>in</strong>vestigation is to evaluate thetransdermal potential <strong>of</strong> novel vesicular carrierethosomes, bear<strong>in</strong>g Azidothymid<strong>in</strong>e, anti-viral drughav<strong>in</strong>g limited transdermal permeation. Byformulat<strong>in</strong>g AZT as an ethosomal formulation, wecan <strong>in</strong>crease the permeation <strong>of</strong> drug <strong>in</strong> which ethanolacts as permeation enhancer. Ethosomal systems arecapable <strong>of</strong> deliver<strong>in</strong>g higher amounts <strong>of</strong> AZT atcontrolled release rate. It provides better remissionfrom the disease and reduces the duration <strong>of</strong> therapy.REFERENCES1. Vivek dave.,Dhirendra kumar., Shaila Lewis., Sarvesh paliwal.Ethosome For Enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery OfAcecl<strong>of</strong>enac.International Journal Of Drug Delivery .2010;2:81-92.2.Kundlik Girhepunje., Ranju Pal., HiteshGevariya.,Atanukumar ehera.,Thirumoorthy N.Ethosomes:A Novel Vesicular Carrier For EnhancedDermal Delivery Of Ciclopirox Olam<strong>in</strong>e. Der PharmaciaLettre.2010;2(1):360-367.3.M.K.Das., K.Rama Rao. Microencapsulation OfZidovud<strong>in</strong>e By Double Emulsion Solvent DiffusionTechnique Us<strong>in</strong>g Ethylcellulose.Indian .J.Pharm.Sci.2007;69(2):244-250.4.E.Touitou., B.God<strong>in</strong>., N.Dayan.,C.Weiss.,A.Piliponsky., F.Levi-Schaffer. Intracellular DeliveryMediated By An EthosomalCarrier.Biomaterials.2001;22:3053-3059.5.Gangwar Satyam., S<strong>in</strong>gh Shivani., GargGarima.Ethosomes: A Novel Tool For Drug DeliveryThrough Sk<strong>in</strong>. Journal PharmacyResearch.2010;3(4):688-691.6.Ehab R. Bendas ., M<strong>in</strong>a I . Tardos.EnhancedTransdermal Delivery Of Salbutamol Sulfate ViaEthosomes.AAPS PharmSciTech.2007;8(4)Article107:E1-E9.7. M.K.Bhalaria., Sach<strong>in</strong> Naik., A.N.Misra.Ethosomes:A Novel Delivery System For Antifungal Drugs InTreatment Of Topical Fungal Diseases.INDIAN J EXPBIOL.2009;Vol.47:368-375.IJAPR / Feb. 2012/ Vol. 3 / Issue. 2 / 746 - 752 752

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